47 Best Euphoria Quotes Of All Time

Euphoria Quotes

1 . And, You Know, You Just Can’t Be Mad At Me For Wanting You To Be Okay. -Rue

Best Euphoria Quotes

Rue is extremely vulnerable around Jules. She was finally trying to understand how it feels to be in the shoes of those who care about her. This moment when she confronts Jules is very impactful since it gives us a glimpse into her character.

2 . She Hated Her Life. Not Because It Was Bad But Because When You Hate Your Brain And Your Body, It’s Hard To Enjoy The Rest. -Rue

Best Euphoria Quotes

Rue here narrates the story of Jules’ life and her transition. Jules hated her own body and was very self-destructive. She didn’t feel like herself in the body she was in and hence was unable to generally find too much joy outside of it as well.

3 . Every Time I Feel Good, I Think It Will Last Forever But It Doesn’t. -Rue

Best Euphoria Quotes

Rue was deeply in love with Jules. As she was recovering from her addiction, Jules was her way to cope. Every time she was with her, she felt it in her guts that things would eventually turn bad because that’s how her life had been till then.

4 . It wasn’t the violence that scared her. It was the fact that she knew no matter what he did, she’d still love him. -Rue Bennett

Best Euphoria Quotes

Talking about Maddy’s relationship with Nate, Rue here perfectly describes what a toxic relationship is like. When you are in one, you do realize how toxic they are for you but after a point, you do not care because you cannot stop loving them.

5 . Do You Wish I Was Different? -Rue

Best Euphoria Quotes

Rue is extremely insecure about her own personality even though she manages to hide it well. But in the final episode, she takes away her mask and asks Jules if the problem was with her. This is a crucial moment because it is the first time she confronts her insecurity.

6 . Plenty Of Great, Intelligent, Funny, Interesting, And Creative People Have Struggled With The Same Things You Struggle With. -Leslie Bennet

Best Euphoria Quotes

The opening sequence of Euphoria lets the audience know that they are in for a wild ride. In a montage, we see Rue deal with mental illness from a young age. Her mother tries to tell her that she wasn’t the only person to deal with such stuff and there have been remarkable people who’ve made it despite the condition they had.

7 . The Absolute Worst Part Of Depression Is That Even Though You Know You’re Depressed, You’re Unable To Stop Yourself From Getting Worse. -Rue

Best Euphoria Quotes

Euphoria has one of the best depictions of depression ever. Rue talks about how slow and gradual of a process it actually is, and how you can feel yourself sinking deeper and deeper but it’s impossible to get yourself out.

8 . Maybe People Are Nostalgic About High School Cause It’s, Like, The Last Time In Their Life That They Get To Dream. -Cassie Howard

Best Euphoria Quotes

High school is that time of our life when we are free to explore different paths because we still haven’t had to face the responsibilities of life. It’s the last time we get to dream because after that there comes a time when we have no other option but to deal with life and it’s challenges.

9 . And Although She Had Never Been In A Relationship, Or Even In, Like, Love, She Imagined Spending The Rest Of Her Life With Her. -Rue

Best Euphoria Quotes

Jules was the first person Rue was in love with. Rue here talks about how she felt while with Jules. She wanted to spend her life with her although she had no idea what being in a relationship was like.

10 . I feel like love is super dark and no one ever talks about it. -Cassie Howard

Best Euphoria Quotes

Love has been depicted in media, art and poetry as something grand, graceful and magical. But Euphoria tries to break down those boundaries and takes a darker turn. Love isn’t all grand and easy, it’s hurtful and difficult and Euphoria explores this side of it effectively.

11 . Sometimes two people in the universe who aren’t meant for each other find each other. -Cal Jacob

Best Euphoria Quotes

Cal was Nate’s father who constantly cheated on his wife with young girls. When he met Jules, he felt something different with her but there was no way he could pursue her because they weren’t meant to be.

12 . The other thing about depression is it kinda collapses time. Suddenly, you find your whole days blending together to create one endless suffocating loop. -Rue Bennett

Best Euphoria Quotes

The most terrifying thing about depression is how it bends time. It changes how you perceive time. Days may sometimes seem to be longer than they are and other times, they seem shorter than ever.

13 . We hurt the ones we love. We let down our friends, our family. Sometimes we do it out of ignorance. Sometimes it’s selfishness. -Cal Jacobs

Best Euphoria Quotes

In life, we often hurt the ones we love. We let down the people who care about us. Sometimes we do it out of our ignorance or we are too selfish to notice it. But what matters is that we take accountability for it and learn the right lessons from it.

14 . Suddenly, the world went quiet. And I felt safe, in my own head. -Rue Bennett

Best Euphoria Quotes

Drugs was Rue’s escape from her problems. It gave her peace when she needed it the most. And she eventually became addicted to the feeling of euphoria that drugs brought her.

