30 Funniest Quotes from The Office (U.S.) in 2020!

The Office quotes

1 . There’s a lot of beauty in ordinary things. Isn’t that kind of the point? –Pam Beasley

Best funny quotes from The Office (U.S.)

Beauty can’t be seen always. It’s not only the outer one, but also the one which lies within. From the most magnificent things to the most ordinary things, they all carry their own aura, their own beauty.

2 . And I knew exactly what to do. But in a much more real sense, I had no idea what to do. –Micheal Scott

Best funny quotes from The Office (U.S.)

It’s a natural feeling to know what all you’re supposed to do but it’s a whole other thing when it comes down to actually working upon.

3 . If I were buying my coffin, I would get one with thicker walls so you couldn’t hear the other dead people. –Dwight Schrute

Best funny quotes from The Office (U.S.)

Even after death, I’d like to stay in a quiet place because you never know who all you’ll be surrounded by. They might have been a chatterbox when they were alive.

4 . Sometimes the clothes at Gap Kids are too flashy, so I’m forced to go to the American Girl store and order clothes for large colonial dolls. –Angela Martin

Best funny quotes from The Office (U.S.)

It’s funny how buying clothes is referred to as. Some places have your sizes, your choices and some places make you feel like you’re abnormal because ‘hello, what are you?

5 . I just want to lie on the beach and eat hot dogs. That’s all I’ve ever wanted. –Kevin Malone

Best funny quotes from The Office (U.S.)

An easy life is all that everyone craves. A simple life, anti-problems and food coming to us. By the beach it tends to sound beautiful.

6 . I am running away from my responsibilities. And it feels good. –Micheal Scott

Best funny quotes from The Office (U.S.)

Sometimes you feel too swamped up that you just want to shut everything down and take a moment to think and relax. Because, to hell with all the work load, you want some space.

7 . Today, smoking is going to save lives. –Dwight Schrute

Best funny quotes from The Office (U.S.)

Your smoking can save up other’s lives as the one’s smoked by you won’t be able to go to others. Hence, saving them.

8 . Identity theft is not a joke, Jim! Millions of families suffer every year. –Dwight Schrute

Best funny quotes from The Office (U.S.)

Identity theft has become so common these days. People have lost the sense of humanity that now they have come down to this, stealing someone’s identity or pretending to be someone else just for money.

9 . I love inside jokes. I hope to be a part of one someday. –Micheal Scott

Best funny quotes from The Office (U.S.)

Inside jokes are a major way to go with our best friends. They are something that can be enjoyed by everyone, not together, but separately with their best pals.

10 . The worst thing about prison was the dementors. –Micheal Scott

Best funny quotes from The Office (U.S.)

Prisons aren’t that bad, it’s the people there who make them bad. The ones taking care of the prisoners and trying to make them pay for their sins.

11 . If I don’t have some cake soon, I might die. –Stanley Hudson

Best funny quotes from The Office (U.S.)

Cakes are the best thing in this world. They’re soft, smooth, firm, sweet, delicious, pretty and lovely. What else more could we ask for from this world than cakes.

12 . I’m not superstitious, but I am a little stitious. –Micheal Scott

Best funny quotes from The Office (U.S.)

Mostly people wouldn’t agree or admit themselves to be superstitious but they’d still be taking precautions that anything out of track doesn’t happen.

13 . Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy. Both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me. –Micheal Scott

Best funny quotes from The Office (U.S.)

This is rather an amazing but tricky thing. People want to have both, that they be loved and be afraid of too. Because that’s what keeps the vulnerability going on.

14 . Sometimes I’ll start a sentence and I don’t even know where it’s going. I just hope I find it along the way. –Micheal Scott

Best funny quotes from The Office (U.S.)

It happens quite often that you feel like putting your thoughts forward but aren’t able to frame them. So you just decide to start on and leave it to fate to frame it for you.

15 . I talk a lot, so I’ve learned to tune myself out. –Kelly Kapoor

Best funny quotes from The Office (U.S.)

Sometimes those who talk a lot, gradually learn to avoid or ignore themselves only. It happens because they speak so much that they eat up a few of the things on their way to the end.

16 . I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days, before you’ve actually left them. – Andy Bernard

Best funny quotes from The Office (U.S.)

It’s too late when we realise that some of our good moments and phases have passed by and won’t come back ever again. If you would have realized, you’d try to live a bit more in it.

17 . I never thought I’d say this, but I think I ate too much bone marrow. — Dwight Schrute

Best funny quotes from The Office (U.S.)

Overeating is never a solution. Eat only that much, which is needed by your body and not by when your mind feels satisfied.

18 . Everything I have I owe to this job…this stupid, wonderful, boring, amazing job. – Jim Halpert

Best funny quotes from The Office (U.S.)

After all the negative emotions that you have for your boring job, you’re thankful for it at the end of the day because it makes you fulfill your dreams.

19 . It doesn’t take a genius to know that every organization thrives when it has two leaders. – Oscar Martinez

Best funny quotes from The Office (U.S.)

A leader might be able to form a successful business but if there are two, the more the merrier. They can definitely make things work at a double speed, hence success at a doubt rate.

20 . An office is for not dying. An office is a place to live life to the fullest, to the max, to… An office is a place where dreams come true. – Michael Scott

Best funny quotes from The Office (U.S.)

Office is a place where you go to work and earn for your expenditure and dreams. It’s a place where you learn lessons and make friends.

