11 Best Mort Sahl Quotes That Will Make Your Day

Mort Sahl Quotes

Morton Lyon Sahl was a Canadian-born American comedian and social satirist. He is considered by many to be the first modern comedian in the United States. He was widely known for poking fun at modern American society, politicians and pop culture. His groundbreaking style of humor has influenced numerous others after him. He appeared on various television shows, played a number of film roles, and performed a one-man show on Broadway.

Morton Lyon Sahl was born on May 11, 1927, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. He made his professional stage debut at the hungry i nightclub in 1953.  In 1960 he became the first comedian to have a cover story written about him by Time magazine. He has been an influence to numerous comedians after him, including Woody Allen, George Carlin, etc. He passed away on 26 October, 2021 aged 94.

1 . This matter of two sides to every question is bad logic and bad practice, sometimes there are no sides; sometimes there are a hundred. -Mort Sahl

Best Mort Sahl Quotes

The truth is sometimes hidden well. It’s flawed logic to think that everything can be explained by the limited knowledge you have. People say there are two sides to everything. Well, sometimes, there are many and sometimes there are none.

2 . There are talented people along the way, although very few come to mind, They’re not very daring. -Mort Sahl

Best Mort Sahl Quotes

So much talent in this world is wasted because of the fear of failure. One needs to have the courage to try and the courage to fail. If you are afraid of failing and always stay in your comfort zone, you’ll never know what may be. You’ll always fall short thanks to fear.

3 . Professional comedians, surprisingly, have a lack of humor, they’re insensitive to the insanity of our times. -Mort Sahl

Best Mort Sahl Quotes

The beauty of comedy is in how it confronts some of the most daunting issues of our times. The problem with most modern comedians is how they stay away from this and play it safe. They need to confront the insanity of our society and culture.

4 . I didn’t think that anything is beyond humor – not profane humor, but a good, honest approach to humor. -Mort Sahl

Best Mort Sahl Quotes

There isn’t anything that is beyond humour. Humour can be fun and honest. It doesn’t always have to be offensive. Smart comedians of the likes of Mort Sahl have never shied away from using the most volatile issues in their performances. That’s what makes the art of comedy so fun and beautiful.

5 . Too often, these comedy guys now only care about getting on and then getting off and getting rich. -Mort Sahl

Best Mort Sahl Quotes

Comedians, and many artists these days, only think of getting rich. What they chase is money and never dare to do something new. All money does is take away the freedom and power that art holds. As an artist, one needs to adapt and create and innovate instead of playing it safe.

6 . Comedians have to challenge the power. -Mort Sahl

Best Mort Sahl Quotes

Comedy and satire has always been used to challenge the system. History is witness to how, when tyrants have risen, it was always the art of satire which kept the torch of resistance burning.

7 . Comedians should be dangerous and devastating – and funny, that’s the hardest part. -Mort Sahl

Best Mort Sahl Quotes

Comedians should be fearless and daring. They need to have the courage to challenge those in power and always keep them on their toes. There is immense power in humour.

8 . Too much comedy today is vulgar, not clever, I say that as a comedian and as a consumer. -Mort Sahl

Best Mort Sahl Quotes

Humour today has been reduced to vulgarity and abuse. It takes away the fun and beauty of it. Comedy doesn’t always have to be abusive. It doesn’t have to be vulgar. Comedians like Mort Sahl never had to rely on any of it to make their audiences laugh.

9 . Television is never more false than when it’s openly sincere. -Mort Sahl

Best Mort Sahl Quotes

We all know how manipulative and devious the little box of television in our houses are. Mass media has always been used to persuade and manipulate people on a large scale. Fake news and propaganda are rampant in the media.

10 . I don’t believe in good people and bad people, I believe in the better parts of people. -Mort Sahl

Best Mort Sahl Quotes

No one in this world is entirely pure or bad. There are no bad people and good people. We all have parts of us which are bad and others which are good. What matters is that we never lose sight of the goodness within us.

11 . I found people looked better when they laughed. -Mort Sahl

Best Mort Sahl Quotes

People look so much more beautiful when they smile and laugh. They say laughter is the best medicine and there’s nothing truer than that. Laughter can heal you in so many ways.

11 Best Mort Sahl Quotes That Will Make Your Day

1. This matter of two sides to every question is bad logic and bad practice, sometimes there are no sides; sometimes there are a hundred. -Mort Sahl

2. There are talented people along the way, although very few come to mind, They’re not very daring. -Mort Sahl

3. Professional comedians, surprisingly, have a lack of humor, they’re insensitive to the insanity of our times. -Mort Sahl

4. I didn’t think that anything is beyond humor – not profane humor, but a good, honest approach to humor. -Mort Sahl

5. Too often, these comedy guys now only care about getting on and then getting off and getting rich. -Mort Sahl

6. Comedians have to challenge the power. -Mort Sahl

7. Comedians should be dangerous and devastating – and funny, that’s the hardest part. -Mort Sahl

8. Too much comedy today is vulgar, not clever, I say that as a comedian and as a consumer. -Mort Sahl

9. Television is never more false than when it’s openly sincere. -Mort Sahl

10. I don’t believe in good people and bad people, I believe in the better parts of people. -Mort Sahl

11. I found people looked better when they laughed. -Mort Sahl