15 Thoughtful Quotes From Think Like A Monk by Jay Shetty

Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty quotes

1 . We try to live up to what we think others think of us, even at the expense of our values. -Jay Shetty

Best Think Like A Monk Quotes By Jay Shetty

We are so held up by what others think of us that we rarely think of what we want for ourselves. In the bid to please others and to reach the standards they set for us, we lose our own unique identity and everything that makes us special.

2 . When we tune out the opinions, expectations, and obligations of the world around us, we begin to hear ourselves. -Jay Shetty

Best Think Like A Monk Quotes By Jay Shetty

When we filter out the unnecessary voices of everyone who is trying to bend us to their will, we learn more about ourselves. It is when we look within instead of the world around us that we will truly understand ourselves.

3 . The more we define ourselves in relation to the people around us, the more lost we are. -Jay Shetty

Best Think Like A Monk Quotes By Jay Shetty

When we constantly evaluate ourselves against the standards that others have set, we’ll always be disappointed. Try to distance yourself from the rest of the world and only then will you find your inner voice. The more you gaze at yourself from the narrow lens of others, the harder it will be to find yourself.

4 . The less time you fixate on everyone else, the more time you have to focus on yourself. -Jay Shetty

Best Think Like A Monk Quotes By Jay Shetty

The only person you need to concern yourself with is your own self. You do not have to worry about everything around you. When you decide to spend less time obsessing over others, you will naturally find more time to think about yourself.

5 . Satisfaction comes from believing in the value of what you do. -Jay Shetty

Best Think Like A Monk Quotes By Jay Shetty

If you truly love and believe in what you are doing, you will find happiness and satisfaction in it. If you have to force yourself into loving what you do, then you’ll always dread going to work. Only if you really believe in the value of your work and its place in your life, can you really be satisfied.

6 . When people gain what they want but aren’t happy at all, it’s because they did it with the wrong intention. -Jay Shetty

Best Think Like A Monk Quotes By Jay Shetty

Your intention matters just as much as your passion. If you do something for all the wrong reasons, you’ll never really be happy. Find the right reason that motivates you and that’s what will bring you happiness.

7 . You can’t be anything you want, but you can be everything you are. -Jay Shetty

Best Think Like A Monk Quotes By Jay Shetty

You may not be able to get everything that you wanted. Not everything in life comes easy. To think you can be anything you want is foolish, but look within yourself and you’ll see the person that you already are. Aspire to be and improve what you are and that’s more than enough for a lifetime.

8 . To walk down the same old path and find a new stone is to open your mind. -Jay Shetty

Best Think Like A Monk Quotes By Jay Shetty

Opening your mind is when you look at the same things but find a new perspective. Every time you look at something, try to look at it from all the possible different angles and you’re sure to learn something new.

9 . Only by detaching can we truly gain control of the mind. -Jay Shetty

Best Think Like A Monk Quotes By Jay Shetty

Attachments only bring you sorrow and grief. It makes you weak and imprudent. To really gain control of your mind, you need to introspect, understand yourself and detach yourself from all the unnecessary things in life.

10 . If you don’t break your ego, life will break it for you. -Jay Shetty

Best Think Like A Monk Quotes By Jay Shetty

The bigger your ego is, the deeper your fall will be. Learn to break your ego. All it manages to do is to hold you back and make you a daft and rude person. In the end, you will have to suffer the consequences for your mountain-high ego.

11 . In every relationship, you have the opportunity to set the level of joy you expect and the level of pain you’ll accept. -Jay Shetty

Best Think Like A Monk Quotes By Jay Shetty

Only you have control over your heart. Only you have a say in what you feel and how much you will feel. Do not give the reins to your heart to anyone else but yourself. The amount of joy you feel and the pain you will accept should only be decided by you.

12 . If you’ve lost yourself in the relationship, find yourself in the heartbreak. -Jay Shetty

Best Think Like A Monk Quotes By Jay Shetty

Sometimes, recovering from a failed relationship is the most difficult thing to do. You might have given them your all, you might have seen a future with them, and yet, things ended abruptly and unexpectedly. But that is never the end. Heartbreak is only an opportunity to find yourself again and rise back up stronger.

13 . Too often we love people who don’t love us, but we fail to return the love of others who do. -Jay Shetty

Best Think Like A Monk Quotes By Jay Shetty

The tragedy of life is that it doesn’t always give you what you want. It happens so often that the people you love do not love you back. And most times, you fail to see and return the love of those who love you.

14 . It is impossible to build one’s own happiness on the unhappiness of others. -Jay Shetty

Best Think Like A Monk Quotes By Jay Shetty

Happiness can never come from the unhappiness of others. If you try to inflict pain on others, if you wish them sorrow and grief, you’ll never find happiness from it. The secret to true joy and happiness is making others happy.

15 . But when we look for the good in others, we start to see the best in ourselves too. -Jay Shetty

Best Think Like A Monk Quotes By Jay Shetty

The world is so much like a mirror. If you search for the good in others, you’ll be able to find the best in you. And vice versa: If you search for the bad in others, the worst in you will be inadvertently amplified. We see what we look for, we get what we give.

15 Thoughtful Quotes From Think Like A Monk by Jay Shetty

1. We try to live up to what we think others think of us, even at the expense of our values. -Jay Shetty

2. When we tune out the opinions, expectations, and obligations of the world around us, we begin to hear ourselves. -Jay Shetty

3. The more we define ourselves in relation to the people around us, the more lost we are. -Jay Shetty

4. The less time you fixate on everyone else, the more time you have to focus on yourself. -Jay Shetty

5. Satisfaction comes from believing in the value of what you do. -Jay Shetty

6. When people gain what they want but aren’t happy at all, it’s because they did it with the wrong intention. -Jay Shetty

7. You can’t be anything you want, but you can be everything you are. -Jay Shetty

8. To walk down the same old path and find a new stone is to open your mind. -Jay Shetty

9. Only by detaching can we truly gain control of the mind. -Jay Shetty

10. If you don’t break your ego, life will break it for you. -Jay Shetty

11. In every relationship, you have the opportunity to set the level of joy you expect and the level of pain you’ll accept. -Jay Shetty

12. If you’ve lost yourself in the relationship, find yourself in the heartbreak. -Jay Shetty

13. Too often we love people who don’t love us, but we fail to return the love of others who do. -Jay Shetty

14. It is impossible to build one’s own happiness on the unhappiness of others. -Jay Shetty

15. But when we look for the good in others, we start to see the best in ourselves too. -Jay Shetty

Aaryan Sharma

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