72 Best Quotes from The Peaky Blinders Season 6

Quotes from The Peaky Blinders Season 6

1 . You’re not a soldier, you’re a coward. Leaving your family behind without a goodbye. – Lizzie Shelby

Tommy Shelby Quotes

Tommy had been bearing enough weight to pursue him to kill himself. After failing at trying to end his life, Lizzie explains how he’s not even a soldier anymore as he couldn’t tell the weight of an empty gun. He was just a loser, giving up on his life with zero regards for a family he would leave behind.

2 . No matter what it takes.. No matter how many lies I have to tell… I will take revenge on Tommy Shelby – Michael Gray

Tommy Shelby Quotes

Michael was devastated by his mother’s death and he blamed Tommy’s never ending ambitions and longing for power for it. Michael swore on Polly’s grave to surely seek revenge on Tommy Shelby.

3 . Since I foreswore alcohol, I’ve become a calmer and more peaceful person – Tommy Shelby

Tommy Shelby Quotes

When Tommy refuses to raise a toast to the bootleg workers at Hotel Roberts in Miquelon, a fight breaks out. Tommy states that he doesn’t drink anymore, symbolising a major change in his character as Tommy Shelby, in all his moments, would resort to good Irish Whiskey.

4 . Sometimes, in moments of personal conflict I can resort to my old ways. If this were to happen now, it would indeed be a black day in Miquelon.- Tommy Shelby

Tommy Shelby Quotes

After forsaking alcohol, Tommy had become a more peaceful man. He might have become a little pacifist, but he was still a dangerous man. Tommy, with his amazing oratory skills, states how dangerous he can be if he actually wanted to.

5 . You know, Michael, when you’re dealing with a very powerful enemy, taking revenge sometimes requires time. You have to .. pick your moment. – Tommy Shelby

Tommy Shelby Quotes

Michael has a presence in the family but he’s still hotblooded and an amateur. Tommy on the other hand is a veteran who is exceptional at dealing with enemies who possess power greater than himself. Tommy carefully advises Michael that dealing with such enemies takes time and the blow needs to be delivered at the perfect moment.

6 . The guy knows things that can get him killed and he says them out loud – Unknown

Tommy Shelby Quotes

This statement accurately describes Tommy Shelby. When one of the goons that Michael had brought with him decides to mock Tommy. When Jack Nelson is mentioned Tommy states that he knows of him very well along with all that he’s capable of.

7 . I now realise that whiskey is just fuel for the loud engines inside your head – Tommy Shelby

Tommy Shelby Quotes

Tommy had many vices, one of them being alcohol. When asked to drink alcohol after he had forsaken it, Tommy states that it only enhanced the negative thoughts and hallucinations that he was suffering from.

8 . Beware the man with a bleeding heart tattoo, with “Maria” written in red. – Tommy Shelby

Tommy Shelby Quotes

Tommy is a mastermind when it comes to manipulating and using his enemies. Tommy pretended to warn Nelson’s men against an informant who was a part of their organisation, when in reality he was setting them up to gain an upper hand over Michael in the deal.

9 . Every catastrophe is also an opportunity – Tommy Shelby

Tommy Shelby Quotes

Tommy was an ambitious and resourceful man. He always had a plan for even the worst situations. When the prohibitions on whiskey transportation got removed, he saw this as an opportunity to use Michael and do some business overseas.

10 . No more Polly, no more whiskey, no more Tommy – Lizzie Shelby

Tommy Shelby Quotes

Polly was the backbone of the Shelby family. After losing her to the IRA, Tommy was never the same. He seemed gloomy and lifeless as Lizzie described his voice to be dead one.

11 . You talk loose to anyone, it’ll be me in the harbour and you’ll be the Maria with the bleeding heart – Michael Gray

Tommy Shelby Quotes

Michael knew the rules of business. He couldn’t do anything inside the lock up after Tommy ratted him out. Michael makes Gina understand that she should only trust a few people otherwise she would soon be a widow.

12 . You smell of jail, Gina. And you drink too much – Tommy Shelby

Tommy Shelby Quotes

Tommy says a lot with his witty remarks. He easily breaks Gina’s facade after letting her know that he knew she had gone to see Michael in Jail and that she had revealed a lot of information to many.

