15 Most Inspirational Quotes From Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist

The Alchemist Quotes by Paulo Coelho

1 . And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. -Paulo Coelho

 Best Quotes From The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho

Life has its unique ways. When you want something so badly that all your thoughts are focused on only that, when you trust yourself and your ambitions enough that you have no other choice but to work hard for it, life will eventually get you that.

2 . It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting. -Paulo Coelho

 Best Quotes From The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho

Our dreams are what make our life so meaningful. And it is the possibility of realising them that adds purpose and makes life so interesting. We need to hold onto hope and believe that things that we wish for can come true

3 . When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too. -Paulo Coelho

 Best Quotes From The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho

When we thrive and strive to be better, everything around us eventually becomes better. It is only through our internal improvement that we can improve our external environment.

4 . One is loved because one is loved, No reason is needed for loving. -Paulo Coelho

 Best Quotes From The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho

Love does not need a reason. It happens for no particular reason. It’s something that takes over you, and makes you a better person altogether. If they need a reason to stay, then that isn’t really love.

5 . There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure. -Paulo Coelho

 Best Quotes From The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho

Fear is what holds us back the most. Failure is nothing to be afraid of. It is only meant to help us grow and reach new heights. Every time you fail, learn from your mistakes. Your dreams can only be achieved if you have the courage to follow them.

6 . The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times. -Paulo Coelho

 Best Quotes From The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho

Failure is natural. The road to success is one where you will fall numerous times. But every time you fall, learn from your mistakes. And keep trying till you succeed. There will come a time when you will break through the obstacles and make your way through.

7 . The simple things are also the most extraordinary things, and only the wise can see them. -Paulo Coelho

 Best Quotes From The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho

There is immense beauty in simplicity. But it takes a keen eye and wise mind to see that. Some of the most wonderful things in life are the ones that you barely notice. There is beauty all around you. To find them, you need to be wise enough to know where to search for them.

8 . Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own. -Paulo Coelho

 Best Quotes From The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho

We are all judgemental about the lives of others. Everyone seems to have an opinion on how others should live their lives. But none care about their own lives. They have no idea about what they are doing wrong and all they care about is policing others.

9 . Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure. -Paulo Coelho

 Best Quotes From The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho

The most important things in life are the ones that allure your heart. You can search for joy and happiness all around the world, but you’ll get comfort where your heart lies. So follow your heart and trust it.

10 . The fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. -Paulo Coelho

 Best Quotes From The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho

Our minds have a habit of overthinking. It conjures up scenarios in our minds that do not have any basis in real life. And it is this fear of suffering that is actually worse than the suffering itself. You just have to learn to conquer that fear.

11 . When you are loved, there’s no need at all to understand what’s happening, because everything happens within you. -Paulo Coelho

 Best Quotes From The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho

When you love someone, there’s so much happening within you. You learn new things about yourself, the monotony and dullness of your life starts fading away. You find a new perspective to life itself. And all of it comes rushing at you at such a pace that it may seem too hard to comprehend, but it doesn’t really have to be understood. You only have to feel it.

12 . You will never be able to escape from your heart, So it’s better to listen to what it has to say. -Paulo Coelho

 Best Quotes From The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho

There’s no point in trying to lie to your heart. No matter how much you try to live in denial, it will always seek the things that it loves. So instead of trying to run away from your heart, listen to it and follow where it leads you to.

13 . No matter what he does, every person on earth plays a central role in the history of the world. And normally he doesn’t know it. -Paulo Coelho

 Best Quotes From The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho

Every person in this world matters. We all have a role to play in history. No matter how insignificant you may think you are, you aren’t. You have a role in the larger scheme of things

14 . People are capable, at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream of. -Paulo Coelho

 Best Quotes From The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho

People have it in them to achieve their dreams. You are capable of making your dreams come true. No matter what others tell you, pay no heed to them. What matters is that you believe in yourself.

15 . Because true love never keeps a man from pursuing his destiny. -Paulo Coelho

 Best Quotes From The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho

Love never holds you back. It only helps you in your journey. It gives you strength, courage and joy. If it holds you back from your destiny, that it really isn’t love.

15 Most Inspirational Quotes From Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist

1. And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. -Paulo Coelho

2. It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting. -Paulo Coelho

3. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too. -Paulo Coelho

4. One is loved because one is loved, No reason is needed for loving. -Paulo Coelho

5. There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure. -Paulo Coelho

6. The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times. -Paulo Coelho

7. The simple things are also the most extraordinary things, and only the wise can see them. -Paulo Coelho

8. Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own. -Paulo Coelho

9. Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure. -Paulo Coelho

10. The fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. -Paulo Coelho

11. When you are loved, there’s no need at all to understand what’s happening, because everything happens within you. -Paulo Coelho

12. You will never be able to escape from your heart, So it’s better to listen to what it has to say. -Paulo Coelho

13. No matter what he does, every person on earth plays a central role in the history of the world. And normally he doesn’t know it. -Paulo Coelho

14. People are capable, at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream of. -Paulo Coelho

15. Because true love never keeps a man from pursuing his destiny. -Paulo Coelho