Top 30 Fullmetal Alchemist & Quotes from Elric Brothers!

Fullmetal Alchemist quotes

1 . A lesson without pain is meaningless, that’s because no one can gain without sacrificing something. -Edward Elric

Best quotes from Fullmetal Alchemist

Pain is the best teacher in life. You cannot gain anything in life for free. And that’s why some of the most important lessons in life can only be learned once you endure pain.

2 . Nothing’s perfect, the world’s not perfect, but it’s there for us, trying the best it can, that’s what makes it so damn beautiful. -Roy mustang

Best quotes from Fullmetal Alchemist

The world is flawed and imperfect just like every other thing in life. But in the end, it depends upon how you look at it and how much you try to make it perfect. It is up to you to do your best and that is what makes it so beautiful.

3 . War does not determine who is right, only who is left. -Riza Hawkeye

Best quotes from Fullmetal Alchemist

War is never the solution. All it does is catastrophically destroy innocent lives on both the sides, regardless of who is right or wrong. It does not determine who is right but only who the stronger one is.

4 . How can you move forward if you keep regretting the past? -Edward Elric

Best quotes from Fullmetal Alchemist

You cannot move forward in life if you are stuck in your past. Regret is a treacherous feeling. It holds you back and eats you up from inside. Move on from your past and welcome the future.

5 . We really are weak creatures, but that’s why we can strive to become stronger. -Trisha Elric

Best quotes from Fullmetal Alchemist

Only because we are weak do we have something to strive for, to be stronger and better. We thrive and learn every day and that is what gives our life purpose and meaning.

6 . Stand up and walk, keep moving forward, you’ve got two good legs, so get up and use them, you’re strong enough to make your own path. -Edward Elric

Best quotes from Fullmetal Alchemist

If you are alive and blessed with good health, then that is all you need in life. You do need to rely on someone else to help you around. It is your life and the onus is upon you to make your own path.

7 . Even your gravest mistakes shouldn’t stop you from moving forward. -Edward Elric

Best quotes from Fullmetal Alchemist

Do not let your mistakes define you. Never let them bring you down. Your mistakes are just lessons meant to be learned not obstacles on your path. Keep moving forward regardless of how many mistakes you make.

8 . Life that has been lost cannot be brought back again, that very truth is what shows us the meaning and value of living. -Roy Mustang

Best quotes from Fullmetal Alchemist

You only have one shot at life. Once it ends, there’s no way to come back. That is what makes life so precious and important. Never take life lightly. Find your purpose in life and do your best at it.

9 . The heroes during times of war, are nothing but mass murderers during times of peace. -Riza Hawkeye

Best quotes from Fullmetal Alchemist

War makes heroes out of criminals and cowards out of innocents. War should not be used to justify murders. The heroes you hail in times of war will be considered as mass murderers and criminals in times of peace.

10 . Destruction and creation are two sides of the same coin, you must destroy to create, that is the law of the universe. -Alex Louis Armstrong

Best quotes from Fullmetal Alchemist

To create something new, you must first destroy. That is how the universe works. Creation and destruction are part of a cycle. You cannot make something new without having to give something in return.

11 . Like I always say, can’t find a door? Make your own. -Edward Elric

Best quotes from Fullmetal Alchemist

If you cannot find a path that suits you, make one of your own instead. If you cannot find an opportunity, then you can very well make one for yourself. If you keep waiting for fate to bring you opportunities, you will never get anywhere.

12 . Men are not men on the battlefield, we turn into some other creature, you can do the cruellest things. -Edward Elric

Best quotes from Fullmetal Alchemist

In the face of overwhelming danger, the rational and moral sense shuts down and our survival instincts take over. We become nothing less than animals who can do anything to save their skin and even resort to cruelty.

13 . I think that being able to try your hardest to be something is a talent by itself. –Alphonse Elric

Best quotes from Fullmetal Alchemist

It takes a lot to try your hardest even when it’s clear that all the odds are against you. To work hard and never back down is a skill in itself.

