23 Memorable The Big Bang Theory Quotes That Will Make You Go Bazinga!!

The Big Bang Theory quotes

1 . One cries because one is sad, for example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad. -Sheldon Cooper

Best quotes from The Big Bang Theory

People cry when they are sad. And people can be sad about any number of things. And when you think about it, the stupidity of those around you is a pretty sad thing too.

2 . I often forget other people have limitations, it’s so sad. -Sheldon Cooper

Best quotes from The Big Bang Theory

Everyone has their limits. There are things that people are not comfortable with. And it is your responsibility to respect their boundaries.

3 . Love is not a sprint, it’s a marathon, a relentless pursuit that only ends when she falls into your arms, or hits you with the pepper spray. -Howard Wolowitz

Best quotes from The Big Bang Theory

Love is not something that is short and easy. It takes a lot of effort and strength. And the pursuit only ends with you finally getting close to your love or having your heart broken.

4 . The whole world is dying of curiosity. -Sheldon Cooper

Best quotes from The Big Bang Theory

People are naturally very curious. And most people cannot contain their curiosity and they end up doing very stupid things.

5 . All I remember of my childhood is one day it wasn’t there anymore. -Leonard Hofstader

Best quotes from The Big Bang Theory

You never know when you grow up. You’ll only notice it one day when you think about it. Growth is subtle and inconspicuous.

6 . Sheldon is the smartest person I have met, he’s a little broken and he needs me, and I guess I need him, too. -Leonard Hofstader

Best quotes from The Big Bang Theory

We all meet some people in our lives who can relate to and who we need just as much as they need us. That’s what friendship is all about. Supporting each other and being there when they need you is what makes up friendship.

7 . You’re a grown man, Act like one. -Howard Wolowitz

Best quotes from The Big Bang Theory

Age is not what makes you an adult. You need to start acting like an adult if you want to be seen as one. Maturity is what makes an adult.

8 . Look, if you don’t want to go to the party, just don’t go. -Howard Wolowitz

Best quotes from The Big Bang Theory

If you do not want to do something, you do not have to do it. Have the courage to do what you want to do. You do not have to conform to the whims of others if you do not want to.

9 . He’s both happy and quiet, It’s like seeing a unicorn and Big Foot at the same time. -Leonard Hofstader

Best quotes from The Big Bang Theory

Some people have contradictory nature. Some do not like to express themselves very readily. They like to enjoy life in silence and peace.

10 . Hard as this may be to believe, it’s possible that i’m not boyfriend material. -Sheldon

Best quotes from The Big Bang Theory

It’s stupid to think that you do not deserve love. You only have to wait for the right person to come who is comfortable with you and is willing to love you selflessly.

11 . Love’s not a sin. -Howard Wolowitz

Best quotes from The Big Bang Theory

Love is the most beautiful thing that one can have in life. It’s not a sin and in fact is nothing less than a blessing. To not have loved in life is to not have lived at all.

12 . Affliction changes us. -Howard Wolowitz

Best quotes from The Big Bang Theory

Pain changes one a lot. It teaches you a lot of things. Having suffered pain, one learns to be strong and tough. IYou gather the courage to face anything that life throws at you.

13 . You got hurt, that doesn’t mean you stop trying. -Bernadette

Best quotes from The Big Bang Theory

Just because you’ve been hurt does not mean that you stop trying in life. You need to try and try till you finally find success.

14 . How can I be a gynecologist? I can barely look a woman in the eye. -Raj

Best quotes from The Big Bang Theory

Some people are really anxious when it comes to talking to women. They cannot see them eye to eye and get nervous even at the thought of talking to them.

15 . Leonard, I platonically love you man, but face it, you’re a mess. -Sheldon Cooper

Best quotes from The Big Bang Theory

One needs to accept what they truly are. Understand your weaknesses and where you are lacking in to truly improve.

16 . Her heart’s full of love, no one cares what’s in her mouth. -Amy

Best quotes from The Big Bang Theory

Some people fall so madly in love that they overlook every flaw that the other person has. They overlook their bad traits and only see their good qualities.

