10 Best Kozuki Oden Quotes From One Piece

Kozuki Oden Quotes

1 . Disown away! I shall cross to a new riverbank. Wherever the sun sets, that shall be my bed. -Kozuki Oden

Oden Quotes

Oden was exiled from Flower Capital after his fiasco with the Mountain Bear. But he didn’t care about being disowned. Being the adventurous man that he was, he was ready to leave and go where the wind took him.

2 . Lend me your wisdom and strength. I’ve decided that these worthless hooligans need me as their king. -Kozuki Oden

Oden Quotes

After being exiled from the Flower Capital, Kozuki decided to make a country in Wano Kuri, the most lawless region in Wano. He asked the people to lend him their strength and make him their king.

3 . Shame on all of you. Your fear of the alien exposes your own ignorance. It is absolutely pathetic for you to torment little children. -Kozuki Oden

Oden Quotes

After witnessing the people of Wano crucify and torture Inuarashi, Nekomamushi, and Kawamatsu, he saves them from their clutches. He lectures the people who tormented them and tells how their fear made them blind enough to torture children.

4 . Leaving this country is my dream. Take me with you, let me see the world. -Kozuki Oden

Oden Quotes

Oden was also extremely adventurous and wanted to illegally set sail away from Wano Country, viewing it as too cramped. Oden’s determination to set sail was so great that he kept trying to do so 38 times.

5 . My name is Kozuki Oden. We may not know each other but I want you to let me join your crew. -Kozuki Oden

Oden Quotes

Oden was hellbent on venturing out of Wano and into the sea. To this end, he would often ask Whitebeard to let him join his crew.

6 . Everything is so much more than I could have imagined, I amount to so little. A tiny, insignificant speck in the wide, wide world. Anything can happen. -Kozuki Oden

Oden Quotes

This is an excerpt from Oden’s diary after he ventured into the sea. He was amazed by all the wonders that he was witnessing. He realised how small and insignificant he was in the face of the universe.

7 . Give me a chance. I must live! We’ll get in the pot at once. Set whatever time limit you like and if any of us survive that long. Set us free. -Kozuki Oden

Oden Quotes

Right when he was about to be executed, Oden makes a deal with Kaidou to allow those who survive the execution to go free. He wanted to save the rest of the Akazaya even if it meant sacrificing himself.

8 . They can forget me, for all I care. My soul will live on, Build your strength while you can. For I am a story to accompany your drinks. -Kozuki Oden

Oden Quotes

These were the words that he said right before his execution. He wanted to be remembered for his exploits and adventures and become a legend even after death.

9 . I am Oden and I was born to boil. -Kozuki Oden

Oden Quotes

This is one of the most famous lines by Oden. He said this right before he was executed by being boiled to death. He didn’t flinch a bit even in the face of death.

10 . They are going to kill me today. On behalf of me, open up the Land of Wano. -Kozuki Oden

Oden Quotes

After venturing out into the sea, Oden was finally able to find the secrets to the Land of Wano. His last wish before his execution was to open up the Land of Wano.

10 Best Kozuki Oden Quotes From One Piece

1. Disown away! I shall cross to a new riverbank. Wherever the sun sets, that shall be my bed. -Kozuki Oden

2. Lend me your wisdom and strength. I’ve decided that these worthless hooligans need me as their king. -Kozuki Oden

3. Shame on all of you. Your fear of the alien exposes your own ignorance. It is absolutely pathetic for you to torment little children. -Kozuki Oden

4. Leaving this country is my dream. Take me with you, let me see the world. -Kozuki Oden

5. My name is Kozuki Oden. We may not know each other but I want you to let me join your crew. -Kozuki Oden

6. Everything is so much more than I could have imagined, I amount to so little. A tiny, insignificant speck in the wide, wide world. Anything can happen. -Kozuki Oden

7. Give me a chance. I must live! We’ll get in the pot at once. Set whatever time limit you like and if any of us survive that long. Set us free. -Kozuki Oden

8. They can forget me, for all I care. My soul will live on, Build your strength while you can. For I am a story to accompany your drinks. -Kozuki Oden

9. I am Oden and I was born to boil. -Kozuki Oden

10. They are going to kill me today. On behalf of me, open up the Land of Wano. -Kozuki Oden