14 . We have to fight in order to live, and that is what will make us strong. –Trisha Elric

Best quotes from Fullmetal Alchemist

Life is a series of constant unending struggles. You have to suffer throughout life and it is this journey that makes you strong.

15 . Any man who has the brains to think and the nerve to act for the benefit of the people of the country, is considered a radical. -Roy Mustang

Best quotes from Fullmetal Alchemist

Someone who does not conform to the obsolete ways of society and can see through its flaws and has the guts to work for its benefit is always considered a radical. One needs to stand apart from the crowd and do what is right even if he has to stand alone.

16 . To obtain, you have to give up something of equal value, people say Ed’s a prodigy, but that’s just because he paid with enough effort. -Alphonse Elric

Best quotes from Fullmetal Alchemist

Nothing in the world comes for free. You have to give something in order to get back something. Unless you work equally equally hard, you cannot achieve the success you wish.

17 . I have no use for a religion that’s been forsaken by its own god. -Maes Hughes

Best quotes from Fullmetal Alchemist

A religion that preaches hate and destruction is one that has lost all its godliness. A religion should teach love and kindness, and not hate.

18 . I’ve lost my leg, but I’ve gained something in return, something much more important, quiet, peace of mind. -Old Grandfather

Best quotes from Fullmetal Alchemist

There’s nothing more important than peace in life. Incessant conflict and fighting only worsens your mental health and makes you weary. What you need in life the most is peace of mind.

19 . You’ll have to decide for yourself, walk on your own, move forward. -Edward Elric

Best quotes from Fullmetal Alchemist

You cannot live your life waiting for others. Move forward even if you have no one to accompany you. Your life’s your own responsibility so live it the way you want to.

20 . You humans think greed is just for money or power, but everyone wants something they can’t have. -Greed

Best quotes from Fullmetal Alchemist

To be greedy is human nature. We are all innately greedy. Our greed may not always be for money or power, but there’s most definitely something that we cannot get enough of.

21 . Nothing is ever completely negative. -Sheska

Best quotes from Fullmetal Alchemist

There’s always a silver lining to everything. If you look for it you can always find it. Nothing in the world is entirely negative.

22 . Anyone who’s determined and perseveres will get something of value in return, even if it’s not what they expected. -Alphonse Elric

Best quotes from Fullmetal Alchemist

If you work hard enough and persevere, you will always be rewarded. Hard work never goes to waste. You will always gain something, even if it is not always what you wanted. But whatever it is, be happy with what you got.

23 . However little strength I’m capable of, I’ll do everything humanly possible to protect the people I love. -Roy Mustang

Best quotes from Fullmetal Alchemist

Do your best to protect the ones you love. Protect them with all your strength and power, and never let any harm befall them. They are what make your life so beautiful and meaningful.

24 . But nothing’s ever perfect, haven’t you realized that yet? Earth turns on a tilted axis, just doing the best it can. -Van Hohenheim

Best quotes from Fullmetal Alchemist

Nothing in the world is ever perfect. No matter how much you try, perfection is a fruit always out of your reach. But never let that discourage you. It is in the search for perfection that the best in you comes out.

25 . It’s like a book, just because you’re mad and stop reading, doesn’t change the way it ends. -Edward Elric

Best quotes from Fullmetal Alchemist

Some things in life cannot be changed no matter how much you wish you could. Accept it and move on.

26 . Once you have withstood the pain and overcome it, you will gain a heart that is stronger than anything else. A fullmetal heart. -Edward Elric

Best quotes from Fullmetal Alchemist

Once you’ve endured enough pain and suffering, there’s nothing that can break you. Struggle in life only makes you stronger. Endure it and you will come out better.

27 . Even if you feel it’s useless, each step that you take leads to something great. -Trisha Elric

Best quotes from Fullmetal Alchemist

Keep moving forward no matter how insignificant it may seem to be. Every step that you take eventually leads to something great and remarkable. You can only find what it is if you never stop.