15 . I mean, I’m all good with drugs until guns start coming out. -Rue Bennett

Best Euphoria Quotes

Euphoria explores the grim reality of the drug business. Rue’s dealer, Fez, is shown to be a nice guy who’s in the business to care for his family. She is unaware of the dark side of the business until she meets the dealer from whom Fez acquires his stash. This is the moment she realizes how dangerous it is.

16 . All I know is, life is not a Nicholas Sparks novel. -Rue Bennett

Rue Quotes

Rue isn’t an optimistic person. Her nihilistic attitude comes from a place of pain and struggle. From her perspective, there is no romance in life.

17 . It’s not even the lies that hurt, you know? It’s the fact that you’re never really emotionally prepared for someone to leave you. –Rue Bennett

Rue Quotes

Rue’s opinions are some of the most relatable ever. She talks about how losing someone hurts so profoundly that it ends up changing a person forever. Even if we’ve thought about loss, we’re never really prepared for it to happen.

18 . Nate loves the feeling of winning. He was obsessive. -Rue Bennett

Rue Quotes

Nate was the epitome of toxic masculinity in the series. His obsession with winning came from the way he was raised by his father and his need to impress him. He was obsessed with winning so much that he would often get violent.

19 . Drugs are kind of cool. I mean, they’re cool before they wreck your skin. And your life. And your family. That’s when they get uncool. -Rue Bennett

Rue Quotes

Drugs and addiction may seem like a cool thing at first. But soon enough, drugs take control of you. Addiction turns your whole life around and destroys it and that’s when the tables turn.

20 . If I could be a different person, I promise you, I would. Not because I want it, but because they do. And therein lies the catch. -Rue Bennett

Rue Quotes

Rue wasn’t really happy with the way she was. She was struggling with depression and mental health issues and felt like nobody liked her, especially because of her addiction.

21 . That’s the thing with guys like Nate. They don’t actually want a person. They want something they can own and possess. -Rue Bennett

Rue Quotes

Nate was a possessive boyfriend. He wanted to control every aspect of Maddy’s life and often ended up being abusive. Their relationship really was extreme.

22 . Baby, trouble don’t last always. -Miss Marsha

Rue Quotes

These words by Miss Marsha give hope and strength to Rue. She talks about how her grandmother used to say the same words to her. Nothing in life is permanent, not even the troubles that we face.

23 . You’ve got to believe in the poetry because everything else in your life will fail you, including yourself. -Ali

Rue Quotes

In one of the most interesting scenes in the show, when Rue and Ali just sit in a cafe and talk about things, Ali drops some really beautiful gems. He asks her to believe in the poetry of life because without it, life will always be dull and everything will work against her.

24 . A true revolution has no allies. It’s just that simple. It is a complete decimation of one’s priorities, beliefs, and way of living. -Ali

Rue Quotes

In the scene where Ali and Rue talk in a cafe, Ali talks to her about revolutions. He says that real revolutions aren’t made by people but rather, principles. It is nothing but a destruction of pre-existing beliefs, standards and way of living.

25 . You, Rue, came out of the womb a beautiful baby girl, who unbeknownst to her, had a couple of wires crossed. -Ali

Rue Quotes

It was very obvious that Rue had too much self hate. She was unhappy with the way her life was. Ali tries to tell her that she isn’t really the evil person that she thinks she is. She was born a beautiful and wonderful little girl who just had a few issues that were out of her control.

26 . And even though she wasn’t like the best guardian, she taught him everything he knew about life. -Rue

 Euphoria Quotes

As we begin season 2, Rue starts narrating the life story of Fezco. He was raised by his grandmother who was a drug dealer. Everything he knew about life, he learned from her.

27 . Cops ain’t gonna pat down a 10 year old. -Marie O’Neill

 Euphoria Quotes

Fezco’s grandmother, Marie, raised both Fez and his stepbrother. She got them involved in her drug business as kids were the best carriers. The cops wouldn’t check a kid for any drugs on them. Fez and his brother later inherited the business from her.

28 . Let me tell you something snowflake, there’s a short supply of kindness in this world. People sniff it out and they snoop right in. Marie O’Neill

 Euphoria Quotes

Marie would often drop in some life lessons to Fez. One of those was that the world wasn’t really an easy place. Kindness was rare and people often took advantage of those stupid enough to be kind.

29 . Don’t ever fall in love. It’s the one instinct you can’t trust. -Marie O’Neill

 Euphoria Quotes

Yet another life lesson by Fez’s grandmother is that love is unreliable. It leads you astray and will only get you in trouble. Although nothing much is revealed about her life, Marie surely has had a hard life.

