15 Amazing Quotes from The Gene Keys about life and spirituality

The Gene Keys Quotes by Richard Rudd

1 . Even the smallest action has a spin-off effect that travels out into the universe. -Richard Rudd

Best The Gene Keys Quotes by Richard Rudd

Every action of yours has an effect on the larger scheme of things. You may not realize it, but even your smallest action matters. All our actions combine to produce a butterfly effect in the end.

2 . Indifferent acts reinforce indifference, whereas acts done in joy or service create more joy. -Richard Rudd

Best The Gene Keys Quotes by Richard Rudd

The world essentially acts as a mirror. What you give to the world, you eventually get back. If you give joy, you receive joy and kindness. If it’s negativity that you spread, that’s exactly what will come back to you.

3 . Ultimate freedom has nothing to do with your life circumstances. -Richard Rudd

Best The Gene Keys Quotes by Richard Rudd

True freedom has got nothing to do with your circumstances. Only you have the power to give yourself that freedom. You have to try to let yourself be what you want to be, to feel what you want to feel instead of blaming it all on circumstances.

4 . It is the freedom that is born through one’s absolute trust in life. -Richard Rudd

Best The Gene Keys Quotes by Richard Rudd

The only way for you to be truly free in life is to trust life. Everything eventually works out. Life always has a path and it goes on. There’s nothing that you can do to stop it. You need to learn to let yourself flow with it.

5 . The more you try to force life to flow where you would like it to go, as opposed to where it wants to go, the less efficient you become. -Richard Rudd

Best The Gene Keys Quotes by Richard Rudd

The more you try to control life and change it the way you want to, instead of going with the flow, the less efficient you become. You need to feel life profoundly. Go with it as opposed to forcing it to flow in a direction you want to.

6 . To live closely to the earth’s natural rhythms is to experience the wisdom and clarity. -Richard Rudd

Best The Gene Keys Quotes by Richard Rudd

Nature is the most profound teacher there is. Live closely and intimately with it and you’ll find clarity in life. Every wisdom and truth flows from and through nature. Accept it and try to be one with it.

7 . In our modern world of today, the search for personal satisfaction and fulfillment has become practically universal. -Richard Rudd

Best The Gene Keys Quotes by Richard Rudd

In this era, all people crave is their own fulfillment. We’ve locked the doors to compassion and empathy. We only think of what we want and do the things that only benefit us.

8 . It is extraordinary to consider that our search for fulfillment creates and compounds the very stress it seeks to end. -Richard Rudd

Best The Gene Keys Quotes by Richard Rudd

The more we follow our greed, the more we become stressed. No matter how much you think material things will help you end your suffering, they will never do so. They will only multiply it.

9 . Your genius simply makes you a truly joyous human being. -Richard Rudd

Best The Gene Keys Quotes by Richard Rudd

The more knowledge and wisdom you have, the easier it is to be truly joyous in life. How can you expect to be happy if you always end up doing stupid things? Let your genius lead you on the path to happiness.

10 . That is your higher purpose — to be radiant for no reason other than being alive. -Richard Rudd

Best The Gene Keys Quotes by Richard Rudd

Maybe your purpose in life, above all else, is to be joyous and happy. Maybe it is to spread that vibe across to everyone around you. To radiate kindness and positivity and to be truly alive.

11 . Hesitancy occurs when an intuition is suppressed by the power of the mind. -Richard Rudd

Best The Gene Keys Quotes by Richard Rudd

One needs to learn to listen to their will more than anything else. That tiny little gut feeling that you have will help you more often than not. The more you try to suppress it, the more hesitant and uncertain you will be about your decisions.

12 . The sheer aliveness of a clear and instantaneous knowing is the cornerstone of one’s true inner radiance and health. -Richard Rudd

Best The Gene Keys Quotes by Richard Rudd

The more you know, the easier it is for you to be happy. Wisdom aids good health. It is substantial for a truly happy and radiant life. The stupid and unwise perish early and easily.

13 . Real health is only found when your inner being is completely at ease with life’s inherent uncertainty. -Richard Rudd

Best The Gene Keys Quotes by Richard Rudd

Uncertainty is the hallmark of life. It is what makes life so interesting. And the only way to be truly happy in life is to accept this fact. You need to be at ease with your own self and accept life for what it is.

14 . The more you complain, the more you damage yourself and the world. -Richard Rudd

Best The Gene Keys Quotes by Richard Rudd

Needlessly complaining never achieves anything. It only does more damage. If you have a problem with something, try to find a solution instead of whining about it. Focus on the solution and try to make a difference.

15 . We human beings doubt ourselves because we are not really ourselves in the first place. -Richard Rudd

Best The Gene Keys Quotes by Richard Rudd

We doubt ourselves because we try to be something that we are not. Once you truly accept what you are, and are at ease with your being, you will never doubt your abilities. Be yourself and you’ll never be hesitant in life.

15 Amazing Quotes from The Gene Keys about life and spirituality

1. Even the smallest action has a spin-off effect that travels out into the universe. -Richard Rudd

2. Indifferent acts reinforce indifference, whereas acts done in joy or service create more joy. -Richard Rudd

3. Ultimate freedom has nothing to do with your life circumstances. -Richard Rudd

4. It is the freedom that is born through one’s absolute trust in life. -Richard Rudd

5. The more you try to force life to flow where you would like it to go, as opposed to where it wants to go, the less efficient you become. -Richard Rudd

6. To live closely to the earth’s natural rhythms is to experience the wisdom and clarity. -Richard Rudd

7. In our modern world of today, the search for personal satisfaction and fulfillment has become practically universal. -Richard Rudd

8. It is extraordinary to consider that our search for fulfillment creates and compounds the very stress it seeks to end. -Richard Rudd

9. Your genius simply makes you a truly joyous human being. -Richard Rudd

10. That is your higher purpose — to be radiant for no reason other than being alive. -Richard Rudd

11. Hesitancy occurs when an intuition is suppressed by the power of the mind. -Richard Rudd

12. The sheer aliveness of a clear and instantaneous knowing is the cornerstone of one’s true inner radiance and health. -Richard Rudd

13. Real health is only found when your inner being is completely at ease with life’s inherent uncertainty. -Richard Rudd

14. The more you complain, the more you damage yourself and the world. -Richard Rudd

15. We human beings doubt ourselves because we are not really ourselves in the first place. -Richard Rudd