28 . There are some things in life that will only be understood through words. -Winry Rockbell

Best quotes from Fullmetal Alchemist

Some things in life cannot be conveyed through actions or gestures. They have to be spoken out loud enough for people to understand. Subtle gestures are inadequate and what you need then is the power of words.

29 . Even when our eyes are closed, there’s a whole world out there that lives outside ourselves and our dreams. -Edward Elric

Best quotes from Fullmetal Alchemist

Never lose hope. No matter how dark it may seem, there’s always light out there. Just because you close your eyes does not mean that the world magically disappears. You just have to open them to see it clearly.

30 . Open your eyes, ‘God’ is nothing more than a construct created by man to inspire fear and promote order. -King Bradley

Best quotes from Fullmetal Alchemist

The fear of God is what keeps most of us from committing sins. God is nothing more than just a myth created to make us obey and keep society from plunging into chaos and madness.

Top 30 Fullmetal Alchemist & Quotes from Elric Brothers!

1. A lesson without pain is meaningless, that’s because no one can gain without sacrificing something. -Edward Elric

2. Nothing’s perfect, the world’s not perfect, but it’s there for us, trying the best it can, that’s what makes it so damn beautiful. -Roy mustang

3. War does not determine who is right, only who is left. -Riza Hawkeye

4. How can you move forward if you keep regretting the past? -Edward Elric

5. We really are weak creatures, but that’s why we can strive to become stronger. -Trisha Elric

6. Stand up and walk, keep moving forward, you’ve got two good legs, so get up and use them, you’re strong enough to make your own path. -Edward Elric

7. Even your gravest mistakes shouldn’t stop you from moving forward. -Edward Elric

8. Life that has been lost cannot be brought back again, that very truth is what shows us the meaning and value of living. -Roy Mustang

9. The heroes during times of war, are nothing but mass murderers during times of peace. -Riza Hawkeye

10. Destruction and creation are two sides of the same coin, you must destroy to create, that is the law of the universe. -Alex Louis Armstrong

11. Like I always say, can’t find a door? Make your own. -Edward Elric

12. Men are not men on the battlefield, we turn into some other creature, you can do the cruellest things. -Edward Elric

13. I think that being able to try your hardest to be something is a talent by itself. –Alphonse Elric

14. We have to fight in order to live, and that is what will make us strong. –Trisha Elric

15. Any man who has the brains to think and the nerve to act for the benefit of the people of the country, is considered a radical. -Roy Mustang

16. To obtain, you have to give up something of equal value, people say Ed’s a prodigy, but that’s just because he paid with enough effort. -Alphonse Elric

17. I have no use for a religion that’s been forsaken by its own god. -Maes Hughes

18. I’ve lost my leg, but I’ve gained something in return, something much more important, quiet, peace of mind. -Old Grandfather

19. You’ll have to decide for yourself, walk on your own, move forward. -Edward Elric

20. You humans think greed is just for money or power, but everyone wants something they can’t have. -Greed

21. Nothing is ever completely negative. -Sheska

22. Anyone who’s determined and perseveres will get something of value in return, even if it’s not what they expected. -Alphonse Elric

23. However little strength I’m capable of, I’ll do everything humanly possible to protect the people I love. -Roy Mustang

24. But nothing’s ever perfect, haven’t you realized that yet? Earth turns on a tilted axis, just doing the best it can. -Van Hohenheim

25. It’s like a book, just because you’re mad and stop reading, doesn’t change the way it ends. -Edward Elric

26. Once you have withstood the pain and overcome it, you will gain a heart that is stronger than anything else. A fullmetal heart. -Edward Elric

27. Even if you feel it’s useless, each step that you take leads to something great. -Trisha Elric

28. There are some things in life that will only be understood through words. -Winry Rockbell

29. Even when our eyes are closed, there’s a whole world out there that lives outside ourselves and our dreams. -Edward Elric

30. Open your eyes, ‘God’ is nothing more than a construct created by man to inspire fear and promote order. -King Bradley

Aaryan Sharma

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