30 . His grandma also taught him that, despite what they teach you in school, violence sometimes is the best possible way to solve a problem. -Marie O’Neill

 Euphoria Quotes

Being a drug dealer, Marie had to often resort to violence. She passed this lesson down to her grandson who had to take over her business one day.

31 . However hard he thought life was, it got harder and more complicated cause the more you move up in the world, the more enemies you make. -Rue

 Euphoria Quotes

Fez had to take over Marie’s drug business at a very young age as he had a brother to look after. Life had never been easy for him. As he grew up, things only got harder because in the drug business, you only make more and more enemies.

32 . With my life. -Fez

 Euphoria Quotes

When Fez was in a drug deal, his dealer asked him if he trusted Rue. He said that he trusted her with his life. Rue wasn’t just a customer to Fez. They were friends first and she was one of the few people he trusted.

33 . Literally the worst person in the world. -Maddy

 Euphoria Quotes

Nate and Maddy broke up in season one. Their relationship was extremely toxic. When Travis asks Maddy who Nate was, she says that he’s the worst person she knew.

34 . You’re my new favorite person. -Rue

 Euphoria Quotes

Rue met a stranger at the New Year party and decided to do drugs with him. She almost overdosed and was about to suffer cardiac arrest until the stranger saved her after which she said he’s her new favorite person now.

35 . I just felt like we were in two different places or something. -Cassie

 Euphoria Quotes

Cassie and Mckay had ended their relationship way back in season one. Cassie thought that they wouldn’t be able to work out their differences as both of them were on different wavelengths.

36 . I don’t know if I’m a good person. -Cassie

 Euphoria Quotes

When McKay confronts Cassie about why she broke up with him, she answers honestly and says that she doesn’t think she’s a good person. It came from a place of insecurity because she hooked up with Nate.

37 . Nate Jacobs was in love. He didn’t know how it happened. He didn’t know why it happened. But he could just feel it. And it felt so good. -Rue

Euphoria Quotes

Nate had fallen in love with Cassie and this time, it was different from what he felt with Maddy. With Cassie, it was unexpected, sudden and empowering for him. He had no idea what to do with his feelings and this was the first time he felt something like that.

38 . It’s one thing to dislike your parents. It’s not like you have a choice, but if you dislike your kid, well, that’s sort of your fault. -Rue

Euphoria Quotes

Kids may often feel resentment towards their parents. They may feel like their parents don’t understand them or even care about them. But it’s the duty of a parent to love and nurture their kid.

39 . How could Fezco be so kind to her and so violent towards Nate? -Rue

Euphoria Quotes

Lexi was completely in awe of Fezco. He was the first person who was genuinely interested in her. But she was intrigued by how different and powerful he seemed. He was kind and generous towards her and just a couple of minutes later, he beat Nate to a pulp.

40 . It made her think about her entire life. How she’s always been so passive, How she never had the courage to say anything. -Rue

Euphoria Quotes

Talking to Fezco changed Lexi’s perspective. She started introspecting and was disappointed by the way she’d lived her life till now. She’d lived her life passively, never taking any action even when she had to.

41 . She hated herself for being so weak and passive and afraid. -Rue

Euphoria Quotes

Lexi hated herself for being the way she was. She blamed herself for what Rue had become. She could have stopped and changed Rue if only she’d acted in time and told her mom that she was doing drugs. She hated herself for being such a coward.

42 . What’s a bigger feeling than love? Loss. -Rue

Euphoria Quotes

Rue knew what loss felt like. She probably had more experience with loss than she had with love. The grief and sorrow of losing someone stays with you all your life, eating you up every once in a while.

43 . As soon as I saw her, I was immediately afraid to lose her. -Rue

Euphoria Quotes

Rue had fallen head over heels for Jules the moment she laid her eyes on her. She was terrified of losing Jules as she’d become such a huge part of her life.

44 . I feel like everyone’s looking for a cause and effect. Sometimes, shit’s just like is what it is. -Elliot

Euphoria Quotes

People always want a cause for everything. They cannot seem to understand the fact that sometimes, things are the way they are for no particular reason. It is what it is.

45 . There’s no darkness. It’s just sweet. I don’t know if that would ever be enough for me. -Maddy

Euphoria Quotes

As toxic as it may seem, Maddy wasn’t really searching for a healthy relationship. She’d been with Nate long enough and was used to the abuse in their relationship. Anything other than that seemed uncertain and weird to her.

46 . I guess some people are just built differently. -Jules

Euphoria Quotes

Jules had been different from every other kid her age. So she knew exactly how being different affects one.

47 . I wish you could see yourself the way the rest of the world does. -Jules

Euphoria Quotes

Maddy was disappointed with herself for still wanting to be with Nate. She couldn’t see anything good within her. That’s when Jules says this to cheer her up.