21 . Guess what, I have flaws. – Michael Scott

Best funny quotes from The Office (U.S.)

Everyone has flaws and it’s totally fine. No one is born perfect in this world. Everyone just grows into accepting them and embracing them.

22 . Do I need to be liked? Absolutely not. I like to be liked. I enjoy being liked. I have to be liked, but it’s not like this compulsive need to be liked, like my need to be praised. – Michael Scott

Best funny quotes from The Office (U.S.)

It gets difficult sometimes to express your feelings towards being liked by the others because anxiety hits you but it’s totally fine.

23 . I don’t care what they say about me. I just want to eat. – Pam Beesley

Best funny quotes from The Office (U.S.)

Never care about what people say. People will come and go, no one is permanent. Concentrate on what’s more important, like food!

24 . Life is short. Drive fast and leave a sexy corpse. That’s one of my mottos. – Stanley Hudson

Best funny quotes from The Office (U.S.)

Some people love to live a happening and adventurous life and act like daredevils. Their motto of life is to live fearlessly.

25 . Powerpoints are the peacocks of the business world; all show, no meat. — Dwight Schrute

Best funny quotes from The Office (U.S.)

PowerPoints are mostly considered boring by people because they don’t entertain most of the time. They feel dull.

26 . I wonder what people like about me. Probably my jugs. – Phyllis Lapin-Vance

Best funny quotes from The Office (U.S.)

It gets tough sometimes in an office to get liked. Sometimes you’re not even sure why you’re liked. Is it because you’re sweet, or because they can take advantage of you being sweet?

27 . Fool me once, strike one. Fool me twice, strike three. — Michael Scott

Best funny quotes from The Office (U.S.)

Sometimes you get jumbled up in your own words and start blabbering. Things get mixed up in your mind resulting in this.

28 . I don’t want to be married in a tent like a hobo. – Angela Martin

Best funny quotes from The Office (U.S.)

Every girl dreams of a perfect wedding because it is considered a very important day, especially in a female’s life.

29 . Who says exactly what they’re thinking? What kind of a game is that? — Kelly Kapoor

Best funny quotes from The Office (U.S.)

Some people don’t know what to say, when to say. They will keep on going and going and won’t even realize if they’ve hurt someone or not.

30 . I don’t hate it. I just don’t like it at all and it’s terrible. — Michael Scott

Best funny quotes from The Office (U.S.)

There comes rare times when you really hate something but can’t say it out directly because it might hurt others feelings towards it.

30 Funniest Quotes from The Office (U.S.) in 2020!

1. There’s a lot of beauty in ordinary things. Isn’t that kind of the point? –Pam Beasley

2. And I knew exactly what to do. But in a much more real sense, I had no idea what to do. –Micheal Scott

3. If I were buying my coffin, I would get one with thicker walls so you couldn’t hear the other dead people. –Dwight Schrute

4. Sometimes the clothes at Gap Kids are too flashy, so I’m forced to go to the American Girl store and order clothes for large colonial dolls. –Angela Martin

5. I just want to lie on the beach and eat hot dogs. That’s all I’ve ever wanted. –Kevin Malone

6. I am running away from my responsibilities. And it feels good. –Micheal Scott

7. Today, smoking is going to save lives. –Dwight Schrute

8. Identity theft is not a joke, Jim! Millions of families suffer every year. –Dwight Schrute

9. I love inside jokes. I hope to be a part of one someday. –Micheal Scott

10. The worst thing about prison was the dementors. –Micheal Scott

11. If I don’t have some cake soon, I might die. –Stanley Hudson

12. I’m not superstitious, but I am a little stitious. –Micheal Scott

13. Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy. Both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me. –Micheal Scott

14. Sometimes I’ll start a sentence and I don’t even know where it’s going. I just hope I find it along the way. –Micheal Scott

15. I talk a lot, so I’ve learned to tune myself out. –Kelly Kapoor

16. I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days, before you’ve actually left them. – Andy Bernard

17. I never thought I’d say this, but I think I ate too much bone marrow. — Dwight Schrute

18. Everything I have I owe to this job…this stupid, wonderful, boring, amazing job. – Jim Halpert

19. It doesn’t take a genius to know that every organization thrives when it has two leaders. – Oscar Martinez

20. An office is for not dying. An office is a place to live life to the fullest, to the max, to… An office is a place where dreams come true. – Michael Scott

21. Guess what, I have flaws. – Michael Scott

22. Do I need to be liked? Absolutely not. I like to be liked. I enjoy being liked. I have to be liked, but it’s not like this compulsive need to be liked, like my need to be praised. – Michael Scott

23. I don’t care what they say about me. I just want to eat. – Pam Beesley

24. Life is short. Drive fast and leave a sexy corpse. That’s one of my mottos. – Stanley Hudson

25. Powerpoints are the peacocks of the business world; all show, no meat. — Dwight Schrute

26. I wonder what people like about me. Probably my jugs. – Phyllis Lapin-Vance

27. Fool me once, strike one. Fool me twice, strike three. — Michael Scott

28. I don’t want to be married in a tent like a hobo. – Angela Martin

29. Who says exactly what they’re thinking? What kind of a game is that? — Kelly Kapoor

30. I don’t hate it. I just don’t like it at all and it’s terrible. — Michael Scott

Aaryan Sharma

Meet our Tech Wiz – he’s a true blooded Otaku and an encyclopedia of all things tech! Foodie to the hilt and the clandestine king of online food ordering! There is No Veg burger he doesn’t have an opinion on!

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