13 . Tell Ruby I’ll build her a snowman – Tommy Shelby

Tommy Shelby Quotes

Tommy might be the most feared Gangster in Birmingham, but he’s still a father of two kids. When he hears that Ruby was suffering from a fever and wasn’t fit enough to travel, Tommy asks Lizzie to tell her that daddy would build her a snowman when he gets back.

14 . I have no limitations – Tommy Shelby

Tommy Shelby Quotes

Tommy is always confident in himself and his connections. When Michael states that he must learn from Polly’s death and understand his boundaries. Tommy shuts him up with the above words.

15 . It’s the work to blame – Lizzie Shleby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Tommy was sick and restless. The constant worries of a life threatening business deal always had him on guard, so much so that he couldn’t even have a proper sleep.

16 . In the Shelby family, business comes before issues of vengeance – Tommy Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Shelbys were highly professional when it came to dealing with personal losses. Tommy assures Mckee that she was safe as they needed to conduct business with her. Vengeance can come later.

17 . My racehorse, Moral Turpitude, is just one of many in my stables – Tommy Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

After Mckee questions Tommy’s morals and ethics, Tommy shows her some of the President’s private letters, telling her that his constant lack of morals is what helps him get to the points his enemies can’t even imagine reaching.

18 . A friend loves at all time.. but a brother is born for adversity – Tommy Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Arthur was always wasted. He had become such an opium addict that he would always need Ada to get to bed. Friends always help you in life whereas brothers always create problems for you to solve.

19 . Ada, if you don’t wanna help me carry the bucket then I wouldn’t blame you – Tommy Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Tommy understood the risks involved in the business. He no longer insisted Ada to work with him because he did not want her to be in danger. Times had changed. They were not kids working a chore anymore. This business meant life or death.

20 . Alfie I think I may have written your final act – Tommy Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Alfie had lost interest in almost everything. He was just cooped up in his place waiting for his end. And Tommy knew how to give reasons to a man looking for his end. Tommy promised Alfie that he would get revenge for his uncle.

21 . I have no interest in a dead man – Gina Gray

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Gina was confident in her uncle’s ability to silence Tommy. She was not heeding to Michael’s warnings or being cautious. She knew that for Nelson’s reign to continue, Shelby must die.

22 . Look at your smile, brother. It’s been so long – Arthur Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Even if Arthur was wasted, he was happy to see his brother smile after a long time. A smile that had buried itself under various losses and burdens. A smile that had creeped back up when Tommy talked about working with his brother again.

23 . His name was Tommy Shelby. He drank whiskey – Tommy Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Tommy was a changed man. When asked by Nelson about his last kill, Tommy states that he had murdered his past self. A drunkard who used to drown in his own sorrows.

24 . You are a brave man, Mr. Shelby – Jack Nelson

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Nelson was surprised by the way Tommy talked about trading with the Jews in front of him. Tommy wasn’t afraid of his enemies. In fact, he was a master of using their nerves against him.

25 . To see what’s inside. Wait till you see. God. God knows what’s inside. God help her. – Tommy Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Tommy was a believer. He knew that he had done a lot of bad things, and his daughter was being punished for all of them. He was praying for the Almighty to punish him and not Ruby.

26 . I will strike a bargain – Tommy Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Tommy thought he could buy his way out of any situation. But this time he was up against his own sins. Tommy wanted to buy off the person who cursed his daughter but it just wasn’t enough.

27 . What use is a man? A horse pulls the wagon. A dog keeps me safe. A cat keeps me warm at night – Esme Shelby Lee

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Esme has suffered greatly after marrying John Shelby. So much so that she deemed all men useless. To her, animals were much better than the men who just fought and murdered each other.

28 . How can you change so much and not change at all – Esme Shelby Lee

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Tommy Shelby, the man who was always on his guard, couldn’t notice a woman taking out his car’s spark plug. Esme was astonished to see that Tommy had the same killer attitude, but time had worn out his killer instincts.

29 . Not a normal man, your brother. – Lizzie Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Lizzie was broken and alone. She needed her husband to comfort her beside their sick daughter and not run around mountains looking for a mythical cure. Lizzie needed a normal man, not a Gypsy soldier.

30 . I say big- time boys don’t ask for permission – Arthur Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Arthur was set to go to battle after a long time and even after years he possessed the same killer mentality. When Isiah introduces his cousins as the crew for the mission. Arthur gladly accepts and rushes to battle.

