30 Legendary Quotes from Zack Snyder’s Justice League 2021!

Zack Snyder's Justice League quotes

1 . Strong man is strongest alone. -Aquaman

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The strong always exude unimaginable confidence. They do not feel the need to rely on others to help them through. They have the courage to fight alone if need be.

2 . You can be anything you want to be. -Wonder Woman

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You do not have to conform to the wills of others. You have it in you to be anything that you wish to be. What matters is that you follow your heart and stay true to yourself regardless of the shade others throw on you.

3 . Evil does not sleep, it waits. -Queen Hippolyta

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Evil never vanishes or sleeps. It lurks around. It only reveals itself when people are at their most vulnerable. It embellishes itself in alluring prospects to lure gullible men and those who are weak enough to choose the path of evil.

4 . You can’t turn your back on the world forever, Arthur. -Vulko

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You cannot always run away from the world. There’s no point in detaching yourself from the rest and hope to find retribution. Show the courage to confront your monsters and get out into the world to fight for what you believe in.

5 . They are a primitive species, unevolved and at war with one another, too separate to be one. -Steppenwolf

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How primitive and barbaric are we that we needlessly keep fighting with one another, that we fail to look beyond the horizons of cultures and boundaries and find common ground? We fail to realize that we are more similar than we are different.

6 . How primitive and barbaric are we that we needlessly keep fighting with one another, that we fail to look beyond the horizons of cultures and boundaries and find common ground? We fail to realize that we are more similar than we are different.

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Your self-pride can very easily be the reason for your defeat. An ego as high as a mountain can do you no good. Be humble. Your pride will eventually pull you down if left unchecked.

7 . You don’t have to give me a second chance but give yourself one. -Silas Stone

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Learn to forgive yourself. No matter how dark and bleak the future may seem, there is always a chance for you to make it out. Give yourself a second chance to make it right.

8 . It is the burden of this responsibility that will define you and who you choose to be. -Silas Stone

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The responsibilities that you have to shoulder may go on to define who you are. Once you have the burden of responsibility upon you, you have to make your choices considering the consequences that it may lead to. It defines you and everything you choose to be.

9 . Because you are holding yourself back, you’re going in circles, man. -Henry Allen

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Unless you learn to free yourself from the cages of your own conscience, you’ll never be able to tap into your true potential. You are your only limitation. As long as you hold yourself back, you’ll always remain stuck wherever you are.

10 . I want you to make your own future, You’re living in the past, make your own future. -Henry Allen

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Bury your past and make yourself a future that you will be proud of. The past will only haunt you only if you allow it to. Move on from it and chase the future that calls out to you. Your future is your own making.

11 . I lost someone I loved once, I shut myself off from everyone, But I had to learn to open up again. -Diana Prince

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The death of a loved one is heartbreaking. The grief can be too overwhelming and punishing. But remember that the more you run away from the pain, the harder it will cling onto you. No matter how tough it may seem, have faith and learn to open up again.

12 . I belong to no one. -Wonder Woman

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Remember not to cling onto someone mindlessly and hand them the reins to your life. Let no one own you. Liberate yourself and take control of your life into your own hands. You are your own person, so do not let anyone else manipulate you.

13 . None are taken back from the darkness, not without giving one up in return. -Arthur Curry

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You cannot have anything in life without giving something up in return. To gain something, you need to give up something too. That is the basic rule of life.

14 . Alfred, for once, I’m operating strictly on faith, not on reason. -Bruce Wayne

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Sometimes in life, you need to trust your gut instinct and take that leap of faith. Trust what you feel in your heart and act on faith. Sometimes, your heart knows more than what your mind can comprehend.

15 . If you can’t bring down the charging bull, then don’t wave the red cape at it. -Alfred

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If you are unprepared to face the consequences of your actions, then you better stop. Be mindful of where your actions will lead you. You cannot blame anyone else for the decisions that you make. So think twice before every step that you take.

16 . I don’t care how many demons he’s fought in how many hells; he’s never fought us, Not us united. -Batman

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There is immense strength in unity. There’s nothing you cannot achieve if you stand together. No matter how tough the ordeals ahead may seem, you can always emerge triumphant by coming together fighting as one.

17 . Embodied within that hope is the fundamental belief in the potential of every person to be a force for good. -Jor-El

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Every person has the capacity within them to pursue the path of righteousness. No matter who it is, they always have goodness within them, the only difference being that some are hidden too deep within. One just needs to tap into that potential and bring out that natural goodness.

18 . You were sent here for a reason, and even if it takes you the rest of your life, you owe it to yourself to find out what that reason is. -Jonathan Kent

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There is a purpose in all of our lives. And it is our inherent duty to find what that purpose in life is. What use is our life if we do not even know what our raison d’etre is?

19 . Dad, whatever happens, I want you to know, your kid was one of them, One of the best of the best. -Flash

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What more would a child want than to make their parents proud. The smile and happiness you can see on your parents’ faces when they see you do something great are simply precious.

20 . Everything breaks Victor, Everything changes. -Silas Stone

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Impermanence is the truth of life. No matter how much you wish otherwise, things eventually change. Mortality is what makes this life so beautiful. Nothing remains the same. Things, people, and everything else eventually changes as time passes you by.

