15 Best Life Quotes from Hulu Mystery Thriller Chance

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1 . It’s good to have goals. -Eldon Chance

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Only a clear goal to follow in life can get you somewhere.Going about blindly with no clear destination in mind will only lead you to a dead end.

2 . Emotion over logic, They didn’t think, They just reacted, so they let me dictate. -Darius D’Pringle

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You cannot act on impulse. You need to think about your actions twice before you do something. Emotions will only mislead you. It is rational thinking that helps you win.

3 . When we see that our cause is just, tears come to our eyes, A sweet delight fills our hearts. -Darius D’Pringle

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When we follow a path that we know for sure is right, there is a beautiful feeling that fills our hearts. It’s the belief that our actions will lead to something good that brings us comfort.

4 . Life gives us choices, defines us by the ones we make, And yet we make them all in complete uncertainty. -Darius D’Pringle

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Life is unpredictable. We have to make choices at every point in our life. But it is impossible to predict where those choices will lead us to. We make choices without knowing what life has in store for us and it is up to us to figure out along the way.

5 . Everyone should be homeless for at least a month. -Darius D’Pringle

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Only once you have lost everything can you truly be grateful for all the things that you have. We are so accustomed to our privilege that we fail to appreciate it.

6 . I want the other guy defending while I attack, That’s how you win in the real world, in a real fight. -Darius D’Pringle

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You should be the one who’s on the offensive everytime in life. You should actively take actions without ever taking a step back. That is the only way to win.

7 . Know what your enemy is afraid of, That’s power. -Darius D’Pringle

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Only if you know your enemy can you ever surpass him. Once you know your opponent’s fears, you can use that against them. That gives you the power to defeat him.

8 . Perception is reality, And perception is formed right off the bat. -Darius D’Pringle

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You see the things that you want to see. Your perception is what forms your reality. And perception always is dictated by your first impression of things.

9 . In my experience, the really crazy ones don’t say that they’re crazy. -Eldon Chance

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People are rarely ever self-aware of themselves. They never really care to introspect and try to understand themselves. The bad ones never really realise they are bad to begin with.

10 . Most fights are over before they start. -Darius D’Pringle

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How much you prepare before you do anything matters a lot. The outcomes of most wars are determined even before they begin by the strategies that both parties decide to employ.

11 . Fear stops when you kill the thing you’re afraid of, Or it kills you. -Darius D’Pringle

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Fear is motivated by the existence of the thing that you fear. Once you decide to stand up to it and face your fears, they do not seem as intimidating.

12 . We do something or we don’t, Suzanne, It’s that simple, We act or we give in to despair. -Eldon Chance

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The choice to either do something or not is always up to you. You should weigh all the possibilities and decide how to act on it.

13 . We are all pilgrims, trying to figure out who we are and how to live in this world, And we go on until we can’t. -Eldon Chance

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All of us are in search of a purpose in life; sometimes this search is life long. And we cannot know if we will ever find it. That is what makes life so beautiful: the uncertainty of it.

14 . Nothing worthwhile is ever done through thinking alone, At some point, you have to act. -Eldon Chance

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You cannot achieve anything just by your thoughts. No amount of planning and plotting can help you if you refuse to act on it. It is your actions that determine the outcomes and not your thoughts.

15 . Grace lies not in the fulfillment of my desires, but in the strength to accept everything with joy. -Eldon Chance

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You can never be happy if you refuse to accept reality. You cannot change things by wishing for it. Some things just cannot be changed and you need to accept that and move on.

15 Best Life Quotes from Hulu Mystery Thriller Chance

1. It’s good to have goals. -Eldon Chance

2. Emotion over logic, They didn’t think, They just reacted, so they let me dictate. -Darius D’Pringle

3. When we see that our cause is just, tears come to our eyes, A sweet delight fills our hearts. -Darius D’Pringle

4. Life gives us choices, defines us by the ones we make, And yet we make them all in complete uncertainty. -Darius D’Pringle

5. Everyone should be homeless for at least a month. -Darius D’Pringle

6. I want the other guy defending while I attack, That’s how you win in the real world, in a real fight. -Darius D’Pringle

7. Know what your enemy is afraid of, That’s power. -Darius D’Pringle

8. Perception is reality, And perception is formed right off the bat. -Darius D’Pringle

9. In my experience, the really crazy ones don’t say that they’re crazy. -Eldon Chance

10. Most fights are over before they start. -Darius D’Pringle

11. Fear stops when you kill the thing you’re afraid of, Or it kills you. -Darius D’Pringle

12. We do something or we don’t, Suzanne, It’s that simple, We act or we give in to despair. -Eldon Chance

13. We are all pilgrims, trying to figure out who we are and how to live in this world, And we go on until we can’t. -Eldon Chance

14. Nothing worthwhile is ever done through thinking alone, At some point, you have to act. -Eldon Chance

15. Grace lies not in the fulfillment of my desires, but in the strength to accept everything with joy. -Eldon Chance

Aaryan Sharma

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