20 Heartwarming Quotes about Family and Love from This is Us

This Is Us Quotes

1 . You’re adopted, and we don’t talk about that enough, ‘Cause to me, you are every part my son -Jake Pearson

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Family is not determined by blood; it is determined by the love and happiness you find with a person. Sometimes, the best relationships are forged not with our kin, but the ones we wish were.

2 . Our marriage wasn’t perfect, it’s true, But none are, Your father wasn’t perfect either, but he was pretty damn close. -Rebecca Pearson

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No marriage is ever perfect. There will always be problems in your relationship. None of us are perfect, but what really matters is our willingness to make it through. No matter what you face, you need to see the best in each other.

3 . He pushed a stranger on me, and that stranger became my child, and that child became my life, He became you. -Rebecca Pearson

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Sometimes the most important people come into our lives by chance. We never expect them to become such a huge part of our lives. And before we know it, they become irreplaceable and we end up forming a bond that cannot be broken.

4 . It’s family that makes me special, you four are what makes me great. -Randall Pearson

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Our families play a huge part in our lives. They are the ones who support us through thick and thin. They give us strength to face hard times, courage to live life, and make us feel special and strong.

5 . I am thankful for my family. I’m thankful that we’re all safe and there’s no one in the world that I’d rather be too hot or too cold with. -Jack Pearson

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Our families make our life so much better. And there’s hardly anything else that gives us more strength and love. We can be ourselves when around them and confide in them our deepest insecurities. And it is their safety that matters the most to us.

6 . When you’re a mom, you get a front row seat to the best show in town: Watching your kids grow up. -Rebecca Pearson

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To be a mother is truly a blessing. To see your kids grow up and become wonderful people is the best thing you can witness. When you become a mom, your kids become your entire world.

7 . When you’re a mom, you get a front row seat to the best show in town: Watching your kids grow up. -Rebecca Pearson

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The choices that you make will go on to define your entire life. In the end, all you need to do is make a choice that you are happy with and go with it. If you look back with doubt, it will only haunt you. So trust your heart and make a choice without ever looking back.

8 . How you present yourself on the outside reflects how you feel on the inside. -Beth Pearson

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The way you act on the inside is a reflection of how you feel on the inside. Actions, after all, speak louder than words. If you think positively, it will reflect in your actions and if you do the opposite, they’ll be apparent too.

9 . I haven’t had a happy life, Bad breaks, Bad choices, A life of almosts and could-haves, Some would call it sad, but I don’t. -William Hill

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No life is always perfect. There will always be bad choices that we have to live through. But it doesn’t always have to be sad. There’s always a silver lining that we can find and that is what makes our life worth living.

10 . Understanding and forgiveness are two very different animals. -Beth Pearson

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There is a difference between understanding and forgiveness. You can understand the actions of someone but you may not always be able to forgive them. It takes a lot of strength to forgive someone who wronged you and a lot of wisdom to understand their actions.

11 . We go through life slowly but surely collecting these little pieces of ourselves that we can’t really live without. -Kevin Pearson

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We live our life in search of meaning and purpose. And in the journey, we find pieces that complete us and give us a sense of belonging. And it is this nature of life that makes it so beautiful.

12 . I honor my father’s legacy by taking what I learned from the way he lived his life and use it to shape the way I go on living mine. -Randall Pearson

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The best way to honor the legacy of your parents is to learn from their lives and with it make your life better. Nothing would have made them happier than seeing their children learning from them.

13 . You deserve it, You deserve the beautiful life you made, You deserve everything. -William Hill

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You deserve to have a beautiful life. All your hardwork will pay off and in the end, you will have all the joy and happiness that you deserve. There’s nothing that can take that away from you.

14 . Life feels like Pac-Man sometimes, It’s the same game over and over again, Same board, Same ghosts. -Randall Pearson

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Sometimes, life seems to repeat itself over and over again. And it may seem like there’s not much you can do about it. You make the same mistakes, go through the same things over and over again. But what you make of it is all up to you.