17 . Well, you should. 50% of marriages end in divorce, but 100% of make-your-own-sundae bars end in happiness. -Sheldon Cooper

Best quotes from The Big Bang Theory

You do not always have to go for what everybody else thinks is what you need. Enjoy the little things in life.

18 . Sorry doesn’t clean my underpants, buddy. -Bernadette

Best quotes from The Big Bang Theory

Apologies are not always enough. Some things cannot be undone. You will still have to suffer the consequences. Right your wrong and do what is necessary.

19 . I’m exceedingly smart. I graduated college at fourteen, while my brother was getting an STD, I was getting a Ph.D. -Shledon Cooper

Best quotes from The Big Bang Theory

Education is more important than anything else. While others around you waste their life doing unnecessary and needless things, focus on your career. That is what you need in life.

20 . I love him, but if he’s broken, let’s not get a new one. -Penny

Best quotes from The Big Bang Theory

If you really love someone, you have to be there for them through thick and thin. You cannot just give up on them. You cannot betray them when they need you the most.

21 . I’ve loved you since the moment we met, and I’ll love you until the end of time. -Leonard Hofstader

Best quotes from The Big Bang Theory

You will meet someone in life whom you will genuinely fall in love with. Life away from them will seem treacherous.

22 . Just because you have that accent doesn’t mean what you say isn’t stupid. -Howard Wolowitz

Best quotes from The Big Bang Theory

There’s no excuse to saying stupid things. Stupidity should be addressed and accounted for. Just because you can sweet talk your way, does not mean you get a pass to say stupid things.

23 . Mother, she’s an atheist, not a vampire. -Sheldon Cooper

Best quotes from The Big Bang Theory

There’s nothing wrong with being an atheist. To believe in whichever god you want or not to believe in any at all is your own personal choice, and nobody else has a say in it.

23 Memorable The Big Bang Theory Quotes That Will Make You Go Bazinga!!

1. One cries because one is sad, for example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad. -Sheldon Cooper

2. I often forget other people have limitations, it’s so sad. -Sheldon Cooper

3. Love is not a sprint, it’s a marathon, a relentless pursuit that only ends when she falls into your arms, or hits you with the pepper spray. -Howard Wolowitz

4. The whole world is dying of curiosity. -Sheldon Cooper

5. All I remember of my childhood is one day it wasn’t there anymore. -Leonard Hofstader

6. Sheldon is the smartest person I have met, he’s a little broken and he needs me, and I guess I need him, too. -Leonard Hofstader

7. You’re a grown man, Act like one. -Howard Wolowitz

8. Look, if you don’t want to go to the party, just don’t go. -Howard Wolowitz

9. He’s both happy and quiet, It’s like seeing a unicorn and Big Foot at the same time. -Leonard Hofstader

10. Hard as this may be to believe, it’s possible that i’m not boyfriend material. -Sheldon

11. Love’s not a sin. -Howard Wolowitz

12. Affliction changes us. -Howard Wolowitz

13. You got hurt, that doesn’t mean you stop trying. -Bernadette

14. How can I be a gynecologist? I can barely look a woman in the eye. -Raj

15. Leonard, I platonically love you man, but face it, you’re a mess. -Sheldon Cooper

16. Her heart’s full of love, no one cares what’s in her mouth. -Amy

17. Well, you should. 50% of marriages end in divorce, but 100% of make-your-own-sundae bars end in happiness. -Sheldon Cooper

18. Sorry doesn’t clean my underpants, buddy. -Bernadette

19. I’m exceedingly smart. I graduated college at fourteen, while my brother was getting an STD, I was getting a Ph.D. -Shledon Cooper

20. I love him, but if he’s broken, let’s not get a new one. -Penny

21. I’ve loved you since the moment we met, and I’ll love you until the end of time. -Leonard Hofstader

22. Just because you have that accent doesn’t mean what you say isn’t stupid. -Howard Wolowitz

23. Mother, she’s an atheist, not a vampire. -Sheldon Cooper

Chirag Malik

Meet Mr Sarcasm, always giving advice – taking none, a wannabe engineer and a bonafide curator who’s full of quirks!
Ps : No one really listens to him though ;)

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