15 Inspirational Quotes By Che Guevara, The Revolutionary!

Che Guevra quotes

Ernesto “Che” Guevara was an Argentine Marxist revolutionary, diplomat and military theorist who was a major figure in the Cuban Revolution. He has become an iconic pop culture figure symbolising rebellion and revolution. He was a prominent leader who led the insurgency against the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista, alongside Fidel Castro. After the new government was set up, he became the second-in-command to Fidel Castro and performed a number of key roles in the government. 

Ernesto was born on 14 June 1928. As a young medical student, Guevara traveled throughout South America and was radicalized by the poverty, hunger, and disease he witnessed and later gave up his medical career to join the revolutionary movement and overthrow the imperialist government of Cuba, led by Batista. Guevara left Cuba in 1965 to foment revolution abroad, first unsuccessfully in Congo-Kinshasa and later in Bolivia, where he was captured by CIA-assisted Bolivian forces and summarily executed. He is still celebrated as a symbol of resistance and revolution.

1 . The life of a single human being is worth a million times more than all the property of the richest man on earth. -Che Guevara

Best revolutionary quotes by Che Guevara

Human life is much more precious than all the wealth of the world. No amount of money can ever be equal to that of a single human being.

2 . Silence is argument carried out by other means. -Che Guevara

Best revolutionary quotes by Che Guevara

By remaining silent, you are still arguing a point. Every time you remain silent against any atrocity of oppression, you are indirectly enabling the oppressor. It is the silence of the people that lets the oppressors continue.

3 . The true revolutionary is guided by great feelings of love. -Che Guevara

Best revolutionary quotes by Che Guevara

No revolution will ever be successful if it is not backed up by a motivation of love. Revolution is to be brought about not for hate against the oppressor but for the love for the oppressed.

4 . The only passion that guides me is for the truth – I look at everything from this point of view. -Che Guevara

Best revolutionary quotes by Che Guevara

It is only the truth that should guide all your actions. Be honest in everything you do. Stand by the truth, no matter how bad it is.

5 . Better to die standing than to live on your knees. -Che Guevara

Best revolutionary quotes by Che Guevara

It’s better to stand up for what you believe in than to live like a slave against your own ethics. Let your morals guide you and stand up against those who try to belittle you.

6 . Live your life not celebrating victories, but overcoming defeats. -Che Guevara

Best revolutionary quotes by Che Guevara

Your greatest glory is not when you come out victorious but when you stand up after a defeat. Be proud of yourself for refusing to stay down after every defeat. It is this persistence that makes you a real winner.

7 . Words that do not match deeds are unimportant. -Che Guevara

Best revolutionary quotes by Che Guevara

One whose words and action seem incongruous can never be trusted. Speak with your actions and stand by your words. Practice what you preach.

8 . Above all, try to be able to feel deeply any injustice committed against any person in any part of the world. -Che Guevara

Best revolutionary quotes by Che Guevara

Be empathetic and compassionate. Let your heart ache for any injustice committed anywhere in the world. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

9 . If you can find ways without any obstacles, it probably leads nowhere. -Che Guevara

Best revolutionary quotes by Che Guevara

If the path you chose is empty of obstacles, then that path will probably lead you to a dead end. Nothing in life can be achieved without struggle. You can only reach the top, if you can manage to climb the hill.

10 . I am not a liberator, Liberators do not exist, The people liberate themselves. -Che Guevara

Best revolutionary quotes by Che Guevara

The onus to fight against oppression is never upon a single man. It is only the collective fight against injustice that can ensure that the people’s liberation.

11 . One must endure without losing tenderness. -Che Guevara

Best revolutionary quotes by Che Guevara

In life, you’ll constantly have to struggle and survive through a lot of dark times. But if, in the end, you come out as a bitter person, all that you’ve endured amounts to nothing. Never lose your humanity, regardless of what you have to face.

12 . Let the world change you, and you can change the world. -Che Guevara

Best revolutionary quotes by Che Guevara

Look out of the bubble of privilege that you have locked yourself up in and see the world for what it truly is. Only once you’ve changed your preconceived and uninformed opinions do you hold the power to change the world.

13 . We cannot be sure of having something to live for unless we are willing to die for it. -Che Guevara

Best revolutionary quotes by Che Guevara

Unless you have given yourself to something that you believe in with all your heart and soul, you do not have a purpose in life. Have a vision, and follow that till your last breath.

14 . The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe, You have to make it fall. -Che Guevara

Best revolutionary quotes by Che Guevara

Society does not change by itself. It only changes with the collective effort of all those who are fed up with the system. Only when people move out of their ignorant and privileged life can a revolution occur.

15 . Be realistic, demand the impossible. -Che Guevara

Best revolutionary quotes by Che Guevara

What seems impossible today will come to be accepted as a reality in the future. Have a vision, even if it seems impossible and strive to make it a reality.

15 Inspirational Quotes By Che Guevara, The Revolutionary!

1. The life of a single human being is worth a million times more than all the property of the richest man on earth. -Che Guevara

2. Silence is argument carried out by other means. -Che Guevara

3. The true revolutionary is guided by great feelings of love. -Che Guevara

4. The only passion that guides me is for the truth – I look at everything from this point of view. -Che Guevara

5. Better to die standing than to live on your knees. -Che Guevara

6. Live your life not celebrating victories, but overcoming defeats. -Che Guevara

7. Words that do not match deeds are unimportant. -Che Guevara

8. Above all, try to be able to feel deeply any injustice committed against any person in any part of the world. -Che Guevara

9. If you can find ways without any obstacles, it probably leads nowhere. -Che Guevara

10. I am not a liberator, Liberators do not exist, The people liberate themselves. -Che Guevara

11. One must endure without losing tenderness. -Che Guevara

12. Let the world change you, and you can change the world. -Che Guevara

13. We cannot be sure of having something to live for unless we are willing to die for it. -Che Guevara

14. The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe, You have to make it fall. -Che Guevara

15. Be realistic, demand the impossible. -Che Guevara

Aaryan Sharma

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