15 Best Quotes From Where the Crawdads Sing To Read Today!

Where The Crawdads Sing quotes

1 . Needing people ended in hurt. -Delia Owens

Best Where The Crawdads Sing Quotes Of All Time

Having to rely on people always ends up hurting you. When they leave, you are left with nothing but their memories and a void in your heart that stays forever.

2 . Biology sees right and wrong as the same color in different light. -Delia Owens

Best Where The Crawdads Sing Quotes Of All Time

Right and wrong are social constructs. In nature, there is no right or wrong. These are all human concepts that bear no substance in nature’s eyes. Biology sees everything in the same color.

3 . Why should the injured, the still bleeding, bear the onus of forgiveness? -Delia Owens

Best Where The Crawdads Sing Quotes Of All Time

Forgiveness can rarely be given by those who are already bleeding. People need time to think, to heal, and only then do they find the strength to forgive those that did them wrong. Only then can they bear the onus of forgiveness.

4 . Truths everyone should know, yet somehow, even though they lay exposed all around, seemed to lie in secret like the seeds. -Delia Owens

Best Where The Crawdads Sing Quotes Of All Time

Sometimes, the truth lies in the open, and yet, people are not able to see it. It lies in plain sight, exposed, for everyone to see and yet, people are blinded by the lies that they are comfortable with.

5 . She laughed for his sake, something she’d never done, Giving away another piece of herself just to have someone else. -Delia Owens

Best Where The Crawdads Sing Quotes Of All Time

When we find that one person we truly love, we do the silliest things for them. Gradually, we give up pieces of ourselves in exchange for their love. We can go to any lengths to relish their acceptance and love.

6 . If anyone would understand loneliness, the moon would. -Delia Owens

Best Where The Crawdads Sing Quotes Of All Time

Loneliness is a very treacherous experience. It eats you up from the inside, consumes you, and in the end, changes you wholly. The moon is the perfect personification of loneliness, doomed to spend eternity by herself.

7 . I wasn’t aware that words could hold so much, I didn’t know a sentence could be so full. -Delia Owens

Best Where The Crawdads Sing Quotes Of All Time

Words have so much power in them. It can hold so much meaning, sometimes more than one may comprehend. They carry within them emotions, ideas, thoughts, and much more; their depth and meaningfulness are sometimes overwhelming.

8 . How much do you trade to defeat loneliness? -Delia Owens

Best Where The Crawdads Sing Quotes Of All Time

Loneliness is dreadful. It can change you as a person, turn you into something that you are not, and even bring out the worst in you. And people can go to any lengths to fight their loneliness. Once you are so down in the depths of loneliness, giving up anything else seems easier.

9 . She’d given love a chance; now she wanted simply to fill the empty spaces, ease the loneliness while walling off her heart. -Delia Owens

Best Where The Crawdads Sing Quotes Of All Time

No matter how many times you had your heart broken, never give up on love. Give it another chance because you never know what the future has in store for you. Love can help you heal and fill those empty spaces. It can help you defeat that loneliness.

10 . Each time I forget you, your eyes haunt my heart and it falls still, And so farewell, until the next time you come, Until, at last, I do not see you. -Delia Owens

Best Where The Crawdads Sing Quotes Of All Time

Sometimes, their memory will haunt you long after they are gone. Everytime you try to forget them, the most cursory things about them will pop up in your mind. Just as you were about to let go of their memories, they will appear in front of you. And the only thing you can do is wait for the time when their memory won’t hurt you anymore.

11 . Unworthy boys make a lot of noise -Delia Owens

Best Where The Crawdads Sing Quotes Of All Time

It is always the incompetent who make the most noise. Their overconfidence is evident in the way they crave for attention. And yet, behind all that noise is incompetence.

12 . A lot of times love doesn’t work out, Yet even when it fails, it connects you to others and, in the end, that is all you have, the connections. -Delia Owens

Best Where The Crawdads Sing Quotes Of All Time

Not every love story has a perfect happy ending. Some of them fail terribly. And even when they do fail, the bond that you have made, the connections, the memories, all of it still remain.

13 . She knew the years of isolation had altered her behavior until she was different from others. -Delia Owens

Best Where The Crawdads Sing Quotes Of All Time

Isolation changes you; loneliness affects you deeply. It consumes you and changes you until you are not yourself anymore. It alters your behaviour before you even realize that.

14 . Autumn leaves don’t fall; they fly, they take their time and wander on this, their only chance to soar. -Delia Owens

Best Where The Crawdads Sing Quotes Of All Time

Every season is beautiful in its own way and Autumn is no different. The leaves fly around, making the world seem much more colorful. They add nuance and depth to the otherwise desolate and chaotic world.

15 . Faces change with life’s toll, but eyes remain a window to what was. -Delia Owens

Best Where The Crawdads Sing Quotes Of All Time

Faces change as you grow old, as time goes by. But the eyes, they never change. They remain the same. And the eyes are reminiscent of bygone times; they have seen everything from the past.

15 Best Quotes From Where the Crawdads Sing To Read Today!

1. Needing people ended in hurt. -Delia Owens

2. Biology sees right and wrong as the same color in different light. -Delia Owens

3. Why should the injured, the still bleeding, bear the onus of forgiveness? -Delia Owens

4. Truths everyone should know, yet somehow, even though they lay exposed all around, seemed to lie in secret like the seeds. -Delia Owens

5. She laughed for his sake, something she’d never done, Giving away another piece of herself just to have someone else. -Delia Owens

6. If anyone would understand loneliness, the moon would. -Delia Owens

7. I wasn’t aware that words could hold so much, I didn’t know a sentence could be so full. -Delia Owens

8. How much do you trade to defeat loneliness? -Delia Owens

9. She’d given love a chance; now she wanted simply to fill the empty spaces, ease the loneliness while walling off her heart. -Delia Owens

10. Each time I forget you, your eyes haunt my heart and it falls still, And so farewell, until the next time you come, Until, at last, I do not see you. -Delia Owens

11. Unworthy boys make a lot of noise -Delia Owens

12. A lot of times love doesn’t work out, Yet even when it fails, it connects you to others and, in the end, that is all you have, the connections. -Delia Owens

13. She knew the years of isolation had altered her behavior until she was different from others. -Delia Owens

14. Autumn leaves don’t fall; they fly, they take their time and wander on this, their only chance to soar. -Delia Owens

15. Faces change with life’s toll, but eyes remain a window to what was. -Delia Owens