10 Unerring Quotes from The Law Of Innocence by Michael Connelly

Quotes from The Law Of Innocence by Michael Connelly

1 . Where there’s government subsidy, there is always corruption. -Michael Connelly

Best Quotes from The Law Of Innocence by Michael Connelly

Most government institutions are ridden with corruption. People are inherently selfish and the moment they see an opportunity to exploit, they will do so. Bureaucracy often leads to corruption.

2 . There are no dumb questions when it comes to the law, Only dumb answers. -Michael Connelly

Best Quotes from The Law Of Innocence by Michael Connelly

No questions in front of the law are stupid. They are meticulous and important. The answers may be stupid but never the questions.

3 . A trial often comes down to who is a better storyteller, the prosecution, or the defense. -Michael Connelly

Best Quotes from The Law Of Innocence by Michael Connelly

In the court of law, it is always stories that matter. The one with the better and believable story ends up walking free. You need to know how to twist facts to suit your story.

4 . To prove true innocence, the guilty man must be found and exposed to the world. -Michael Connelly

Best Quotes from The Law Of Innocence by Michael Connelly

For every innocent man out there, there is a guilty criminal too. And to prove your innocence you need to bring that guilty man to light. Unless you can expose that person, there’s no point in shouting out your innocence because no one will believe you.

5 . I had no illusions about my innocence. I knew it was something only I could know for sure. -Michael Connelly

Best Quotes from The Law Of Innocence by Michael Connelly

Sometimes, the world will refuse to believe you. At times like this, it is up to you to never lose hope. You need to hold onto hope. You need to believe in yourself and what you believe is true.

6 . They’re the government, The beast, And the game is always rigged in the beast’s favor. -Michael Connelly

Best Quotes from The Law Of Innocence by Michael Connelly

The government almost always holds an advantage over the people. In cases of law, they can twist and turn the state’s judiciary to favor them. The game is almost always rigged in favor of the government.

7 . There is nothing pure about the law when you get inside a courtroom. -Michael Connelly

Best Quotes from The Law Of Innocence by Michael Connelly

The law is meant to be sacrosanct. But inside the courtroom the prosecution and the defense, both twist and turn the law to add their version of the truth. The law that was meant to favor the innocent is then used to support lies and loopholes.

8 . He always said, save your powder, meaning less is more. -Michael Connelly

Best Quotes from The Law Of Innocence by Michael Connelly

Excess always hurts. You do not have to use all of the resources that you have. Too much of something is bad. You need to learn to think prudently and live frugally.

9 . There is nothing you can do about the past except keep it there. -Michael Connelly

Best Quotes from The Law Of Innocence by Michael Connelly

The past is not something that you can control. There’s no point in holding onto it. You need to accept what has happened and put it behind yourself. Unless you do so, you won’t be able to move on from it.

10 . The world was full of people who could not get over things, there was no closure and there was no peace. -Michael Connelly

Best Quotes from The Law Of Innocence by Michael Connelly

People of this generation are so hung up on the past that they cannot move on from it. They live in the past, revisiting their trauma. They find no closure and no peace at all.

10 Unerring Quotes from The Law Of Innocence by Michael Connelly

1. Where there’s government subsidy, there is always corruption. -Michael Connelly

2. There are no dumb questions when it comes to the law, Only dumb answers. -Michael Connelly

3. A trial often comes down to who is a better storyteller, the prosecution, or the defense. -Michael Connelly

4. To prove true innocence, the guilty man must be found and exposed to the world. -Michael Connelly

5. I had no illusions about my innocence. I knew it was something only I could know for sure. -Michael Connelly

6. They’re the government, The beast, And the game is always rigged in the beast’s favor. -Michael Connelly

7. There is nothing pure about the law when you get inside a courtroom. -Michael Connelly

8. He always said, save your powder, meaning less is more. -Michael Connelly

9. There is nothing you can do about the past except keep it there. -Michael Connelly

10. The world was full of people who could not get over things, there was no closure and there was no peace. -Michael Connelly