Top Catch 22 Quotes About Life, Wars, and Peace

Catch 22 quotes

1 . You wouldn’t be normal if you weren’t afraid, Even the bravest of men experience fear. -Major

best quotes from catch 22

It is fear that makes us human. You need not be ashamed of being fearful because everyone goes through it. It’s fear that helps us survive and it drives our actions in dangerous situations.

2 . If I had a nickel for every small thought of yours, I’d be the richest. -Cathcart

best quotes from catch 22

Some people just think more than they act. There’s no point in overthinking if you cannot act on those. It is action which brings you results not your thoughts.

3 . In his eyes, there’s no life flashing before them or any of that, There’s just terror. -Yossarian

best quotes from catch 22

When we are faced with a life and death situation, it’s impossible to think about anything else. There’s just fear in our eyes, fear of the impending danger.

4 . You’re a good man, you’ve earned it, you worked hard. -Cathcart

best quotes from catch 22

The hard work that you do always pays off. You will not be handed out freebies in life. You need to work for it and prove yourself.

5 . Do you know what that feels like, to be afraid of a piece of string? -Yossarian

best quotes from catch 22

People are inherently different from each other. And hence, their fears will be different too. Just because someone is afraid of something that you would not be, does give you the right to belittle them.

6 . I talk like a madman, But I live like a sane one. -Marcello

best quotes from catch 22

Your words and your actions should be in harmony. Some people have no control over their words. They simply blurt out things without ever thinking about it twice.

7 . Clevinger was, he was just, good, basically. -Yossarian

best quotes from catch 22

It never is enough to be just good. You need to strive to be great. People never remember the mediocre. It is only the great who are remembered.

8 . We don’t just hand out promotions, willy-nilly. -Cathcart

best quotes from catch 22

The rewards that you receive in life are not simple freebies. You’ve earned them by working hard. Be proud of your achievements and let that motivate you to try harder.

9 . Ain’t it beautiful? What does this look like to you? The apocalypse. -Yossarian

best quotes from catch 22

Sometimes, it is the end that is most fascinating. You need not be afraid or sad because some things end. It is the end that holds the most beauty and meaning.

10 . I’m heading home. -Yossarian

best quotes from catch 22

After everything that you have been through, the thing that you yearn for the most is your home. It is the only place that we find solace in. There really is no place like home.

Top 10 Catch 22 Quotes About Life, Wars, and Peace

1. You wouldn’t be normal if you weren’t afraid, Even the bravest of men experience fear. -Major

2. If I had a nickel for every small thought of yours, I’d be the richest. -Cathcart

3. In his eyes, there’s no life flashing before them or any of that, There’s just terror. -Yossarian

4. You’re a good man, you’ve earned it, you worked hard. -Cathcart

5. Do you know what that feels like, to be afraid of a piece of string? -Yossarian

6. I talk like a madman, But I live like a sane one. -Marcello

7. Clevinger was, he was just, good, basically. -Yossarian

8. We don’t just hand out promotions, willy-nilly. -Cathcart

9. Ain’t it beautiful? What does this look like to you? The apocalypse. -Yossarian

10. I’m heading home. -Yossarian

Chirag Malik

Meet Mr Sarcasm, always giving advice – taking none, a wannabe engineer and a bonafide curator who’s full of quirks!
Ps : No one really listens to him though ;)

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