31 . Among the Peaky Blinders, any man who comes home from a mission with all his bullets, pays a fine. – Isiah

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Isiah had grown up into a fine gangster who could intimidate great numbers. When a few workers decide to ridicule their visit, Isiah, with the above words establishes dominance, like a true Peaky Blinder

32 . I’ve done bad things, Esme. I would like to make amends – Tommy Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Tommy understood his sins better than anyone. It was clear to him that someone had cursed his daughter to seek revenge. He was ready to make amends with anyone dead or alive for the sake of his daughter.

33 . They’ve put her with the dead people – Lizzie Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

The moment Tommy’s car approaches, Lizzie screams at him, pouring all her grief onto a failed father. Lizzie was broken and felt as if she failed to protect her little girl from her father’s sins.

34 . I gave her your kiss goodbye – Lizzie Shelb

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Tommy was so busy finding a fictional cure for his daughter, that he couldn’t be there for her in her final moments. When Ruby asked for her father, Lizzie kissed her goodbye from Tommy as well.

35 . Gold doesn’t work. That was the last lesson that ruby taught us – Tommy Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Tommy Shelby was a man who believed he could buy off anyone and anything. He tried to buy off the woman who cursed him. He tried to buy his daughter’s life. But no amount of money can clean someone of their sins. That’s a truth Tommy learnt after he lost his daughter.

36 . The devils who did this will pay, Ruby – Tommy Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Tommy had forsaken a lot of his violent past but he was still the vicious Peaky Blinder that Birmingham feared. Tommy never showed mercy to those who came after his family. He was ready to hunt down and massacre those who had taken his little girl away from him.

37 . Evadne barwell, I’m here on behalf of the blue sapphire – Tommy Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

When Thomas found the woman who had cursed Ruby, he was ready to rain his wrath upon her and her kin. He massacred everyone he could lay his eyes on except the children

38 . What is this good that you will become? – Lizzie Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Lizzie was not happy with what Tommy had done to Barwell. She knew he had killed Barwell in Ruby’s name. LIzzie didn’t want her little girl to be the reason for someone’s death. She had lost her faith in Tommy. She didn’t believe he could really change for good.

39 . You wanted me to win. You’ve wanted me to win ever since – Tommy Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

After a long time we get to see a heart to heart between the two brothers. Tommy might be the head but Arthur was clearly the big brother. Tommy understood his love and knew his brother always wished the best for him and wanted him to improve.

40 . If someone touches you, you won’t shatter – Frances

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Frances is one of the few people out of the Shelby household who really cared about Tommy’s well being. She wanted Tommy to be mindful of his health since she saw him just moments away from insanity.

41 . When I do business with someone, I make it my business to know their secrets – Tommy Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Tommy is someone you would never want as your enemy. He researches his foes and uses their secrets against them. Tommy controls his battles using the minds of his very enemies.

42 . I understand that you have defeated many enemies, Mr Shelby, but now you have a new one, Inside you. – Dr. Holford

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Tommy was diagnosed with severe Tuberculoma and he could not be operated on due to the location of his tumour. Tommy had survived many deadly battles but this enemy was just too much for him. He had finally reached the end of the line.

43 . Just a bill I wasn’t expecting and I’ll have to pay it – Tommy Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Tommy didn’t want Lizzie to know that he was ill but still his remark wasn’t too far from the truth. Maybe this was just the bill for his numerous sins that he had committed in his time. A bill, he finally had to pay.

44 . Not a Devil, just an ordinary mortal man – Tommy Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Tommy had finally reached a point of no return. The man who had claimed to have no limitations had finally reached one. He had realised that when faced with death, he was just the same as anyone else, a normal mortal man.

45 . It would be nice if just one thing could happen in Birmingham that wasn’t our fault – Ada Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Ada was more than done with Tommy’s ways. When she understands that the Montague street explosion was Tommy’s doing, Ada was both stressed and annoyed.

46 . A child is a precious thing – Tommy Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Tommy had just lost a daughter to tuberculosis. He had neglected her long enough that it took her permanent absence to make him realize how precious a child is. He was not going to neglect Duke the same way.

47 . Is it too early for whiskey? – Ada Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

When Tommy introduced Duke as his son and the newest member of the family, it was a huge shock to everyone, so much so that it took Ada some whiskey to swallow this announcement.

