33 Romantic Quotes from To All The Boys: Always and Forever Netflix!

To All The Boys Always and Forever quotes

1 . Maybe love is actually about the moments when you think no one is watching. -Lara Jean

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Love isn’t about the grandiose gestures that you show. It is actually about the adorable memories that you make. And the private, tender moments of affection that you share.

2 . It’s strange to spend so much time wishing for something and then have it be over. -Lara Jean

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Sometimes, the things that you wish for the most will usually be far out of your reach. You will not always get what you want and that is life. You just have to learn to live with it.

3 . There is nothing worse than not feeling chosen. -Peter Kavinsky

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The feeling of rejection is truly heart-wrenching. It’s hard to live with the fact that someone you wanted so much does not choose you. You may feel insecure and start questioning your own self-worth but it is important that you realize that everything happens for the good.

4 . It’s okay to have differences in relationships, if you feel the same way about everything, you’ll never grow. -John

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Relationships have to help you grow. If both of you agree about everything, then there is no room for growth. Differences, disagreements, and arguments are all a part of every relationship. What matters is how you find common ground and solve your conflicts.

5 . How am I supposed to know what choice will make me happier in the future? -Lara Jean

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The future is uncertain and unpredictable. There is no way of knowing whether you will be happy with the choices that you made today. But regardless of that, you need to take a leap of faith and trust in yourself. Even if it doesn’t go as planned, there will be lessons that you have learned.

6 . Proximity’s not the most important thing, so is space and a good relationship has both. -John

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It may seem like proximity is the most important part of a relationship. But the truth is that space and distance are just as important. A good relationship is balanced equally upon your closeness and distance. Giving each other enough space is just as important and being there next to them.

7 . I have no idea what life has in store for me, but I know that love, real love, is choosing each other through all of that. -Lara Jean

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You never know what life will bring you next. All you can do is anticipate and prepare. And the sign of a good relationship is to be there for each other whenever they need you. That no matter what life may throw at you, you will face it together.

8 . If you love somebody, that’s what you do, You try to do everything you can. -John

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When you genuinely love someone, you can go to any lengths to keep them happy. You try to put their happiness before your own. You do everything you possibly can to keep your relationship alive.

9 . It won’t always be easy, but I want to do whatever it takes to make this work. -Peter Kavinsky

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Life is tough and messy. You never know what you are going to face next. But whatever it is, it is important that you stay by each other’s side. No matter what obstacles you face, you have to do your best to make the relationship work.

10 . You cannot save this relationship by not growing. -John

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No relationship can survive without growth. You need to grow as a person throughout your relationship to complement your partner better.

11 . You gotta stay true to yourself. -John

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No matter what it is you are going through, you need to stay true to yourself. You should not do anything that goes against your conscience. Always follow your heart in life. If you go against it, even if you do succeed, you will not find happiness.

12 . Will I look back in two or ten or twenty years and wonder if I made the wrong choice? -Lara Jean

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Regret is probably the worst feeling. You never know how things will transpire. There’s no way to know if you will be satisfied with the choices that you have made in the future. After all, every choice is just a leap of faith.

13 . It’s crazy that I can feel so happy and so sad at the same time. -Lara Jean

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Sometimes, you feel so contradictory within you. You may not be able to understand your own self. You may feel sad and happy at the same time; your thoughts may seem too overwhelming to process. But what you need to do is introspect and try to understand yourself.

14 . You can’t call in sick from a relationship. -Trina Rothschild

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A relationship is not something that you give up on just like that; the moment you feel you can’t handle it, you can’t just take a break. You need to work it out. You will face obstacles along the way, you will have your own roadblocks, but you need to have the determination to sort it out.

15 . Well, it doesn’t make it okay, and it will never be okay but at least it could be something. -Lara Jean

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Sometimes, you make mistakes, you mess up in life. But what is important is that you do whatever you can to sort things out. Right the wrongs that you have done. It may not make everything alright, but it is the least you can do.

16 . Because Life is beautiful and messy and never goes according to plan. -Lara Jean

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Life is tough. It does not always go according to how you envision it. You may not always get everything that you wish for. But even then, there is so much that is beautiful about life. It is the simple things in life that actually make it worthwhile.

17 . No matter what happens, it’s gonna be fine, it’s already fine. -Lara Jean

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No matter what happens, it’s gonna be fine, it’s already fine. -Lara Jean

18 . I love you, Peter, always and forever. -Lara Jean

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True love never dies. It stays with you, deep in your heart, always and forever. Real love is meant to be eternal and not fade away easily.

19 . We burn low and slow okay? We’re like brisket. -Lara Jean

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You do not have to rush in your relationship. Do not let anyone tell you what you have to do in your relationship. You need to do things at your own pace and only if both of you are comfortable with it.

20 . Not everything that is popular is lame, Christine, some things are popular, because they’re cool. -Lucas

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People have this notion that everything that is popular is generic and bad. But the truth is that some things are popular because they are genuinely good. People love them because they can relate to it or it caters to their taste and there is nothing wrong with that.

21 . I’m not like you, Margot, I don’t want to be far away from my family. -Lara Jean

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Some people are very attached to their families. To them, spending time with family is what brings them joy. Their family is their world. And having to spend their days away from them is dreadful.

22 . It’s like the world keeps shifting under my feet when all I want is for it to stand still. -Lara Jean

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Sometimes, things do not go as you planned. Life is uncertain and unpredictable. Sometimes you get what you’ve been wishing for, but most times, you do not. And that is part of the journey of life. Remind yourself that in the end, it will be okay.

