15 Majestic Quotes From The Mirror and The Light by Hilary Mantel

The Mirror & The Light Quotes

1 . But if you cannot speak truth at a beheading, when can you speak it? -Hilary Mantel

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One should never be hesitant to speak the truth. There are times when the truth can save lives and if you cannot speak it then, you are nothing but a coward. No matter what dangers you face, speak the truth for it liberates you.

2 . This is what life does for you in the end; it arranges a fight you can’t win. -Hilary Mantel

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In the end, life always offers you defeat. There is no point in life if you win at everything. Defeats and failures are just as important as victories in life. And you need to have the strength to accept both of them.

3 . If you marvel at your good fortune, you should marvel in secret: never let people see you. -Hilary Mantel

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Celebrate your good times not in public but in private. Not everyone around you are your well-wishers. You need to be wary of those who stick to you for their ulterior motives. Those who envy you will always try to harm you and it’s up to you to stray away from them.

4 . We are all dying, just at different speeds. -Hilary Mantel

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Death is inevitable and ubiquitous. It comes for all of us. We only have a limited time in the world. The truth of life is that we are all dying, only at different speeds.

5 . It was not by a serpent, but by paper and ink that evil came into the world. -Hilary Mantel

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Words and writings have immense power in them. They can heal and hurt, destroy and create, connect people and cause rifts between them. Most of the wars, atrocities, and violence in the world have been started due to the pen rather than the sword.

6 . It seems there is no mercy in this world, but a kind of haphazard justice: men pay for crimes, but not necessarily their own. -Hilary Mantel

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The world works in twisted ways. It is ruthless and full of atrocities. But the thing is, no matter what happens, someone always has to pay for the violence. The tragedy of it is the fact that sometimes, it is the innocent who pays the price.

7 . Everybody wants something, if only for the pain to stop. -Hilary Mantel

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Everybody in the world is driven by want. We all want something in life. Some want it for their own gains while others look for ways to help them heal and make them whole again.

8 . Those who think a heart cannot break have led blessed and sheltered lives. -Hilary Mantel

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It is a blessing to not have had your heart broken in life. Only those who have led a sheltered and easy life can believe that hearts cannot be broken.

9 . It’s always the wrong bits of the past people want back. -Hilary Mantel

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People always yearn to get their past back, especially the wrong parts. But what they don’t realize is that the past is gone. You cannot get those moments back, be it the good or the bad.

10 . Know yourself, Know your opportunity, Look ahead, Don’t try for the impossible. -Hilary Mantel

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Know where to set your eyes. Your opportunities are where you should focus on. Instead of aiming for the impossible, think practically and aim for what is within your reach.

11 . What can you do but, as Cicero says, live hopefully, die bravely? -Hilary Mantel

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Life is simple. The most you can do is to cling on to what hope you can find in life, to live hopefully and in the end, when death comes knocking at your door, look it in the eye and die bravely.

12 . I urge you both, undertake no course without deep thought: but learn to think very fast. -Hilary Mantel

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Before you embark upon any path, before you act on anything, you need to think twice. If you do anything without giving it any thought, you are most likely to fail. Learn to think very fast and effectively.

13 . It is not written that great men shall be happy men. -Hilary Mantel

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Happiness does not come with greatness. You can never be sure if achieving greatness will bring you joy and peace of mind. All it does is give you more responsibilities in life.

14 . When you become a great man, you meet kinsfolk you never knew you had. -Hilary Mantel

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The moment you become successful and earn a name for yourself, you’ll have people flock around you to reap their share. You’ll meet friends and family that you never knew you had. But you must be smart to separate the genuine ones from the leeches.

15 . The wise councillor must always prepare for his fall. -Hilary Mantel

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The truly wise will always prepare for the worst-case scenario. They’ll foresee their fall and prepare for it beforehand so that when the time comes, they are not taken by surprise.

15 Majestic Quotes From The Mirror and The Light by Hilary Mantel

1. But if you cannot speak truth at a beheading, when can you speak it? -Hilary Mantel

2. This is what life does for you in the end; it arranges a fight you can’t win. -Hilary Mantel

3. If you marvel at your good fortune, you should marvel in secret: never let people see you. -Hilary Mantel

4. We are all dying, just at different speeds. -Hilary Mantel

5. It was not by a serpent, but by paper and ink that evil came into the world. -Hilary Mantel

6. It seems there is no mercy in this world, but a kind of haphazard justice: men pay for crimes, but not necessarily their own. -Hilary Mantel

7. Everybody wants something, if only for the pain to stop. -Hilary Mantel

8. Those who think a heart cannot break have led blessed and sheltered lives. -Hilary Mantel

9. It’s always the wrong bits of the past people want back. -Hilary Mantel

10. Know yourself, Know your opportunity, Look ahead, Don’t try for the impossible. -Hilary Mantel

11. What can you do but, as Cicero says, live hopefully, die bravely? -Hilary Mantel

12. I urge you both, undertake no course without deep thought: but learn to think very fast. -Hilary Mantel

13. It is not written that great men shall be happy men. -Hilary Mantel

14. When you become a great man, you meet kinsfolk you never knew you had. -Hilary Mantel

15. The wise councillor must always prepare for his fall. -Hilary Mantel