12 Most Iconic Roy Mustang Quotes From Fullmetal Alchemist

Roy Mustang Quotes

1 . Killed in action and promoted two ranks for it. Brigadier General Hughes. You were the guy who was supposed to work below me and to push me to the top. -Roy Mustang

Best Roy Mustang Quotes

Roy hadn’t taken General Hughes’ death well. He was disturbed by it for a long while and was in denial. What hurt him the most was that Hugh got more recognition after his death.

2 . If we don’t want to drive ourselves crazy, we can only deal with what’s directly in front of us. -Roy Mustang

Best Roy Mustang Quotes

Roy was a man with a balanced state of mind. It’s impossible to shoulder too many responsibilities at once. The only thing you can do is to focus on what’s in front of you and discard the rest.

3 . Nothing’s perfect, the world’s not perfect, but it’s there for us, trying the best it can. That’s what makes it so damn beautiful. -Roy Mustang

Best Roy Mustang Quotes

Roy was a man who looked at the world optimistically. He knew that despite its flaws, the world can still be made better if we try for it. It’s this possibility that makes it so beautiful.

4 . If Your Opponent Is Of Choleric Temper, Seek To Irritate. -Roy Mustang

Best Roy Mustang Quotes

Anger can become a weakness if one doesn’t know how to control it. If your opponent is of short temper, then try to use it to your advantage. Irritate him till he loses control.

5 . Dogs embody loyalty. They follow their master’s commands above all else! Be a jerk to them and they don’t complain. -Roy Mustang

Best Roy Mustang Quotes

Roy was very fond of dogs. He liked the fact they are always loyal to their masters, regardless of what you do to them. They’ll listen to your words without any sign of complaint.

6 . The power of one man doesn’t amount to much. However little strength I’m capable of, I’ll do everything humanly possible to protect the people I love. -Roy Mustang

Best Roy Mustang Quotes

No matter how insignificant and petty you may feel, remember that every bit of love and protection you offer makes a difference. Protect those who you love with every bit of your strength because it’s these things that make life worthwhile.

7 . My pawn. My bishop. My rook. My knight. My queen has been taken. But I still haven’t been checkmated just yet. -Roy Mustang

Best Roy Mustang Quotes

Roy was a remarkably resilient person who would never give up. Even when backed to a corner, he didn’t give up. He always had a backup plan with him.

8 . Life that has been lost cannot be brought back again. That very truth is what shows us the meaning and value of living. -Roy Mustang

Best Roy Mustang Quotes

Ironically, it is death which adds meaning and value to life. Roy was very well aware of it. He didn’t fear death and believed that it was the impermanence of life that made it so beautiful.

9 . Any man who has the brains to think and the nerve to act for the benefit of the people of the country is considered a radical. -Roy Mustang

Best Roy Mustang Quotes

History has taught us that people who act out of their way for the benefit of the people are always treated as radicals. It is one of society’s greatest flaws that people cannot fathom someone who’s brave enough to take a stand for the good of others.

10 . If you believe the possibility exists, then you should do whatever it takes. -Roy Mustang

Best Roy Mustang Quotes

If there’s even a tiny bit of possibility that there’s a chance for success, you should do all it takes. Never back down if there’s even a glimmer of hope.

11 . Even a piece of garbage has its pride. -Roy Mustang

Best Roy Mustang Quotes

Pride is something that lives within every human being. It doesn’t matter where in life they are, there’ll always be a hint of pride in their heart.

12 . I never feel more human than when I’m fighting real monsters. -Roy Mustang

Best Roy Mustang Quotes

Roy was a person who craved thrills. He felt the most human when he confronted real monsters and defeated them. That’s one of the reasons why he loved his job.

12 Most Iconic Roy Mustang Quotes From Fullmetal Alchemist

1. Killed in action and promoted two ranks for it. Brigadier General Hughes. You were the guy who was supposed to work below me and to push me to the top. -Roy Mustang

2. If we don’t want to drive ourselves crazy, we can only deal with what’s directly in front of us. -Roy Mustang

3. Nothing’s perfect, the world’s not perfect, but it’s there for us, trying the best it can. That’s what makes it so damn beautiful. -Roy Mustang

4. If Your Opponent Is Of Choleric Temper, Seek To Irritate. -Roy Mustang

5. Dogs embody loyalty. They follow their master’s commands above all else! Be a jerk to them and they don’t complain. -Roy Mustang

6. The power of one man doesn’t amount to much. However little strength I’m capable of, I’ll do everything humanly possible to protect the people I love. -Roy Mustang

7. My pawn. My bishop. My rook. My knight. My queen has been taken. But I still haven’t been checkmated just yet. -Roy Mustang

8. Life that has been lost cannot be brought back again. That very truth is what shows us the meaning and value of living. -Roy Mustang

9. Any man who has the brains to think and the nerve to act for the benefit of the people of the country is considered a radical. -Roy Mustang

10. If you believe the possibility exists, then you should do whatever it takes. -Roy Mustang

11. Even a piece of garbage has its pride. -Roy Mustang

12. I never feel more human than when I’m fighting real monsters. -Roy Mustang