15 Most Hillarious Yet Awe-Inspiring One Piece Quotes!

one piece quotes

1 . If you lose credibility by just admitting fault, then you didn’t have any in the first place. -Fujitora

Owning up to your mistakes is never a wrong thing. If you fear that’ll take away the respect and credibility you have, then the truth is that you never had any credibility in the first place. The maturity to admit your own faults should only increase your credibility.

2 . Stop counting only those things that you have lost, What is gone, is gone. – Jinbei

You might have lost a lot in life, but that does not matter much. You still have a lot of things left. If you only focus on what you have lost, you;ll never see what you have left.

3 . You need to accept the fact that you’re not the best and have all the will to strive to be better than anyone you face. – Roronoa Zoro

The first step to progress is to accept that there is room for progress. Only once you have accepted your weaknesses can you expect to become better.

4 . Only those who have suffered long, can see the light within the shadows. –Roronoa Zoro

Only those who have made it out through the worst of times can see the silver lining to any situation. Once you have suffered long enough, no amount of darkness can hurt you.

5 . Fools who don’t respect the past are likely to repeat it. –Nico Robin

The past has the most important lessons in life. All the mistakes that you have done in the past have lessons for you to imbibe. If you do not respect your past, you will most certainly repeat all those mistakes again.

6 . As long as there are people who seek freedom in this life, these things shall not vanish from the Earth. – Gold D. Rodger

The people who are ready to stand up for what is right are the reason why values like liberty and equality still survive. As long as they don’t give up, some very important things in life will never vanish.

7 . There are things you can’t see unless you change your standing. –Trafalgar Law

Some things can only be seen if you are ready to change your perspective. Sometimes, a change in perspective can show you more than you would have thought.

8 . Don’t start a fight if you can’t end it. –Sanji

Unless you are ready to give it your all, you should never start a fight. The person to come out victorious in the end should always be you. If that is not certain, it’s better to not start the fight at all.

9 . Life is like a pencil that will surely run out, but will leave the beautiful writing of life. –Nami

Life is not permanent. It will end before you even know it. But the time that you spend in the world is what is precious. Enjoy every moment of it because you’ll never get it back.

10 . Forgetting is like a wound, The wound may heal but it has already left a scar. – Monkey D Luffy

The pain that you felt once can be forgotten. But the changes that it has brought in you will remain. The scars never fade. You just have to learn to flaunt it.

11 . Being alone is more painful than getting hurt. –Monkey D Luffy

Loneliness hurts more than you can think it can. The feeling that you are alone with nobody else to support you is one that leaves a very deep impact on you.

12 . Power isn’t determined by your size, but the size of your heart and dreams. – Monkey D Luffy

Physical prowess is irrelevant in life. At the end of the day, your strengths are measured by the size of your heart. Emotional strength is always greater than physical strength.

13 . There can be no happiness in a world where the undesirables are thrown away. -Monkey D Dragon

Everyone has the right to live and be part of this world. A world that does not accept everyone is one that can never be truly happy.

14 . We have to live a life of no regrets. –Portgas D. Ace

Life is short and precious. You have only one chance at it. What matters is that, in the end, you never regret any moment of your life.

15 . Without strength, you won’t be able to save anyone. –Kizaru

To protect those who are precious to you you need strength. Without power you cannot save anyone. Strive to be stronger than you are if you wish to be able to save those who you love.

15 Most Hillarious Yet Awe-Inspiring One Piece Quotes of All Time

1. If you lose credibility by just admitting fault, then you didn’t have any in the first place. -Fujitora

2. Stop counting only those things that you have lost, What is gone, is gone. – Jinbei

3. You need to accept the fact that you’re not the best and have all the will to strive to be better than anyone you face. – Roronoa Zoro

4. Only those who have suffered long, can see the light within the shadows. –Roronoa Zoro

5. Fools who don’t respect the past are likely to repeat it. –Nico Robin

6. As long as there are people who seek freedom in this life, these things shall not vanish from the Earth. – Gold D. Rodger

7. As long as there are people who seek freedom in this life, these things shall not vanish from the Earth. – Gold D. Rodger

8. Don’t start a fight if you can’t end it. –Sanji

9. Life is like a pencil that will surely run out, but will leave the beautiful writing of life. –Nami

10. Forgetting is like a wound, The wound may heal but it has already left a scar. – Monkey D Luffy

11. Being alone is more painful than getting hurt. –Monkey D Luffy

12. Power isn’t determined by your size, but the size of your heart and dreams. – Monkey D Luffy

13. There can be no happiness in a world where the undesirables are thrown away. -Monkey D Dragon

14. We have to live a life of no regrets. –Portgas D. Ace

15. Without strength, you won’t be able to save anyone. –Kizaru

Aaryan Sharma

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