1 Being a father, being a friend, those are the things that make me feel successful. -William Hurt

Being there for those around you is what makes you successful. There’s no point to your money and fame if you cannot take care of your loved ones.
2 All I know is that my best work has come out of being committed and happy. -William Hurt

You can only be productive if you’re happy in life. If you have no peace of mind, nothing you do will turn out good.
3 We get so intellectual that we forget that we’re physical creatures. -William Hurt

Humans have evolved to a point that they’ve forgotten that they are physical beings, just like every other life form on Earth. They act like they’re superior to other beings and lose sight of their own nature.
4 Defeating fear is not a light switch. For most of us, it’s daily work. -William Hurt

Conquering your fear is not an easy task. It takes a lot of courage and work. You need to get up every morning with the determination to stand up to your fears without flinching a bit.
5 Sometimes people call me a success for all the reasons that make me think I’m a failure. -William Hurt

People will never know the work and efforts that you’ve put in to reach where you are right now. Only you can know where you’ve gone wrong and where you’ve excelled, even if others misunderstand it.
6 There’s fear or faith. If you’re living by fear, then you’re always looking for security. If you’re living by faith, then you’re always looking for freedom. -William Hurt

Live by faith and not fear. If you let fear consume you, you’ll always be in search of solace. But faith will set you free and give you the strength to stand up to your fears.
7 When you differentiate in technique, you challenge yourself; you ask yourself the same question in a new way. -William Hurt

When you try to learn a new technique to something, you challenge yourself to learn something new. You learn to see the problem in a different light and improve yourself from there.
8 It’s been a long comeback. Things were pretty dark for me. But I have a faith now, and it saves my day. -William Hurt

No matter how dark things may seem for you, you should never lose faith. You need to hold on to whatever hope you can find because, in the end, things always do get better.
9 There’s a peace now. In the end, I got sick and tired of being sick and tired. -William Hurt

There comes a time when you need to say “it’s enough” and get back on your feet and push forward. You can’t stay in the mud all your life.
10 The amount of financial and imaginative energy that’s put into mediocrity is just amazing, which I find to be fundamentally offensive. -William Hurt

So much effort, energy and money flows into mediocrity that the truly great ones are overlooked. People love to play it safe when in fact, it’s the ones who are ready to risk it all and stand apart from the rest that leave a mark on history.
10 Most Profound Willian Hurt Quotes
1. Being a father, being a friend, those are the things that make me feel successful. -William Hurt
2. All I know is that my best work has come out of being committed and happy. -William Hurt
3. We get so intellectual that we forget that we’re physical creatures. -William Hurt
4. Defeating fear is not a light switch. For most of us, it’s daily work. -William Hurt
5. Sometimes people call me a success for all the reasons that make me think I’m a failure. -William Hurt
6. There’s fear or faith. If you’re living by fear, then you’re always looking for security. If you’re living by faith, then you’re always looking for freedom. -William Hurt
7. When you differentiate in technique, you challenge yourself; you ask yourself the same question in a new way. -William Hurt
8. It’s been a long comeback. Things were pretty dark for me. But I have a faith now, and it saves my day. -William Hurt
9. There’s a peace now. In the end, I got sick and tired of being sick and tired. -William Hurt
10. The amount of financial and imaginative energy that’s put into mediocrity is just amazing, which I find to be fundamentally offensive. -William Hurt