15 . Sometimes you just got to do the right thing, You got to do the right thing, even if it’s not what you want. -Kevin Pearson

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There are things in life that you ought to do no matter the cost. You need to cater to your responsibilities. The right thing is not something that you can just ignore. It is your duty to do it, even if it’s not what you want to do.

16 . The hardest part about seeing someone you love in pain is not being able to do anything about it. -Toby Damon

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Being unable to help ease the pain of someone you love is treacherous. There are times when you can see them suffer in pain, but you have no choice but to stand and observe because helping them is beyond you. And the only thing you can do at times like these is to not make it any worse.

17 . You find your soulmate, you get married, you stay together until you die, period. -Jack Pearson

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Once you do find the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, the best thing you can do is to tie the knot and take the vow to stay together forever. To find a soulmate who you can love and adore is the best thing you can have in your life.

18 . Sometimes, in marriage, someone has to be the one to push to make the big moves. -Rebecca Pearson

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In a marriage, there’s always a person who has to take the lead and make the big moves. That is how a marriage is. You need to be able to complete each other, to lift each other and do the things that your partner fails at.

19 . You know when I was a little boy I didn’t know what I wanted to be when I grew up. -Jack Pearson

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Sometimes, we never know what we want to do with our lives until we actually grow up. Childhood is a time for you to explore, be curious and see the world with wonder in your eyes. You still have a long way to go when you’re a child. So all the life-changing decisions can be made when you grow up.

20 . You make me feel like I’m home. -Jack Pearson

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A home is not necessarily a house. It’s the people that actually matter. Love, care and affection make a house a home. And if you have someone who can give you all that, that’s where you will feel like home.

20 Heartwarming Quotes about Family and Love from This is Us

1. You’re adopted, and we don’t talk about that enough, ‘Cause to me, you are every part my son -Jake Pearson

2. Our marriage wasn’t perfect, it’s true, But none are, Your father wasn’t perfect either, but he was pretty damn close. -Rebecca Pearson

3. He pushed a stranger on me, and that stranger became my child, and that child became my life, He became you. -Rebecca Pearson

4. It’s family that makes me special, you four are what makes me great. -Randall Pearson

5. I am thankful for my family. I’m thankful that we’re all safe and there’s no one in the world that I’d rather be too hot or too cold with. -Jack Pearson

6. When you’re a mom, you get a front row seat to the best show in town: Watching your kids grow up. -Rebecca Pearson

7. When you’re a mom, you get a front row seat to the best show in town: Watching your kids grow up. -Rebecca Pearson

8. How you present yourself on the outside reflects how you feel on the inside. -Beth Pearson

9. I haven’t had a happy life, Bad breaks, Bad choices, A life of almosts and could-haves, Some would call it sad, but I don’t. -William Hill

10. Understanding and forgiveness are two very different animals. -Beth Pearson

11. We go through life slowly but surely collecting these little pieces of ourselves that we can’t really live without. -Kevin Pearson

12. I honor my father’s legacy by taking what I learned from the way he lived his life and use it to shape the way I go on living mine. -Randall Pearson

13. You deserve it, You deserve the beautiful life you made, You deserve everything. -William Hill

14. Life feels like Pac-Man sometimes, It’s the same game over and over again, Same board, Same ghosts. -Randall Pearson

15. Sometimes you just got to do the right thing, You got to do the right thing, even if it’s not what you want. -Kevin Pearson

16. The hardest part about seeing someone you love in pain is not being able to do anything about it. -Toby Damon

17. You find your soulmate, you get married, you stay together until you die, period. -Jack Pearson

18. Sometimes, in marriage, someone has to be the one to push to make the big moves. -Rebecca Pearson

19. You know when I was a little boy I didn’t know what I wanted to be when I grew up. -Jack Pearson

20. You make me feel like I’m home. -Jack Pearson