11 Motivating Bobby Bowden Quotes to Inspire You

Bobby Bowden Quotes

Robert Cleckler Bowden, better known as Bobby, was an American college football coach. He is considered one of the greatest college football coaches of all time for his accomplishments with the Seminoles. He ranks second all-time in Division I wins. He was named head coach for Seminoles in 1970 and had a 42-26 record with the Mountaineers.

Bowden was born in Birmingham, Alabama. In college, he went on to play quarterback for Howard College (now Samford University). He also played baseball and ran track. After graduating, Bowden got his first coaching gig as an assistant at Howard. He later went on to coach the Seminoles. Bowden’s Seminoles finished as an AP top-5 team for 14 consecutive seasons, setting a record that doubled the closest program. He is considered by many to be one of the greatest football coaches in American history. He passed away on 9th August 2021.

1 . If somebody mistreats you, treat ’em good, That kills ’em. -Bobby Bowden

Best Bobby Bowden Quotes

If someone wrongs you, treat them with kindness. When you act with love towards those who hate you, you become the bigger person. And that’s what angers them the most.

2 . He doesn’t know the meaning of the word fear. -Bobby Bowden

Best Bobby Bowden Quotes

Do not let fear be in your dictionary. Scrap it away. Fear only burdens and hinders you. Face your fears and rise above them.

3 . Faith is the most important thing in the world to me, It’s the greatest strength I’ve had, It’s helped me get through the hard times. -Bobby Bowden

Best Bobby Bowden Quotes

Faith gives you strength even in your darkest times. It helps you rise above petty fears and uncertainties. When you are at your lowest, your faith will give you hope

4 . I’ve always said I’m not going to make football my god. -Bobby Bowden

Best Bobby Bowden Quotes

It is fine to invest in something, but there is always a limit. Remember, not everything always goes according to plan. Keep yourself grounded no matter how high you may be flying at the moment.

5 . A lot of coaches put so much into coaching football games that they have nothing left. -Bobby Bowden

Best Bobby Bowden Quotes

It’s stupid to put all your eggs in the same basket. Do not invest so much into something that you do not have anything to fall back on. Always have a backup plan ready.

6 . People that are brilliant and successful, we think they’ve just always been that way, Most of them have had some tough adversity in their life. -Bobby Bowden

Best Bobby Bowden Quotes

No one is born successful. Most people who you see at the top have had to go through tough times and they have made it through. You can never be great without facing obstacles in life.

7 . I’ve never made football my priority, My priorities are my faith and my dependence on God. -Bobby Bowden

Best Bobby Bowden Quotes

Remember where your priorities should lie. Listen to what your heart truly says and follow that. If it is faith that your heart cries out for, be that, if it is something else that you are passionate about, follow that. Always stay true to yourself.

8 . I’ve never felt like you could develop character without adversity. -Bobby Bowden

Best Bobby Bowden Quotes

The only way to develop character in life is through adversities. All that these challenges do is make you a stronger person and teach you important lessons in life.

9 . A boy needs a male figure, and the girls do, too, Somebody to discipline them and make them be a man. -Bobby Bowden

Best Bobby Bowden Quotes

We all need someone who we can look up to in life. A father figure who will teach us life’s ways and show us a path to walk upon. Someone who will be there for us and, at the same time, teach us to stand on our own two feet.

10 . A guy’s who has all the money he needs and never faced any hard times, he won’t have any character. -Bobby Bowden

Best Bobby Bowden Quotes

Someone who’s had an easy life will never be able to grow and mature. Character is only built with experience and experience only comes by overcoming adversities.

11 . But when you’ve had it tough and you’ve had it rough and you work your way out of it, that’s the way you build character. -Bobby Bowden

Best Bobby Bowden Quotes

The only way to build character is to struggle through life. You need to work your way out of numerous obstacles, you need to dive down into the deepest pits of darkness and still make it out. That’s what builds character and helps you grow and mature in life.

11 Motivating Bobby Bowden Quotes to Inspire You

1. If somebody mistreats you, treat ’em good, That kills ’em. -Bobby Bowden

2. He doesn’t know the meaning of the word fear. -Bobby Bowden

3. Faith is the most important thing in the world to me, It’s the greatest strength I’ve had, It’s helped me get through the hard times. -Bobby Bowden

4. I’ve always said I’m not going to make football my god. -Bobby Bowden

5. A lot of coaches put so much into coaching football games that they have nothing left. -Bobby Bowden

6. People that are brilliant and successful, we think they’ve just always been that way, Most of them have had some tough adversity in their life. -Bobby Bowden

7. I’ve never made football my priority, My priorities are my faith and my dependence on God. -Bobby Bowden

8. I’ve never felt like you could develop character without adversity. -Bobby Bowden

9. A boy needs a male figure, and the girls do, too, Somebody to discipline them and make them be a man. -Bobby Bowden

10. A guy’s who has all the money he needs and never faced any hard times, he won’t have any character. -Bobby Bowden

11. But when you’ve had it tough and you’ve had it rough and you work your way out of it, that’s the way you build character. -Bobby Bowden