8 Best quotes from Jurassic World Dominion

Awesome quotes from Jurassic World Dominion

1 . It’s okay for us to depend on each other, that’s what people do. – Claire Dearing

Top quotes from Jurassic World Dominion

Claire said this to Maisie and validated that we as humans can be codependent on each other. That’s what people do. We have to co-ordinate and be reliant on each other.

2 . We not only lack dominion over nature, we’re subordinate to it. – Ian Malcolm

Top quotes from Jurassic World Dominion

Humans beings are the second most dominant living thing, and of course, nature is the first. Malcolm knows that humans are subordinate to nature.

3 . It’s always darkest just before the eternal nothingness. – Ian Malcolm

Top quotes from Jurassic World Dominion

Ian was indeed right; we often feel the darkest before eternal nothingness. It’s the darkest before the oblivion of everlasting nothingness surrounds us.

4 . If our world’s gonna survive, what matters is what we do now. – Ellie Sattler

Top quotes from Jurassic World Dominion

Ellie is one of the strongest characters in the movie. Ellie believed that if their world was going to survive, what matters is their present actions. She has to live with the regret and trauma of Jurassic Park and the end of her marriage.

5 . Ellie, I am coming with you. – Alan Grant

Top quotes from Jurassic World Dominion

Towards the climax of Jurassic World Dominion, Alan realizes what matters to him the most. He decides to make up for his regret for not choosing Ellie and go with her.

6 . I wanted to show that something that wasn’t an illusion. Something that was real. – Hammond

Top quotes from Jurassic World Dominion

Hammond was sure life would find a way. He knows all this isn’t an illusion. Something in all this was real.

7 . Humans and dinosaurs can’t coexist. We created an ecological disaster. – Ellie Sattler

Top quotes from Jurassic World Dominion

Humans have created an ecological imbalance and ecological disaster. Humans and the biggest carnivore, dinosaurs, can’t coexist on this planet. The cycle of nature wouldn’t allow this.

8 . In order to instigate revolutionary change. We must transform human consciousness. – Ian Malcolm

Top quotes from Jurassic World Dominion

Humans must evolve with changing times, a revolutionary change. Human consciousness must be transformed. Ian’s speech during the BioSyn facility argued that humanity must accept the changing circumstances rather than expecting dinosaurs to withdraw.

8 Best quotes from Jurassic World Dominion

1. It’s okay for us to depend on each other, that’s what people do. – Claire Dearing

2. We not only lack dominion over nature, we’re subordinate to it. – Ian Malcolm

3. It’s always darkest just before the eternal nothingness. – Ian Malcolm

4. If our world’s gonna survive, what matters is what we do now. – Ellie Sattler

5. Ellie, I am coming with you. – Alan Grant

6. I wanted to show that something that wasn’t an illusion. Something that was real. – Hammond

7. Humans and dinosaurs can’t coexist. We created an ecological disaster. – Ellie Sattler

8. In order to instigate revolutionary change. We must transform human consciousness. – Ian Malcolm