20 Best Quotes About Hope and Redemption From Naruto!

Naruto Quotes About Never Giving Up

1 . There is no peace, There can be no hope, Nagato only believed in Naruto to try to comfort his own pitiful existence. -Madara Uchiha

Best Naruto hope quotes to read

Sometimes we stop believing in ourselves, but then a special someone makes us do things that we never thought we were capable of. This makes us value them even more because nobody else cared for us and we would have fallen apart.

2 . Never give up without even trying, Do what you can, no matter how small the effect it may have. –Onoki

Best Naruto hope quotes to read

Never give up in life. Do whatever you can in your capacity to succeed. Unless you are ready to give your all, there is no point in beginning something. There is always a chance for you to win, no matter how small that might be. So cling to that hope and do your best. Every little step that you take will help you get to your goals.

3 . While you’re alive, you need a reason for your existence. Being unable to find one is the same as being dead. -Naruto

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Life without a purpose is as good as no life at all. You just need to find your purpose and work for it As long as you are alive, healthy and free, you have the choice to keep trying until you finally succeed.

4 . Failing doesn’t give you a reason to give up, as long as you believe. -Naruto

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Failure is never a reason to give up. All you need to do is to believe in yourself. As long as you believe in the value of your dreams, you will have reason enough to try harder.

5 . The concept of hope is nothing more than giving up, A word that holds no true meaning. -Madara Uchiha

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You only start hoping when you stop believing in yourself. You resort to being hopeful only when you are stuck deep in despair. Never lose the belief that you will win and continue on with all the might that you can.

6 . I’m not gonna run away, I never go back on my word, That’s my nindo: my ninja way. -Naruto

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The definition of an ideal and a true human reflects upon doing what you say and not backing on your words. If you lose hope and faith in yourself, nobody else is gonna help you out. It’s only you who has to make things better. Say it and prove it.

7 . A smile is the best way to deal with difficult situations, Even if it’s a fake one, Used properly you can fool anyone with them. -Gai

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Smile a lot, because it confuses people. They can never know what you are thinking about, if you are happy or upset. Just keep smiling, no matter what life throws at you.

8 . If you don’t like the hand that fate’s dealt you with, fight for a new one. –Naruto

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If you do not like the life that you currently have, you do not have to settle for it. You can always work to change it for the better. The power to do so only lies with you. You just have to be determined enough to work hard for that change.

9 . Pain allows people to grow, and how you grow is up to you. –Jiraiya

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Pain can make you strong. If you can make it through whatever suffering that life throws at you, then you will emerge stronger. But it can only happen if you show the strength to not give up.

10 . The things that are most important aren’t written in books, You have to learn them by experiencing them yourself. –Sakura Haruno

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The most important things in life are only found by experiencing them. What you need to do is to never give up no matter what you have to face. Every failure is just a lesson, every fall an opportunity for you to get back up stronger. Cling onto what little hope you can find and grow strong.

11 . When you give up, your dreams and everything else they’re gone. –Naruto

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The moment you give up, everything that you were working towards crumbles. Giving up due to the roadblocks ahead of you means that you have to also give up on everything that you held so dear. So, continue moving forward regardless of what lies in front of you.

12 . Maybe, just maybe, there is no purpose in life, but if you linger a while longer in this world, you might discover something of value in it. – Orochimaru

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The world is filled with so many beautiful things. We often overlook most of it. If all you look for is negativity, that is all you will find. No matter how bleak things seem to be, do not give up and keep searching for positivity because you are sure to find it.

13 . If you don’t share someone’s pain, you can never understand them. –Nagato

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By sharing pain, we make a bond with each other. It is only through sharing the pain that we can really understand each other. When in pain, we see them in their most vulnerable moments and we learn to understand them.

14 . When people are protecting something truly special to them they truly can become as strong as they can be. -Itachi Uchiha

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People go to any lengths to protect the ones they care about. When you fight for someone that you truly care about, you find immense strength within yourself. Your love for them is what empowers you to go as far as you can.

