15 Funny & Inspirational Quotes from No Game No Life

No Game No Life quotes

1 . Life is not a game of luck, if you wanna win, work hard. –Sora

Best quotes from no game no life

Luck will not lead you anywhere in life. If you want to achieve something, then the only thing that can help you is hard work and nothing else.

2 . There is more than one way to win a game, you can win without fighting. –Sora

Best quotes from no game no life

Fighting is not the only way to win something. Try to avoid conflict unless really necessary. There are always other ways to resolve issues and fighting should be your last resort.

3 . Accept that because we were born with nothing, we can become anything. –Sora

Best quotes from no game no life

We were all born with nothing, as a blank canvas. And hence, we have the freedom to become anything that we wish to. You have the choice to color the canvas any way you wish to.

4 . But because we are weak, by learning and gaining experience, we gained the wisdom to achieve the unachievable. –Sora

Best quotes from no game no life

It is because we are weak that we learn to strive for the better and become strong. It is only by gaining experience and learning throughout life can we achieve the impossible.

5 . In every time, in every world, the strong polish their fangs while the weak polish their wisdom. –Sora

Best quotes from no game no life

The strong rely on their physical prowess and only focus on becoming physically better. But the weak must rely on their wisdom and they consequently strive to gain knowledge to become wiser.

6 . You don’t change yourself, you change how you approach the problem, you have to make your own way. –Sora

Best quotes from no game no life

When you are faced with a problem, you do not have to change your own self in order to overcome it. What one needs to do is change your perspective and take a different approach to it.

7 . An idiot that knows he’s an idiot, is even harder to deal with than an idiot that thinks he isn’t. –Sora

Best quotes from no game no life

Someone who is self-aware of their weaknesses cannot easily be beaten. They know where they lack and hence are much more difficult to deal with then someone who has no idea about themselves.

8 . What kind of king makes his men fight at the front line while he sits behind them relaxing? –Sora

Best quotes from no game no life

The true mark of a leader is his willingness to fight together with his men. A king has to be a good leader first and instead of sitting back and enjoying the battle, he needs to fight alongside his soldiers.

9 . If you think physical toughness and longevity make you strong, you must be seriously lacking in the brain department. –Sora

Best quotes from no game no life

It is not physical strength that makes you strong. What one needs in life is not physical prowess but wisdom. The wise are the ones who can win in any situation.

10 . Throughout all of history, no wise king has ever forced his army to obey him through oppression. -Sora

Best quotes from no game no life

People do not follow leaders who oppress them. They always rise up against those who try to belittle them and force them. They only obey and follow those who are respectable and inspire them to be better.

11 . We do not stop playing games because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing. -Sora

Best quotes from no game no life

You do not stop having fun as you grow old. The truth is that you grow old because you stop having fun. Age is just a number. You can only be old if you feel like it in your heart.

12 . Only idiots start fights they can’t win. -Sora

Best quotes from no game no life

Foolish are those who indulge in fights which they know they can’t win. If you know the odds are against you, it is always better to refrain from picking a fight and embarrassing yourself.

13 . Fulfilled people are just an urban legend. -Shiro

Best quotes from no game no life

People are never content with what they have. They are never fulfilled by what it is they get. We are always greedy for more, no matter how much we already get.

14 . A temporary defeat is nothing if it leads to ultimate victory. -Stephanie Dola

Best quotes from no game no life

Sometimes it is necessary to lose a battle to win the war. A temporary defeat is always favourable if it leads to your final victory. Always see the big picture instead of thinking short term.

15 . They say people can change, but is that really true? If they decide they want to fly, will they grow wings? I don’t think so. -Sora

Best quotes from no game no life

Just because you wish for something does not mean that it will come to you on its own. Some things just cannot be changed. You need to find a different approach to it if you want to get it.

15 Funny & Inspirational Quotes from No Game No Life

1. Life is not a game of luck, if you wanna win, work hard. –Sora

2. There is more than one way to win a game, you can win without fighting. –Sora

3. Accept that because we were born with nothing, we can become anything. –Sora

4. But because we are weak, by learning and gaining experience, we gained the wisdom to achieve the unachievable. –Sora

5. In every time, in every world, the strong polish their fangs while the weak polish their wisdom. –Sora

6. You don’t change yourself, you change how you approach the problem, you have to make your own way. –Sora

7. An idiot that knows he’s an idiot, is even harder to deal with than an idiot that thinks he isn’t. –Sora

8. What kind of king makes his men fight at the front line while he sits behind them relaxing? –Sora

9. If you think physical toughness and longevity make you strong, you must be seriously lacking in the brain department. –Sora

10. Throughout all of history, no wise king has ever forced his army to obey him through oppression. -Sora

11. We do not stop playing games because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing. -Sora

12. Only idiots start fights they can’t win. -Sora

13. Fulfilled people are just an urban legend. -Shiro

14. A temporary defeat is nothing if it leads to ultimate victory. -Stephanie Dola

15. They say people can change, but is that really true? If they decide they want to fly, will they grow wings? I don’t think so. -Sora

Aaryan Sharma

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