23 . College is more than just about geography. -Margot

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College is not just about academics. There is more to it than just books and studies. College is where you make friends that last a lifetime, and where you learn lessons that will stay forever. College is where you are thrown into the real world for the first time.

24 . I guess that’s what happens when you grow up, Everything gets all mixed up together. -Lara Jean

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As you grow up, you learn so many new things about life. You realize how wrong a lot of things that you were led to believe in your childhood were. You come out of your comfort zone and start seeing the world for what it really is.

25 . Real love is choosing each other through all of it, every single day, beginning and middle and end. -Lara Jean

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Life is not always easy. It is tough and full of obstacles. And love is what makes it endurable. Real love is choosing to stay by each other’s side through all of life regardless of how tough it gets.

26 . I never want to be the guy holding you back, I want to be the one by your side. -Peter Kavinsky

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Be the person who supports them in their endeavours. If you genuinely love them, you will never think of holding them back. You’ll do all you possibly can to help and support them to achieve what they desire. You’ll be the person that stays by their side, always and forever.

27 . I’m a person who saves things, I’ll hold on forever. -Lara Jean

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Some things are meant to be held on forever. You cannot let go of them. Be the person who saves and fixes things instead of making them worse. And never let go of the things that really matter to you. Hold onto them forever.

28 . The best part is that we both got in and we’ll be going together – Peter Kavinsky

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The best things in life are made better when done with the ones you really love. Go in and go through it together, with your lover. Things only seem hard if you are doing it alone, not if you have someone by your side to help you.

29 . I knew right then I was falling in love with you – Peter Kavinsky

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You meet this particular person at a certain point in your life and your entire life turns around. Somehow, things do not seem as worse as they once did. Everything seems to be a whole lot more colorful and that’s when you know that you are falling in love with them.

30 . I think about my dad and I hate him, and then I miss him and then I hate that I miss him – Peter

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Sometimes, the people closest to you hurt you the most. But no matter what they have done, you cannot seem to hate them. For a moment you feel intense rage but the next moment you seem to miss them. You feel confused and angry. But that’s how it is in some relationships, no matter what they have done, you just can’t let go of them.

31 . I’m scared I’m going to regret it if I don’t go. – Lara Jean

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No matter what you are doing, the most important thing is to never do something that will cause regret. Regret eats you up from the inside. So no matter what it is, just do it, because you know for a fact that you will regret not having tried at all.

32 . I mean it’s your future, you’ve got to do what’s best for you. -Peter Kavinsky

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Only you should have a say in the decisions that you make. Do not let anyone else decide for you. It’s your life and you have to do what is best for you. Everything else should be secondary.

33 . You know what else 3000 miles is good for? Writing love letters. – Lara Jean

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Even in this era of technology and instant messaging, one of the most romantic things is love letters. There is something that is intriguing about love letters. Handwritten love letters carry with them more than just words. There is a lot of love and affection hidden in them.

17 Romantic Quotes from To All The Boys: Always and Forever Netflix!

1. Maybe love is actually about the moments when you think no one is watching. -Lara Jean

2. It’s strange to spend so much time wishing for something and then have it be over. -Lara Jean

3. There is nothing worse than not feeling chosen. -Peter Kavinsky

4. It’s okay to have differences in relationships, if you feel the same way about everything, you’ll never grow. -John

5. How am I supposed to know what choice will make me happier in the future? -Lara Jean

6. Proximity’s not the most important thing, so is space and a good relationship has both. -John

7. I have no idea what life has in store for me, but I know that love, real love, is choosing each other through all of that. -Lara Jean

8. If you love somebody, that’s what you do, You try to do everything you can. -John

9. It won’t always be easy, but I want to do whatever it takes to make this work. -Peter Kavinsky

10. You cannot save this relationship by not growing. -John

11. You gotta stay true to yourself. -John

12. Will I look back in two or ten or twenty years and wonder if I made the wrong choice? -Lara Jean

13. It’s crazy that I can feel so happy and so sad at the same time. -Lara Jean

14. You can’t call in sick from a relationship. -Trina Rothschild

15. Well, it doesn’t make it okay, and it will never be okay but at least it could be something. -Lara Jean

16. Because Life is beautiful and messy and never goes according to plan. -Lara Jean

17. No matter what happens, it’s gonna be fine, it’s already fine. -Lara Jean

18. I love you, Peter, always and forever. -Lara Jean

19. We burn low and slow okay? We’re like brisket. -Lara Jean

20. Not everything that is popular is lame, Christine, some things are popular, because they’re cool. -Lucas

21. I’m not like you, Margot, I don’t want to be far away from my family. -Lara Jean

22. It’s like the world keeps shifting under my feet when all I want is for it to stand still. -Lara Jean

23. College is more than just about geography. -Margot

24. I guess that’s what happens when you grow up, Everything gets all mixed up together. -Lara Jean

25. Real love is choosing each other through all of it, every single day, beginning and middle and end. -Lara Jean

26. I never want to be the guy holding you back, I want to be the one by your side. -Peter Kavinsky

27. I’m a person who saves things, I’ll hold on forever. -Lara Jean

28. The best part is that we both got in and we’ll be going together – Peter Kavinsky

29. I knew right then I was falling in love with you – Peter Kavinsky

30. I think about my dad and I hate him, and then I miss him and then I hate that I miss him – Peter

31. I’m scared I’m going to regret it if I don’t go. – Lara Jean

32. I mean it’s your future, you’ve got to do what’s best for you. -Peter Kavinsky

33. You know what else 3000 miles is good for? Writing love letters. – Lara Jean