44 Mind-Bending Quotes From Dark TV Series on Netflix!

Dark Netflix Quotes

1 . Things only change when we change them. But you have to do it – Mikkel Nielsen

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If we desire for change, we need to make a difference. This is only possible by taking the starting step. When you do nothing, nothing happens.

2 . Our thinking is shaped by dualism. Entrance, exit. Black, white. Good, evil. Everything appears as opposite pairs. But that’s wrong. – H.G. Tannhaus

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We often think in black and white. Life has many layers which we fail to recognise. We need to change our thinking to see through such layers.

3 . Most people are nothing but pawns on a chessboard led by an unknown hand. – Noah

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We think our actions are of our own. However, this is far from the truth. We end up being led by many unknown factors, for instance, our circumstances.

4 . We are all full of sin. No pure human being exists. But no matter what we do, we never fall any lower than into God’s hands. – Noah

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At some point of time, we end up committing a sin. There’s always a dark side of human nature. We need to make sure our actions don’t stoop so low.

5 . Good and evil are a question of perspective. – Mikkel Nielsen

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Morality is subjective. What is good or bad for one person might be the opposite for another. Everything depends on how we perceive others’ actions and situations.

6 . The truth is a strange thing. You can try to suppress it, but it will always find its way to the surface. – Michael

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No matter how much you try to hide the truth, it eventually gets revealed. Truth always triumphs, no matter what.

7 . There are things out there that our little minds will never comprehend. – H.G. Tannhaus

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Life has unknown entities which are beyond our comprehension. Hence, we find them “strange”.

8 . But every now and then it’s good to question those who question things. – Noah

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Instead of following things blindly, we need to question things at times. By questioning them, our mind opens up to new ideas. We think and do things differently.

9 . We all face the same end. – Martha

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People come from different walks of life and have different journeys. However, they face the same end in life. It is called death.

10 . In the end, we will all get just what we deserve.- The Stranger

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It is often said that we get what we deserve. This happens with our actions and deeds. They determine our results and consequences.

11 . There are moments when we must understand that the decisions we make influence more than just our own fate. – Claudia

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Whatever actions we take at times don’t only affect us but also others. They bear the results and consequences as well. Thus, we need to think of others when we plan an action.

12 . Only when we’ve freed ourselves of emotion can we be truly free. Only when you’re willing to sacrifice what you hold dearest. – Adam

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When we vent our emotions, we let go of the pent up feelings. Letting go helps us become free.

13 . Fear is the worst enemy of progress. Noah

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People want to make progress in life but are held back by their fears. When we are fearless, anything becomes possible for us to do.

14 . Your pain defines who you are but it no longer holds power on you. Noah

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Often our struggle and pain define our life. However, we can’t let it control us. When we are free, our pains get healed.

15 . If I now change my past, I will change who I am right now. — The Stranger

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The past affects our present. We need to shape it in such a way that our present self is satisfied and content with. It all depends on our actions.

16 . Yesterday, today and tomorrow are not consecutive, they are connected in a never-ending circle. Everything is connected.— The Stranger

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Our actions are connected to various aspects in life. We need to be aware of how our actions can affect them.

17 . There’s nothing but chaos out there. – Noah

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The world we live in is in chaos. Something or the other keeps on happening which is dramatic and exciting in nature.

18 . Life is nothing but a spiral of pain. – Noah

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Pain is an essential part of us. Sometimes it’s physical in nature while it is mental. It is the law of nature to go through pain

19 . I’m hoping that by tomorrow, it’ll already be different from today. – The Stranger

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We often hope our tomorrow is different from our today. We can make them true by our actions of today. Whatever we do today impacts tomorrow.

20 . We’re not free in what we do, because we’re not free in what we want.— The Stranger

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Although our actions might come from free will, the reason for them isn’t always our choice. Unless our desires are not of our own, till then we won’t be free. Our actions won’t be either.

21 . What we know is a drop. What we do not know… is an ocean. – Adam (Jonas)

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Humans tend to believe they know enough about life. But what we know is just a little portion of life and there is so much out there which is yet to be discovered.

22 . But in the end, every death is just a new beginning. – Eva (Martha)

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Every ending is the starting of a new chapter in our lives. And even when our this life ends, another cycle starts because time and life, as a whole, never stops.

23 . Life is a labyrinth. Some wander around until their death in search of a way out of it. – Adam (Jonas)

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Life sometimes tends to confuse us with the oaths and ways that it has to show us. Most of our time is spent on us figuring out what’s right and what’s wrong and we continue this search till death reaches us.

