9 Amazing Life Quotes from Hulu Sci-Fi Thriller DEVS

DEVS quotes

1 . Do you know why you pull the trigger? It’s for Jamie. -Forest

Best quotes from Hulu's DEVS

We can go to any lengths for the people we love. It’s in our nature to do even the unthinkable for the ones who we really care for.

2 . And don’t worry, you’re gonna figure it out, I know you are. -Forest

Best quotes from Hulu's DEVS

No matter how tough some things look, we can always figure them out if we are determined to do so. All we need to do is put all our efforts into it and things will eventually work out.

3 . Everything’s containable, But only if you’re willing to do what it takes. -Kenton

Best quotes from Hulu's DEVS

There’s always a way to make it through any bad situation. There’s always a solution to any problem. But you have to be determined enough to do what it takes.

4 . Life is just something we watch unfold. -Forest

Best quotes from Hulu's DEVS

We do not have much control over how our life turns out. It is unpredictable and brings many surprises along the way. We can only watch them unfold and try to endure it.

5 . I have friends, and they’re taking care of me. -Lily

Best quotes from Hulu's DEVS

It is our friends who help us in our most vulnerable moments. They support and help us make it through our tough times. It’s our friends on whom we can rely on anytime.

6 . Human beings are hard-wired magical thinkers, you could have the most rational thinker and if their kid gets hurt they’ll start praying. -Katie

Best quotes from Hulu's DEVS

Humans have an habit of irrational thinking. We rely on our emotions more than anything else. The moment there’s a situation that we cannot comprehend, we rely on superstitions to help us.

7 . You can talk to me at any time, You can call me at any time. -Forest

Best quotes from Hulu's DEVS

We all need someone whom we can rely on in our times of need. We need them to be around us when we are distressed. If you find such people, never let them go.

8 . I want you to consider that Sergei had a good reason for doing what he did. -Anton

Best quotes from Hulu's DEVS

All of us have our reasons for doing the things that we do. Sometimes, we are forced to go against our morals and do that which we normally would not.

9 . I didn’t want to know the future. -Lyndon

Best quotes from Hulu's DEVS

The unpredictability of life is what makes it so beautiful. There’s no point in living life if you are sure of the future and what it holds for you. The surprises life throws at you is what makes it fun.

9 Amazing Life Quotes from Hulu Sci-Fi Thriller DEVS

1. Do you know why you pull the trigger? It’s for Jamie. -Forest

2. And don’t worry, you’re gonna figure it out, I know you are. -Forest

3. Everything’s containable, But only if you’re willing to do what it takes. -Kenton

4. Life is just something we watch unfold. -Forest

5. I have friends, and they’re taking care of me. -Lily

6. Human beings are hard-wired magical thinkers, you could have the most rational thinker and if their kid gets hurt they’ll start praying. -Katie

7. You can talk to me at any time, You can call me at any time. -Forest

8. I want you to consider that Sergei had a good reason for doing what he did. -Anton

9. I didn’t want to know the future. -Lyndon

Aaryan Sharma

Meet our Tech Wiz – he’s a true blooded Otaku and an encyclopedia of all things tech! Foodie to the hilt and the clandestine king of online food ordering! There is No Veg burger he doesn’t have an opinion on!

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