15 . If comrades that you trust gather around you, hope can take physical form and become visible. -Kakashi

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Friendship is the ray of hope that shines during your darkest times. When the ones you trust the most come to your rescue, they become the embodiment of hope itself, giving you strength and courage.

16 . The pain of being alone is completely out of this world, isn’t it? I don’t know why, but I understand your feelings so much, it actually hurts. –Naruto Uzumaki

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Loneliness is a treacherous thing. The feeling of being alone and having no one else to open up to, eats you up from inside, making you weak and vulnerable. And that’s why you need friends who will be there to help you through your tough times.

17 . I believe that someday the day will come when people truly understand one another. -Jiraiya

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The world has become such a cruel place thanks to our ego and pride. We have lost the ability to connect with each other and the only thing that we care about now is ourselves. But there is still hope that people will be able to understand each other, that they can see the goodness within their heart.

18 . Knowing pain allows people to be kind, Pain allows people to grow. -Pain

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Pain is our best teacher. Unless you really understand pain, there is no way you can grow. It makes you humble. It helps you understand what other people are going through and when you put yourself in somebody else’s shoes, you become kinder and more forgiving than you ever were. Embrace the pain and walk into the future.

19 . Rejection is a part of any man’s life, If you can’t accept and move past rejection, or at least use it as writing material, you’re not a real man. -Jiraiya

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Rejections help you introspect. It helps you see the goodness within you. It helps reconnect with yourself. You do not have to be dejected just because of a rejection. Instead, look at the brighter side and learn the lessons that it is trying to teach you.

20 . Be strong when you are weak, brave when you are scared, and humble when you are victorious, Be Strong, Brave and Humble. -Naruto

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Strong, Brave and Humble. All these qualities make a person a ‘human being’. We have to be strong to face anything. We have to be brave to fight anything. We have to be humble to be grateful for everything. And if we all possess these qualities, we will be able to serve society well.

20 Best Quotes About Hope and Redemption From Naruto!

1. There is no peace, There can be no hope, Nagato only believed in Naruto to try to comfort his own pitiful existence. -Madara Uchiha

2. Never give up without even trying, Do what you can, no matter how small the effect it may have. –Onoki

3. While you’re alive, you need a reason for your existence. Being unable to find one is the same as being dead. -Naruto

4. Failing doesn’t give you a reason to give up, as long as you believe. -Naruto

5. The concept of hope is nothing more than giving up, A word that holds no true meaning. -Madara Uchiha

6. I’m not gonna run away, I never go back on my word, That’s my nindo: my ninja way. -Naruto

7. A smile is the best way to deal with difficult situations, Even if it’s a fake one, Used properly you can fool anyone with them. -Gai

8. If you don’t like the hand that fate’s dealt you with, fight for a new one. –Naruto

9. Pain allows people to grow, and how you grow is up to you. –Jiraiya

10. The things that are most important aren’t written in books, You have to learn them by experiencing them yourself. –Sakura Haruno

11. When you give up, your dreams and everything else they’re gone. –Naruto

12. Maybe, just maybe, there is no purpose in life, but if you linger a while longer in this world, you might discover something of value in it. – Orochimaru

13. If you don’t share someone’s pain, you can never understand them. –Nagato

14. When people are protecting something truly special to them they truly can become as strong as they can be. -Itachi Uchiha

15. If comrades that you trust gather around you, hope can take physical form and become visible. -Kakashi

16. The pain of being alone is completely out of this world, isn’t it? I don’t know why, but I understand your feelings so much, it actually hurts. –Naruto Uzumaki

17. I believe that someday the day will come when people truly understand one another. -Jiraiya

18. Knowing pain allows people to be kind, Pain allows people to grow. -Pain

19. Rejection is a part of any man’s life, If you can’t accept and move past rejection, or at least use it as writing material, you’re not a real man. -Jiraiya

20. Be strong when you are weak, brave when you are scared, and humble when you are victorious, Be Strong, Brave and Humble. -Naruto

Chirag Malik

Meet Mr Sarcasm, always giving advice – taking none, a wannabe engineer and a bonafide curator who’s full of quirks!
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