48 . He may not need to take many steps. – Tommy Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Tommy was well aware of his approaching death and now he was constantly being reminded of it by everything that surrounded him. When Linda tells him that God is walking towards him, he states that he won’t have to walk much.

49 . Soon, Mr. Stagg, when my last piece of business is done… I will indeed, be an ordinary mortal man – Tommy Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Tommy had a strong personality and he liked to think of himself as an invincible man. But now, with his impending death, he had finally understood that even with all his power, he was just a mere mortal.

50 . I know she’s here with us. But still, it’s just you and me – Tommy Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Tommy and Lizzie did not recover well from losing their daughter. So much so that even in their personal moments, they could feel their daughter lurking beside them.

51 . When you married me, you married a man and you married a curse – Tommy Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Tommy had a long list of regrets, but he truly regretted ruining Lizzie’s life by marrying her. Tommy thought of himself as a living curse who burnt everything that he touched, even his family. He was not a man who could provide a normal life to his wife and kids. He was a cold blooded killer. He was a Peaky Blinder.

52 . Above God, above children, above his wife and above his mother… most of all, a man loves his balls – Jack Nelson

Peaky Blinders Quotes

In this brutal scene we see Jack Nelson for who he truly is. A merciless man who could easily hit below the belt to get his way. He uses Billy’s cowardice to make him an informant against Tommy and kill Arthur and lets him know that the price of failure would be his manhood.

53 . Horses are better than people, you know – Duke Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Duke seemed like a boy who had lived a really simple life up to this point. He did not want money or fame. He wanted anonymity. Duke hated to be around people. He believed horses were better than people.

54 . You know, whiskey does talk, Mr. Nelson, and sometimes whiskey is very eloquent – Tommy Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Nelson was celebrating and was talking too much. Tommy, being a man who had understood how whiskey affects a person’s thinking, subtly, tells Nelson to watch his mouth.

55 . She doesn’t deserve me. She doesn’t deserve what I am. She doesn’t deserve what I will become. – Tommy Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Tommy felt broken after Lizzie found out that he had been with Diana. Tommy knew that Lizzie deserved much more than what he could ever become. He was just a criminal who had to deal with scum like Nelson and Mosley and Lizzie didn’t deserve to be associated with these monsters.

56 . Could there be a sadder ending, eh? – Tommy Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Tommy had very less time left to live and a lot of business to settle. He now had an unattended son and a wife that he could do nothing for. The great Tommy Shelby had reached his end in the worst way possible.

57 . For all I try to hide it, I’m just one of you.. – Tommy Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Tommy had a sense of righteousness. He believed he had a moral code and that he was a fair man. But deep down, he knew that even he had committed sins that would affect him and his loved ones. Tommy was also a monster, just like the ones he was attending at his dining table.

58 . The smoke from your daughter’s funeral is still in your clothes.. and you slept with someone – Lizzie Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Lizzie had her heart broken time to time again by Tommy. She was devastated by the fact that some piece of business was so important to him that he slept with someone after a few days of his daughter’s passing.

59 . You’re not so good at lying anymore, Tommy! These days the truth gets in your eyes – Lizzie Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Lizzie had known Tommy too well and for far too long. He couldn’t lie to her anymore. She could see that Tommy was not his usual self. He wanted to be truthful about his deeds but he just couldn’t.

60 . You are cursed, Tommy. Never to understand the limits that other people will accept – Lizzie Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Tommy had brought forth a lot of loss and agony for his family and Lizzie was the one who had to suffer the most. She was done trying to keep up with a man who refused to understand his mortal limitations.

61 . You’re not my mum.. but you’re more my mum than he’s my dad – Charles Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Charles was just a kid who was also recovering from losing his sister and was now faced with the agony of his parents splitting up. Charles loved Lizzie and did not want to let her go. She was more of a mother to him than Tommy was a father.

62 . When men come to us with bad intentions, the family come together – Charlie

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Charlie was a loyal member of the Peaky Blinders. When showing Duke around the armoury, he told him that no matter the size of the enemy, family always comes together to fight the threat off.

63 . Fairness is not a soldier’s concern – Charlie

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Duke was a new member to the gang. He had his own principles and morals. He did not understand the need for unnecessary killing at the gambling shop. Charlie slams his moral compass with the above words, stating the fact that he is still just a soldier.

64 . How long have we been dead for, eh? You and me, how long? At least now I’ll have a certificate – Tommy Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Tommy and Arthur had seen a lot of death. So much that they had been dead inside. They had to watch their loved ones die while they fought for meaningless things. Tommy was finally at peace with the thought of dying for real.