47 Best Euphoria Quotes Of All Time

1. And, You Know, You Just Can’t Be Mad At Me For Wanting You To Be Okay. -Rue

2. She Hated Her Life. Not Because It Was Bad But Because When You Hate Your Brain And Your Body, It’s Hard To Enjoy The Rest. -Rue

3. Every Time I Feel Good, I Think It Will Last Forever But It Doesn’t. -Rue

4. It wasn’t the violence that scared her. It was the fact that she knew no matter what he did, she’d still love him. -Rue Bennett

5. Do You Wish I Was Different? -Rue

6. Plenty Of Great, Intelligent, Funny, Interesting, And Creative People Have Struggled With The Same Things You Struggle With. -Leslie Bennet

7. The Absolute Worst Part Of Depression Is That Even Though You Know You’re Depressed, You’re Unable To Stop Yourself From Getting Worse. -Rue

8. Maybe People Are Nostalgic About High School Cause It’s, Like, The Last Time In Their Life That They Get To Dream. -Cassie Howard

9. And Although She Had Never Been In A Relationship, Or Even In, Like, Love, She Imagined Spending The Rest Of Her Life With Her. -Rue

10. I feel like love is super dark and no one ever talks about it. -Cassie Howard

11. Sometimes two people in the universe who aren’t meant for each other find each other. -Cal Jacob

12. The other thing about depression is it kinda collapses time. Suddenly, you find your whole days blending together to create one endless suffocating loop. -Rue Bennett

13. We hurt the ones we love. We let down our friends, our family. Sometimes we do it out of ignorance. Sometimes it’s selfishness. -Cal Jacobs

14. Suddenly, the world went quiet. And I felt safe, in my own head. -Rue Bennett

15. I mean, I’m all good with drugs until guns start coming out. -Rue Bennett

16. All I know is, life is not a Nicholas Sparks novel. -Rue Bennett

17. It’s not even the lies that hurt, you know? It’s the fact that you’re never really emotionally prepared for someone to leave you. –Rue Bennett

18. Nate loves the feeling of winning. He was obsessive. -Rue Bennett

19. Drugs are kind of cool. I mean, they’re cool before they wreck your skin. And your life. And your family. That’s when they get uncool. -Rue Bennett

20. If I could be a different person, I promise you, I would. Not because I want it, but because they do. And therein lies the catch. -Rue Bennett

21. That’s the thing with guys like Nate. They don’t actually want a person. They want something they can own and possess. -Rue Bennett

22. Baby, trouble don’t last always. -Miss Marsha

23. You’ve got to believe in the poetry because everything else in your life will fail you, including yourself. -Ali

24. A true revolution has no allies. It’s just that simple. It is a complete decimation of one’s priorities, beliefs, and way of living. -Ali

25. You, Rue, came out of the womb a beautiful baby girl, who unbeknownst to her, had a couple of wires crossed. -Ali

26. And even though she wasn’t like the best guardian, she taught him everything he knew about life. -Rue

27. Cops ain’t gonna pat down a 10 year old. -Marie O’Neill

28. Let me tell you something snowflake, there’s a short supply of kindness in this world. People sniff it out and they snoop right in. Marie O’Neill

29. Don’t ever fall in love. It’s the one instinct you can’t trust. -Marie O’Neill

30. His grandma also taught him that, despite what they teach you in school, violence sometimes is the best possible way to solve a problem. -Marie O’Neill

31. However hard he thought life was, it got harder and more complicated cause the more you move up in the world, the more enemies you make. -Rue

32. With my life. -Fez

33. Literally the worst person in the world. -Maddy

34. You’re my new favorite person. -Rue

35. I just felt like we were in two different places or something. -Cassie

36. I don’t know if I’m a good person. -Cassie

37. Nate Jacobs was in love. He didn’t know how it happened. He didn’t know why it happened. But he could just feel it. And it felt so good. -Rue

38. It’s one thing to dislike your parents. It’s not like you have a choice, but if you dislike your kid, well, that’s sort of your fault. -Rue

39. How could Fezco be so kind to her and so violent towards Nate? -Rue

40. It made her think about her entire life. How she’s always been so passive, How she never had the courage to say anything. -Rue

41. She hated herself for being so weak and passive and afraid. -Rue

42. What’s a bigger feeling than love? Loss. -Rue

43. As soon as I saw her, I was immediately afraid to lose her. -Rue

44. I feel like everyone’s looking for a cause and effect. Sometimes, shit’s just like is what it is. -Elliot

45. There’s no darkness. It’s just sweet. I don’t know if that would ever be enough for me. -Maddy

46. I guess some people are just built differently. -Jules

47. I wish you could see yourself the way the rest of the world does. -Jules