24 . Death is incomprehensible. But one can reconcile themselves with it. – Adam (Jonas)

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Death is something inevitable and far beyond our understanding. The only thing we’ve learned so far is that it’s the basic rule of nature. Whichever thing is created, is supposed to be preserved for a while, and then eventually die.

25 . All is cause and effect. ~ Adam (Jonas)

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Life is nothing but all about the reactions to the actions and vis versa. Karma reflects life and it’s surroundings because there is a cost that is to be paid for every action taken.

26 . Every pain tends us to act, forms our will. – Adam (Adam)

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We enter this world with zero experience. We take steps in order to learn, sometimes we fall, sometimes we succeed. But all of it gives us experience and that’s all that counts. It gives us the will to do things in the required manner.

27 . Life is a gift… for those who know how to use it. – Adam (Jonas)

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Life is a one time offer. It doesn’t stop for anything or anyone. Always use it well and try to make the most out of every moment because you don’t want to live in regret.

28 . Hell is empty and all devils are here. – Eva’s Son

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Hell and heaven are nothing but two hypothetical after lifeworlds. Devils are nothing but a part of all of our personalities who give up on the good side and parts with the evil for the time being.

29 . But everything that once lived, lives on forever. In the eternity of time. – Old Tannhaus’s Father

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Nothing can be undone if once it has happened. Life is what it is. It’s better to accept the happenings and learn from them and move on with life.

30 . The mistake in all of our thinking is that we each believe ourselves to be an independent entity. While in reality, we’re all just fractions of an infinite whole. – Eva (Martha)

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We all think that we alone can do everything and can handle things on our own. But we are just one out in millions and are doing our parts for a living.

31 . You and I are made for each other, never believe anything else. – Jonas & Martha

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Sometimes we feel so strongly for our current partner/lover that all we want to believe is there is no one else for us better than them. But only the future can tell what it has for us.

32 . God doesn’t have a plan, there is no plan at all, there’s nothing but chaos out there, pain and chaos. -Noah

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The underlying themes of Dark concern itself with everything from nihilism to existentialism. There are no Gods in the world of Dark. The only thing that reigns supreme is time and chaos.

33 . People are bad, malicious, evil, life is nothing but a spiral of pain, and the world is doomed to be destroyed. -Noah

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It is undeniable that life is full of pain and suffering. People cheat, hurt and murder each other. In the end, we are doomed to death and destruction. It is the rule of nature that everything eventually tends towards chaos.

34 . A man lives three líves, the first one ends with the loss of naivety, the second with the loss of innocence and the third, with the loss of life itself. -Adam

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We walk into this world as naive kids who know nothing of what life is like. All of that changes when we finally walk into adulthood. It is then that we lose our innocence and experience what the world really is. There are no sages in this world, for life makes sinners out of all of us.

35 . Those above have long forgotten us, they do not judge us, in death I am all alone, and my only judge is me. -Martha

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There is no God above. He is but a product of stories that man tells himself to find hope and comfort. In the end, death comes for us all and we are destined to rot away six feet under. The only judge in this life is us and not anyone else.

36 . What if everything that came from the past was influenced by the future. – HG Tanhaus

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Dark is an unimaginably complex show that breaks all conceptions of time that we have hitherto held onto. This line by HG Tanhaus, one of the smartest characters in the show, essentially explains how the world of Dark works. The past and future do not exist linearly but go around in circles, both influencing each other. The past affects the future and the future influences the past.

37 . Some gifts come to our life unexpectedly yet they are gifts. -The Unknown

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Life is an unexpected journey where so many things happen to us unexpectedly. We meet people, gain experiences, make memories, all of these things happen to us when we least expect them to. Just because they come to us unexpectedly does not mean that they are not significant.

38 . Why does destiny preordain so much for some and not for others? – Hannah

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Life isn’t always fair. Some people are destined for more, while others have to walk through hell to get anything worthwhile. Some are doomed for failure while others have it easy. And there isn’t much we can do about it.

39 . Sometimes we make decisions in our lives that we can never undo. -Borris

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Every decision that we make has consequences. Some decisions change our life profoundly. We can never undo some of them however much we wish we could. Think twice before you make a choice because you never know how it will affect you.

40 . You and I are perfect for each other, never believe anything else. -Jonas

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It is Martha and Jonas’s relationship that is the catalyst for everything that happens in the world of Dark. In the finale, in one of the most emotionally driven scenes, as they face possible death, Martha and Jonas share a moment of closure as they disintegrate into thin air. Jonas tearfully looks into Martha’s eyes as he tells her that they are destined to be together, no matter what.

41 . No matter what motivates our will it guides us on our path. -Adam

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In Dark, time is both God and the Devil. No matter how much anyone wishes they cannot break away from their destiny. In the end, whatever they do, they always end up where they have to, stuck in a cycle where whatever has to happen will end up happening.

