15 Best Ulysses S. Grant Quotes To Read Today!

Ulysses S. Grant quotes

Ulysses S. Grant was an American soldier and politician who served as the 18th president of the United States from 1869 to 1877. Before his presidency, Grant led the Union Army as Commanding General of the United States Army in winning the American Civil War. He is largely credited with rebuilding the U.S. Navy, which at the time, lagged behind other powerful navies.

Hiram Ulysses Grant was born in Point Pleasant, Ohio, on April 27, 1822. A war hero but a reluctant politician, Grant was unanimously nominated by the Republican Party and was elected president in 1868. As president, Grant stabilized the post-war national economy, created the Department of Justice, and prosecuted the Ku Klux Klan. Corruption in federal departments during his tenure was rampant; four of Grant’s appointed cabinet members resigned under scandal. In 1872, Grant approved the formation of Yellowstone, the world’s first national park. He passed away on July 23, 1885.

1 . In every battle there comes a time when both sides consider themselves beaten, then he who continues the attack wins. -Ulysses S. Grant

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Victory only comes to those who never give up. No matter how exhausted you are, no matter what the odds against you are, you need to keep fighting to win.

2 . The friend in my adversity I shall always cherish most. -Ulysses S. Grant

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Real friends are those who stand with you even in your darkest times. They will be there to support you in your adversities. Hold onto them no matter what.

3 . Labor disgraces no man; unfortunately, you occasionally find men who disgrace labor. -Ulysses S. Grant

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Only through work can you achieve success and make your dreams come true. There is no shame in work. But often, there are people who bring shame and disgrace to the work they do.

4 . If you see the President, tell him from me that whatever happens there will be no turning back. -Ulysses S. Grant

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A President’s job is not an easy one. He shoulders the responsibility of an entire nation and there is no turning back. He must prioritise the wellbeing of the citizens more than anything else and work to attain that.

5 . Although a soldier by profession, I have never felt any sort of fondness for war, and I have never advocated it, except as a means of peace. -Ulysses S. Grant

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War can never be justified. Only a maniac will ever advocate and ask for war. The destruction that it entails is catastrophic and should be avoided at all costs.

6 . But for a soldier his duty is plain, he is to obey the orders of all those placed over him and whip the enemy wherever he meets him. -Ulysses S. Grant

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For a soldier, his duty is plain and simple. He only has to obey his seniors and accept whatever they say without any questions. And when confronted with an enemy, it is their job to defeat them.

7 . Find out where your enemy is, get at him as soon as you can, strike him as hard as you can, and keep moving on. -Ulysses S. Grant

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In any battle, the steps to victory are simple and trivial. Recognize who and where your enemy is. Strike him as hard as you can even before he has an opportunity to defend and then keep moving forward.

8 . If men make war in slavish obedience to rules, they will fail. -Ulysses S. Grant

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Wars can never be won when you abide by the rules. In order to win, some rules will have to inevitably be broken.

9 . I have never advocated war except as a means of peace. -Ulysses S. Grant

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War should only be fought if it can achieve peace in the end. An unnecessary war should be avoided at all costs as it will ruin the lives of millions of innocents.

10 . The right of revolution is an inherent one. -Ulysses S. Grant

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The people have the right to stand up against tyrants and start a revolution if they are oppressed by their government. It is the natural way to keep the governments in check.

11 . The will of the people is the best law. -Ulysses S. Grant

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Laws are just an official extension of the will of the people. They only have any real substance if the people accept it. Hence, it is the will of the people that really matters and makes a law legitimate.

12 . My failures have been errors in judgment, not of intent. -Ulysses S. Grant

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Errors in judgement are a normal thing. It’s fine to make a mistake once in a while. But what’s wrong is when you do it out of intention.

13 . There never was a time when, in my opinion, some way could not be found to prevent the drawing of the sword. -Ulysses S. Grant

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There are always alternatives to fighting. You can solve conflicts diplomatically instead of fighting it out. There is always a different and smarter approach that you can take.

14 . Nations, like individuals, are punished for their transgressions. -Ulysses S. Grant

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The wrongdoings and sins of a nation never go unpunished. Just like individuals, nations too have to redeem themselves. And every citizen collectively has to face the brunt of such transgressions.

15 . Keep the church and state forever separate. -Ulysses S. Grant

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The church and the state should never be allowed to intermingle. They are to be kept separate in order to preserve the sovereignty of the state. No community can be allowed to influence the decisions of the government.

15 Best Ulysses S. Grant Quotes To Read Today!

1. In every battle there comes a time when both sides consider themselves beaten, then he who continues the attack wins. -Ulysses S. Grant

2. The friend in my adversity I shall always cherish most. -Ulysses S. Grant

3. Labor disgraces no man; unfortunately, you occasionally find men who disgrace labor. -Ulysses S. Grant

4. If you see the President, tell him from me that whatever happens there will be no turning back. -Ulysses S. Grant

5. Although a soldier by profession, I have never felt any sort of fondness for war, and I have never advocated it, except as a means of peace. -Ulysses S. Grant

6. But for a soldier his duty is plain, he is to obey the orders of all those placed over him and whip the enemy wherever he meets him. -Ulysses S. Grant

7. Find out where your enemy is, get at him as soon as you can, strike him as hard as you can, and keep moving on. -Ulysses S. Grant

8. If men make war in slavish obedience to rules, they will fail. -Ulysses S. Grant

9. I have never advocated war except as a means of peace. -Ulysses S. Grant

10. The right of revolution is an inherent one. -Ulysses S. Grant

11. The will of the people is the best law. -Ulysses S. Grant

12. My failures have been errors in judgment, not of intent. -Ulysses S. Grant

13. There never was a time when, in my opinion, some way could not be found to prevent the drawing of the sword. -Ulysses S. Grant

14. Nations, like individuals, are punished for their transgressions. -Ulysses S. Grant

15. Keep the church and state forever separate. -Ulysses S. Grant

Aaryan Sharma

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