13 Best D. A. Carson Quotes To Help With Your Spiritual Journey

D. A. Carson Quotes

1 . All of us would be wiser if we would resolve never to put people down, except on our prayer lists. -D. A. Carson

 Best D. A. Carson Quotes

It is only because we try to put others down and belittle them that our world isn’t getting any better. Learn to lift others up rather than putting them down.

2 . Sometimes God chooses to bless us and make us people of integrity in the midst of abominable circumstances, rather than change our circumstances. -D. A. Carson

 Best D. A. Carson Quotes

It’s when we are in tough circumstances that we grow and mature. God chooses to put us in difficult situations to test our character and integrity.

3 . We do not drift into spiritual life or disciplined prayer. We will not grow in prayer unless we plan to pray. -D. A. Carson

 Best D. A. Carson Quotes

A spiritual life isn’t something that you gradually slide into. You have to actively work towards it. Praying is a practice that helps you grow and keep a good life.

4 . If the text is God’s Word, it is appropriate that we respond with reverence, a certain fear, a holy joy, a questing obedience. -D. A. Carson

 Best D. A. Carson Quotes

If the Bible is the word of God, then it’s important that we respect it. The word of God is supreme and it is holy and hence, should be seen with obedience and fear and equally with joy.

5 . Hell is not filled with people who are deeply sorry for their sins. -D. A. Carson

 Best D. A. Carson Quotes

It doesn’t matter whether you’ve sinned. What matters is that you repent and learn from the situation. Only those who’re not sorry for their sins go to hell.

6 . Effective prayer is the fruit of a relationship with God, not a technique for acquiring blessings. -D. A. Carson

 Best D. A. Carson Quotes

Prayer is a way to get closer to God. It’s not a means to ask for blessings or gifts. Prayer is supposed to help you feel the love of God and give you strength and hope through Him.

7 . Many of us in our praying are like nasty little boys who ring front door bells and run away before anyone answers. -D. A. Carson

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So many of us expect quick returns when we pray. You need to be patient with God as He does things in his own time.

8 . The place where God has supremely destroyed all human arrogance and pretension is the cross. -D. A. Carson

 Best D. A. Carson Quotes

The cross is the symbol of purity and love. It’s where God sacrificed his own son for the sins of man and destroyed all human arrogance.

9 . Imagination is a God-given gift; but if it is fed dirt by the eye, it will be dirty. -D. A. Carson

 Best D. A. Carson Quotes

Our imagination is a gift from God. But if we fill it with dirty and corrupted thoughts, it’ll inevitably lead to our downfall.

10 . There is a certain kind of maturity that can be attained only through the discipline of suffering. -D. A. Carson

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Suffering and pain is paramount to our growth. When we suffer and go through the darkest of times, we attain a certain maturity that’ll help us grow and become better as a person.

11 . If you want to see what love looks like, go to the cross. -D. A Carson

 Best D. A. Carson Quotes

The cross is a symbol of love. It stands the test of time and has become a symbol that is larger than life. Worship the cross if you want to feel closer to God and experience love.

12 . Sin corrupts even our good deeds. We injure our shoulder trying to pat ourselves on the back. -D. A. Carson

 Best D. A. Carson Quotes

Sins corrupt our soul and poison us, eventually destroying even the good deeds that we’ve done. Do not give in to temptation and rise above petty human desires.

13 . We slide towards godlessness and convince ourselves we have been liberated. -D. A. Carson

 Best D. A. Carson Quotes

The modern lifestyle is such that it masks godless and perverted habits as liberation and leads us to temptation. Don’t forget your values and stick to your moral principles.

13 Best D. A. Carson Quotes To Help With Your Spiritual Journey

1. All of us would be if we wiser would resolve never to put people down, except on our prayer lists. -D. A. Carson

2. Sometimes God chooses to bless us and make us people of integrity in the midst of abominable circumstances, rather than change our circumstances. -D. A. Carson

3. We do not drift into spiritual life or disciplined prayer. We will not grow in prayer unless we plan to pray. -D. A. Carson

4. If the text is God’s Word, it is appropriate that we respond with reverence, a certain fear, a holy joy, a questing obedience. -D. A. Carson

5. Hell is not filled with people who are deeply sorry for their sins. -D. A. Carson

6. Effective prayer is the fruit of a relationship with God, not a technique for acquiring blessings. -D. A. Carson

7. Many of us in our praying are like nasty little boys who ring front door bells and run away before anyone answers. -D. A. Carson

8. The place where God has supremely destroyed all human arrogance and pretension is the cross. -D. A. Carson

9. Imagination is a God-given gift; but if it is fed dirt by the eye, it will be dirty. -D. A. Carson

10. There is a certain kind of maturity that can be attained only through the discipline of suffering. -D. A. Carson

11. If you want to see what love looks like, go to the cross. -D. A Carson

12. Sin corrupts even our good deeds. We injure our shoulder trying to pat ourselves on the back. -D. A. Carson

13. We slide towards godlessness and convince ourselves we have been liberated. -D. A. Carson