13 Quotes From Rumi That Will Teach You How To Live And Love

Quotes from Rumi

1 . If the house of the world is dark, love will find a way to make windows. – Rumi

Famous Quotes from Rumi

Sometimes the world seems dark and lonely. In that moment love is the only thing that brings with itself some hope and positivity. Love acts like the windows in a dark house through which warmth and sunshine enter making it a home.

2 . Wisdom tells us we are not worthy; love tells us we are. My life flows between the two. – Rumi

Famous Quotes from Rumi

We determine our own worth based on two things: wisdom and love. Where our thoughts always leave us feeling like we aren’t enough, love pulls us back and shows us that we are worthy and deserve all the good things happening to us.

3 . Let the beauty of what you love be what you do. – Rumi

Famous Quotes from Rumi

There is a certain beauty in love, even more so when you can do something that you love to do. The passion drives you and makes you want to wake up to a new day just to be able to do it all over again. Make your future something that you would love to live in.

4 . Reason is powerless in the expression of love. – Rumi

Famous Quotes from Rumi

Love negates reason. There is no particular reason for loving someone, you just do and there is no explanation beyond that to justify it.

5 . There are lovers content with longing. I’m not one of them. – Rumi

Famous Quotes from Rumi

One sided love is for the brave hearted because it takes a lot to be satisfied with the love you feel for a person and not have it reciprocated. It is not easy on the heart and it is definitely not for all.

6 . Whenever they rebuild an old building, they must first of all destroy the old one. – Rumi

Famous Quotes from Rumi

You cannot build anything new on the base of ruins of the past. It has to be rebuilt from the ground so that it stands stronger and longer. Just like that, you have to let go of the past to make the future a better place to live in.

7 . We cannot say much about love at first sight. It happens, and we live in the wake of a new life. – Rumi

Famous Quotes from Rumi

Storybooks and movies have always shown us what falling in love at first sight would feel like. But in reality, you never know what, how or when it will happen and what it does feel like. It just happens one day and you realise that you smile more often and life feels like a good place to be in.

8 . You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens. – Rumi

Famous Quotes from Rumi

Heartbreak brings pain but it is also necessary. It teaches us to look into ourselves and learn what we don’t need in our lives. It makes it easier for us to find the kind of love that we can trust and be cared for because now the heart is no longer afraid.

9 . Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along. – Rumi

Famous Quotes from Rumi

Sometimes it’s destiny and sometimes it’s fate but some souls are made for each other. They are already a part of each other as they are of the universe. They don’t need to find each other for that love to be complete.

10 . It’s your road and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you. – Rumi

Famous Quotes from Rumi

The path you choose to walk on, the road you take is how you decide to lead your life. It is your decision alone and when no one has the power to make it for you then no one can walk the mile in your shoes, you have to do it yourself.

11 . I wait with silent passion for one gesture, one glance from you. – Rumi

Famous Quotes from Rumi

When in love, you wait for one sign of reciprocation from the person you love. It can be anything, just one look or a small touch can make your day. But when patience is rewarded, nothing else matters.

12 . Love is the sea where intellect drowns. – Rumi

Famous Quotes from Rumi

Love surrounds us in all ways possible. It takes over our minds and soul and makes us do things we have never done before. There is no reasoning or logical thinking when love is in question.

13 . When will you begin that long journey into yourself? – Rumi

Famous Quotes from Rumi

Introspection is something that everyone should indulge in. It is never too late to start learning and understanding yourself. It may be arduous but it is worth it in the end.

13 Quotes From Rumi That Will Teach You How To Live And Love

1. If the house of the world is dark, love will find a way to make windows. – Rumi

2. Wisdom tells us we are not worthy; love tells us we are. My life flows between the two. – Rumi

3. Let the beauty of what you love be what you do. – Rumi

4. Reason is powerless in the expression of love. – Rumi

5. There are lovers content with longing. I’m not one of them. – Rumi

6. Whenever they rebuild an old building, they must first of all destroy the old one. – Rumi

7. We cannot say much about love at first sight. It happens, and we live in the wake of a new life. – Rumi

8. You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens. – Rumi

9. Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along. – Rumi

10. It’s your road and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you. – Rumi

11. I wait with silent passion for one gesture, one glance from you. – Rumi

12. Love is the sea where intellect drowns. – Rumi

13. When will you begin that long journey into yourself? – Rumi