15 Most Thought-Provoking Quotes from Louise Penny’s All the Devils Are Here

Quotes from All The Devils Are Here by Louise Penny

1 . Hell is the truth seen too late. -Louise Penny

Best Quotes from All The Devil Are Here By Louise Penny

The truth is often bitter and hurtful. And truth acknowledged too late is hell. Make no mistake, no matter how much you try to bury it, it will always resurface. No cages exist which can lock up the truth.

2 . Life can be cruel, as you know, But it can also be kind, Filled with wonders. -Louise Penny

Best Quotes from All The Devil Are Here By Louise Penny

Life is bittersweet. It can be hell as well as heaven. If you set your eyes on the darkness of life, you’ll always miss the light. As much as there is sorrow and suffering, there is beauty and happiness equally.

3 . Patience, Patience, With patience comes choice, and with choice comes power. -Louise Penny

Best Quotes from All The Devil Are Here By Louise Penny

Patience is a virtue that never goes unrewarded. With patience, you get the allowance of choice. And those who can choose yield power over those without any choice.

4 . But then, Armand Gamache thought, where else would you find darkness but right up against the light? -Louise Penny

Best Quotes from All The Devil Are Here By Louise Penny

Darkness and light are two sides of the same coin. They exist in cohesion. Without the darkness and shadows, you would never have known the value and worth of the light.

5 . It didn’t feel wrong, It felt wretched, Horrific, A nightmare, But sometimes “right” felt like that. -Louise Penny

Best Quotes from All The Devil Are Here By Louise Penny

The right path is not always the easiest. You’ll have to walk on trails of fire and roads of thorns if you choose to do the right thing. It may be hurtful, heartbreaking, and gut-wrenching, but that does not mean it is wrong.

6 . There was nothing right or good in dying for your country, A necessity, sometimes, yes, But always a tragedy. -Louise Penny

Best Quotes from All The Devil Are Here By Louise Penny

There was nothing right or good in dying for your country, A necessity, sometimes, yes, But always a tragedy. -Louise Penny

7 . C. S. Lewis wrote that we can create situations in which we are happy, but we cannot create joy, It just happens. -Louise Penny

Best Quotes from All The Devil Are Here By Louise Penny

Joy isn’t something that you plan and orchestrate. It’s something that comes uninvited and unplanned. You may have power over the situations that you are in, but you cannot create joy. It just happens on its own.

8 . He knew in his heart that anything that offered such peace had great value. -Louise Penny

Best Quotes from All The Devil Are Here By Louise Penny

We take peace at face value, we always take it for granted. Violence is a deadly and wretched hell. And anything that can bring you peace is so much more valuable than you may realize. Learn to appreciate what you have and acknowledge the worth of the blessings that you so often overlook.

9 . Snowflake might look harmless, but it was a harbinger, a warning, of worse to come. -Louise Penny

Best Quotes from All The Devil Are Here By Louise Penny

Most things of beauty are often the ones most dangerous. The worst thing that you can do is to judge something but its cover. What may look harmless and simple often hide within them dangers that you may not even know of.

10 . Truth is on the march and nothing will stop it. -Louise Penn

Best Quotes from All The Devil Are Here By Louise Penny

There are no boxes that can contain the truth or graves that may bury it. No matter how much you try, nothing can stop the truth. Sooner or later, it will always resurface.

11 . Which carries more weight with you? The terrible or the wonderful? The goodness or the cruelty? Your life will be decided by that choice. -Louise Penny

Best Quotes from All The Devil Are Here By Louise Penny

Life is just kind as it is cruel. It is as beautiful as it is ugly. It depends entirely on you what you wish to see. You can either set your eyes on the macabre and wretched or on the beautiful and wonderful. The choice you make will decide how your life will be.

12 . Dreadful deeds were obvious, The divine was often harder to see. -Louise Penny

Best Quotes from All The Devil Are Here By Louise Penny

It’s easy to see the bad side of things. But goodness often goes unnoticed. People’s gazes are always set on the negatives and rarely on the divine and wonderful.

13 . How long it takes to build something, and how quickly it can all be destroyed, A look, A harsh word, A moment of distraction. -Louise Penny

Best Quotes from All The Devil Are Here By Louise Penny

Things are much more easily destroyed than they are built. It takes less effort to destroy something than to create it. Relationships, bonds, structures, all of them are susceptible to uncertainties of life.

14 . Don’t believe everything you think. -Louise Penny

Best Quotes from All The Devil Are Here By Louise Penny

Our minds have a wicked way to play tricks on us. We overthink so easily. Our thoughts often cripple us as we fail to see the falsities in them. Do not believe everything that your mind conjures up.

15 . The desire for power and money could infect, Could fester, Could hollow out a person. -Louise Penny

Best Quotes from All The Devil Are Here By Louise Penny

Power and money are alluring and infectious. They change a person in ways that may not always be for the good. The endeavor for power and money brings out the worst in them, corrupting their morals and poisons their souls.

15 Most Thought-Provoking Quotes from Louise Penny’s All the Devils Are Here

1. Hell is the truth seen too late. -Louise Penny

2. Life can be cruel, as you know, But it can also be kind, Filled with wonders. -Louise Penny

3. Patience, Patience, With patience comes choice, and with choice comes power. -Louise Penny

4. But then, Armand Gamache thought, where else would you find darkness but right up against the light? -Louise Penny

5. It didn’t feel wrong, It felt wretched, Horrific, A nightmare, But sometimes “right” felt like that. -Louise Penny

6. There was nothing right or good in dying for your country, A necessity, sometimes, yes, But always a tragedy. -Louise Penny

7. C. S. Lewis wrote that we can create situations in which we are happy, but we cannot create joy, It just happens. -Louise Penny

8. He knew in his heart that anything that offered such peace had great value. -Louise Penny

9. Snowflake might look harmless, but it was a harbinger, a warning, of worse to come. -Louise Penny

10. Truth is on the march and nothing will stop it. -Louise Penn

11. Which carries more weight with you? The terrible or the wonderful? The goodness or the cruelty? Your life will be decided by that choice. -Louise Penny

12. Dreadful deeds were obvious, The divine was often harder to see. -Louise Penny

13. How long it takes to build something, and how quickly it can all be destroyed, A look, A harsh word, A moment of distraction. -Louise Penny

14. Don’t believe everything you think. -Louise Penny

15. The desire for power and money could infect, Could fester, Could hollow out a person. -Louise Penny