42 . No resistance, no obstacle is great enough to stop the human will in its tracks. -Adam

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The human race has conquered nature and everything that has been an obstacle to it. Humans are undeniably one of the most dangerous and strongest species on Earth. There is nothing that can stop it in its tracks.

43 . Death is incomprehensible, but one can reconcile themselves with it. – Adam

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Death is an inevitable fate for it comes for us all. Regardless of how much we try to run away from it, we have no choice but to accept it. The only thing that we can do is to reconcile with it.

44 . The end is the beginning and the beginning is the end. – Adam

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This is one of the most significant quotes in the entire show. It foreshadows the entire plot and subtly explains how things will enfold. Dark is a complex show that transcends all notions of logic that we thought were possible. The future and past are enmeshed together in an infinite loop, both influencing each other.

44 Mind-Bending Quotes From Dark TV Series on Netflix!

1. Things only change when we change them. But you have to do it – Mikkel Nielsen

2. Our thinking is shaped by dualism. Entrance, exit. Black, white. Good, evil. Everything appears as opposite pairs. But that’s wrong. – H.G. Tannhaus

3. Most people are nothing but pawns on a chessboard led by an unknown hand. – Noah

4. We are all full of sin. No pure human being exists. But no matter what we do, we never fall any lower than into God’s hands. – Noah

5. Good and evil are a question of perspective. – Mikkel Nielsen

6. The truth is a strange thing. You can try to suppress it, but it will always find its way to the surface. – Michael

7. There are things out there that our little minds will never comprehend. – H.G. Tannhaus

8. But every now and then it’s good to question those who question things. – Noah

9. We all face the same end. – Martha

10. In the end, we will all get just what we deserve.- The Stranger

11. There are moments when we must understand that the decisions we make influence more than just our own fate. – Claudia

12. Only when we’ve freed ourselves of emotion can we be truly free. Only when you’re willing to sacrifice what you hold dearest. – Adam

13. Fear is the worst enemy of progress. Noah

14. Your pain defines who you are but it no longer holds power on you. Noah

15. If I now change my past, I will change who I am right now. — The Stranger

16. Yesterday, today and tomorrow are not consecutive, they are connected in a never-ending circle. Everything is connected.— The Stranger

17. There’s nothing but chaos out there. – Noah

18. Life is nothing but a spiral of pain. – Noah

19. I’m hoping that by tomorrow, it’ll already be different from today. – The Stranger

20. We’re not free in what we do, because we’re not free in what we want.— The Stranger

21. What we know is a drop. What we do not know… is an ocean. – Adam (Jonas)

22. But in the end, every death is just a new beginning. – Eva (Martha)

23. Life is a labyrinth. Some wander around until their death in search of a way out of it. – Adam (Jonas)

24. Death is incomprehensible. But one can reconcile themselves with it. – Adam (Jonas)

25. All is cause and effect. ~ Adam (Jonas)

26. Every pain tends us to act, forms our will. – Adam (Adam)

27. Life is a gift… for those who know how to use it. – Adam (Jonas)

28. Hell is empty and all devils are here. – Eva’s Son

29. But everything that once lived, lives on forever. In the eternity of time. – Old Tannhaus’s Father

30. The mistake in all of our thinking is that we each believe ourselves to be an independent entity. While in reality, we’re all just fractions of an infinite whole. – Eva (Martha)

31. You and I are made for each other, never believe anything else. – Jonas & Martha

32. God doesn’t have a plan, there is no plan at all, there’s nothing but chaos out there, pain and chaos. -Noah

33. People are bad, malicious, evil, life is nothing but a spiral of pain, and the world is doomed to be destroyed. -Noah

34. A man lives three líves, the first one ends with the loss of naivety, the second with the loss of innocence and the third, with the loss of life itself. -Adam

35. Those above have long forgotten us, they do not judge us, in death I am all alone, and my only judge is me. -Martha

36. What if everything that came from the past was influenced by the future. – HG Tanhaus

37. Some gifts come to our life unexpectedly yet they are gifts. -The Unknown

38. Why does destiny preordain so much for some and not for others? – Hannah

39. Sometimes we make decisions in our lives that we can never undo. -Borris

40. You and I are perfect for each other, never believe anything else. -Jonas

41. No matter what motivates our will it guides us on our path. -Adam

42. No resistance, no obstacle is great enough to stop the human will in its tracks. -Adam

43. Death is incomprehensible, but one can reconcile themselves with it. – Adam

44. The end is the beginning and the beginning is the end. – Adam