21 . I believe we are stronger together. -Bruce Wayne

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Only if we stand together can we achieve anything significant. We are so held up by superficial boundaries that separate us that we rarely ever realize the potential that we have by standing together and working as one.

22 . I’ll never love anyone the way that I love your son, And I just miss him, I miss him so much. -Lois Lane

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Sometimes, we begin to love a person in a way that we cannot any other. They become our entire world, and there’s nothing that we would not do for them. And when they leave us, we are left heartbroken with only their memories left with us. We miss them so much that it tears us apart.

23 . Hate is useless. -Wonder Woman

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Hate can never get you anything. It is a double-edged sword. The hate that you feel for another will eventually harm you too. You cannot change anything with vengeance and hate. Learn to love others more than anything.

24 . The world is hurt, broken, unexchangeable, But the world’s not fixed in the past, Only the future, The not yet, the now. -Silas Stone

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The world is ridden with so much chaos, violence, and pain. And yet, the world never stops. It moves on. It does not stand stagnant in the past. This world that we live in is precious, and it is upon us to carry it into the future, to heal it and protect it.

25 . Do this, be this, the man I never was, the hero you are. -Silas Stone

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We all have the potential for greatness. We can all be heroes. Walk along the path of righteousness, no matter how tough it may get. Be the hero that inspires, uplifts, leads, and protects people.

26 . Take your place among the brave ones, the ones that were, that are, that are yet to be. -Silas Stone

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What can you achieve in life without courage? Look around you, and you’ll find so many brave and strong people who can inspire and lead. Look upto them and take your place among them. Be the hero that you are.

27 . It’s time you stand, fight, discover, heal, love, win, The time is now.-Silas Stone

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We only have this one life to live. So live it to the fullest. Love passionately, show kindness, be curious, fight for what you believe in and win the battles you wage. There is no other time to live than now.

28 . Because how many can die in your arms before you grow numb to death? -Joker

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When you’ve seen enough death, you become numb to it. Witnessing the deaths of those close to you tears you up from the inside. You grow numb to death, become emotionless, and find yourself in pain.

29 . And how many dead eyes can you look into before you die inside yourself? -Joker

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Death is treacherous. It sneaks up on one when they least expect it. But the worst experience is having to see death up close. When you’ve seen enough death, it takes its toll on you. You grow numb to it. When you’ve lost enough loved ones, you are left with nothing but a void within you.

30 . I realized I have a stake in this world, and it’s time I started fighting for it. -Martian Manhunter

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Look around you and you’ll find so many beautiful things worth fighting for. In the little time that you have been in this world, you are sure to have found something worth holding onto. So instead of giving up on this world, take a stand, and fight to protect the things close to you.

30 Legendary Quotes from Zack Snyder’s Justice League 2021!

1. Strong man is strongest alone. -Aquaman

2. You can be anything you want to be. -Wonder Woman

3. Evil does not sleep, it waits. -Queen Hippolyta

4. You can’t turn your back on the world forever, Arthur. -Vulko

5. They are a primitive species, unevolved and at war with one another, too separate to be one. -Steppenwolf

6. How primitive and barbaric are we that we needlessly keep fighting with one another, that we fail to look beyond the horizons of cultures and boundaries and find common ground? We fail to realize that we are more similar than we are different.

7. You don’t have to give me a second chance but give yourself one. -Silas Stone

8. It is the burden of this responsibility that will define you and who you choose to be. -Silas Stone

9. Because you are holding yourself back, you’re going in circles, man. -Henry Allen

10. I want you to make your own future, You’re living in the past, make your own future. -Henry Allen

11. I lost someone I loved once, I shut myself off from everyone, But I had to learn to open up again. -Diana Prince

12. I belong to no one. -Wonder Woman

13. None are taken back from the darkness, not without giving one up in return. -Arthur Curry

14. Alfred, for once, I’m operating strictly on faith, not on reason. -Bruce Wayne

15. If you can’t bring down the charging bull, then don’t wave the red cape at it. -Alfred

16. I don’t care how many demons he’s fought in how many hells; he’s never fought us, Not us united. -Batman

17. Embodied within that hope is the fundamental belief in the potential of every person to be a force for good. -Jor-El

18. You were sent here for a reason, and even if it takes you the rest of your life, you owe it to yourself to find out what that reason is. -Jonathan Kent

19. Dad, whatever happens, I want you to know, your kid was one of them, One of the best of the best. -Flash

20. Everything breaks Victor, Everything changes. -Silas Stone

21. I believe we are stronger together. -Bruce Wayne

22. I’ll never love anyone the way that I love your son, And I just miss him, I miss him so much. -Lois Lane

23. Hate is useless. -Wonder Woman

24. The world is hurt, broken, unexchangeable, But the world’s not fixed in the past, Only the future, The not yet, the now. -Silas Stone

25. Do this, be this, the man I never was, the hero you are. -Silas Stone

26. Take your place among the brave ones, the ones that were, that are, that are yet to be. -Silas Stone

27. It’s time you stand, fight, discover, heal, love, win, The time is now.-Silas Stone

28. Because how many can die in your arms before you grow numb to death? -Joker

29. And how many dead eyes can you look into before you die inside yourself? -Joker

30. I realized I have a stake in this world, and it’s time I started fighting for it. -Martian Manhunter