65 . I don’t want anyone.. anyone who may or may not love me .. to have to see me crawl.. or grow insane and helpless. – Tommy Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Tommy had given enough problems to his family he did not want to become one for them. He did not want them to see the great and strong Thomas Shelby crumble and disintegrate into insanity as time passes.

66 . Instead of me there will be money. Because for most of the people who are close to me that is what I am! – Tommy Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Tommy did not love himself a single bit. He hated himself and his life, but he loved every member of his family. Tommy wanted to leave behind everything that he had earned for them, because he believed everyone who was close to him was there because of his money

67 . This means you own the watch, the watch doesn’t own you. The clock strikes six when you fucking tell it to – Tommy Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

The Shelby’s were more than just powerful. The name could strike fear in the mightiest of leaders. When Finn says that he wouldn’t drink before sunrise because his wife says so, Tommy reminds him that he is the one who owns the watch. The Shelby’s create their own time.

68 . No one close to you makes a choice without your opinion, Tom – Michael Gray

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Michael had his final encounter with Tom at the end of a barrel. Even in his final moments he cursed Tom for being the manipulative and dictating man that he is. Everyone in the family was either a soldier or a pawn.

69 . She’ll visit me no more – Tommy Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Tommy shoots Michael dead in the face, making Polly’s prediction come true. Tommy was now free of Aunt Polly’s constant reminders that he would either kill or get killed by Michael.

70 . Dead men can see through life like it was a curtain that billows with the flicker of truth upon it – Alfie Solomons

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Alfie is someone who always lightens the mood whenever he comes on screen but he has some of the greatest words. Alfie had been dead and away from the society for a long time. People like him can have a different outlook on life.

71 . You may not have Tuberculoma, Mr Shelby, but you are sick! – Dr. Holford

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Holford was scared to death to find himself at the end of Tommy Shelby’s gun. He spoke the truth before accepting death. He told Tom that even though he wasn’t terminally ill, he was emotionally scarred and filled with guilt.

72 . I’m guessing you people all decided that the only person who could ever kill Tommy Shelby is Tommy Shelby himself – Tommy Shelby

Peaky Blinders Quotes

Tommy Shleby has established himself as one of the most iconic characters in television history. Tommy was such a strong foe that the only way of killing him was to make him believe that he’s going to be dead anyway. The only thing that could kill him was his own will.

72 Best Quotes from The Peaky Blinders Season 6

1. You’re not a soldier, you’re a coward. Leaving your family behind without a goodbye. – Lizzie Shelby

2. No matter what it takes.. No matter how many lies I have to tell… I will take revenge on Tommy Shelby – Michael Gray

3. Since I foreswore alcohol, I’ve become a calmer and more peaceful person – Tommy Shelby

4. Sometimes, in moments of personal conflict I can resort to my old ways. If this were to happen now, it would indeed be a black day in Miquelon.- Tommy Shelby

5. You know, Michael, when you’re dealing with a very powerful enemy, taking revenge sometimes requires time. You have to .. pick your moment. – Tommy Shelby

6. The guy knows things that can get him killed and he says them out loud – Unknown

7. I now realise that whiskey is just fuel for the loud engines inside your head – Tommy Shelby

8. Beware the man with a bleeding heart tattoo, with “Maria” written in red. – Tommy Shelby

9. Every catastrophe is also an opportunity – Tommy Shelby

10. No more Polly, no more whiskey, no more Tommy – Lizzie Shelby

11. You talk loose to anyone, it’ll be me in the harbour and you’ll be the Maria with the bleeding heart – Michael Gray

12. You smell of jail, Gina. And you drink too much – Tommy Shelby

13. Tell Ruby I’ll build her a snowman – Tommy Shelby

14. I have no limitations – Tommy Shelby

15. It’s the work to blame – Lizzie Shleby

16. In the Shelby family, business comes before issues of vengeance – Tommy Shelby

17. My racehorse, Moral Turpitude, is just one of many in my stables – Tommy Shelby

18. A friend loves at all time.. but a brother is born for adversity – Tommy Shelby

19. Ada, if you don’t wanna help me carry the bucket then I wouldn’t blame you – Tommy Shelby

20. Alfie I think I may have written your final act – Tommy Shelby

21. I have no interest in a dead man – Gina Gray

22. Look at your smile, brother. It’s been so long – Arthur Shelby

23. His name was Tommy Shelby. He drank whiskey – Tommy Shelby

24. You are a brave man, Mr. Shelby – Jack Nelson

25. To see what’s inside. Wait till you see. God. God knows what’s inside. God help her. – Tommy Shelby

26. I will strike a bargain – Tommy Shelby

27. What use is a man? A horse pulls the wagon. A dog keeps me safe. A cat keeps me warm at night – Esme Shelby Lee

28. How can you change so much and not change at all – Esme Shelby Lee

29. Not a normal man, your brother. – Lizzie Shelby

30. I say big- time boys don’t ask for permission – Arthur Shelby

31. Among the Peaky Blinders, any man who comes home from a mission with all his bullets, pays a fine. – Isiah

32. I’ve done bad things, Esme. I would like to make amends – Tommy Shelby

33. They’ve put her with the dead people – Lizzie Shelby

34. I gave her your kiss goodbye – Lizzie Shelb

35. Gold doesn’t work. That was the last lesson that ruby taught us – Tommy Shelby

36. The devils who did this will pay, Ruby – Tommy Shelby

37. Evadne barwell, I’m here on behalf of the blue sapphire – Tommy Shelby

38. What is this good that you will become? – Lizzie Shelby

39. You wanted me to win. You’ve wanted me to win ever since – Tommy Shelby

40. If someone touches you, you won’t shatter – Frances

41. When I do business with someone, I make it my business to know their secrets – Tommy Shelby

42. I understand that you have defeated many enemies, Mr Shelby, but now you have a new one, Inside you. – Dr. Holford

43. Just a bill I wasn’t expecting and I’ll have to pay it – Tommy Shelby

44. Not a Devil, just an ordinary mortal man – Tommy Shelby

45. It would be nice if just one thing could happen in Birmingham that wasn’t our fault – Ada Shelby

46. A child is a precious thing – Tommy Shelby

47. Is it too early for whiskey? – Ada Shelby

48. He may not need to take many steps. – Tommy Shelby

49. Soon, Mr. Stagg, when my last piece of business is done… I will indeed, be an ordinary mortal man – Tommy Shelby

50. I know she’s here with us. But still, it’s just you and me – Tommy Shelby

51. When you married me, you married a man and you married a curse – Tommy Shelby

52. Above God, above children, above his wife and above his mother… most of all, a man loves his balls – Jack Nelson

53. Horses are better than people, you know – Duke Shelby

54. You know, whiskey does talk, Mr. Nelson, and sometimes whiskey is very eloquent – Tommy Shelby

55. She doesn’t deserve me. She doesn’t deserve what I am. She doesn’t deserve what I will become. – Tommy Shelby

56. Could there be a sadder ending, eh? – Tommy Shelby

57. For all I try to hide it, I’m just one of you.. – Tommy Shelby

58. The smoke from your daughter’s funeral is still in your clothes.. and you slept with someone – Lizzie Shelby

59. You’re not so good at lying anymore, Tommy! These days the truth gets in your eyes – Lizzie Shelby

60. You are cursed, Tommy. Never to understand the limits that other people will accept – Lizzie Shelby

61. You’re not my mum.. but you’re more my mum than he’s my dad – Charles Shelby

62. When men come to us with bad intentions, the family come together – Charlie

63. Fairness is not a soldier’s concern – Charlie

64. How long have we been dead for, eh? You and me, how long? At least now I’ll have a certificate – Tommy Shelby

65. I don’t want anyone.. anyone who may or may not love me .. to have to see me crawl.. or grow insane and helpless. – Tommy Shelby

66. Instead of me there will be money. Because for most of the people who are close to me that is what I am! – Tommy Shelby

67. This means you own the watch, the watch doesn’t own you. The clock strikes six when you fucking tell it to – Tommy Shelby

68. No one close to you makes a choice without your opinion, Tom – Michael Gray

69. She’ll visit me no more – Tommy Shelby

70. Dead men can see through life like it was a curtain that billows with the flicker of truth upon it – Alfie Solomons

71. You may not have Tuberculoma, Mr Shelby, but you are sick! – Dr. Holford

72. I’m guessing you people all decided that the only person who could ever kill Tommy Shelby is Tommy Shelby himself – Tommy Shelby