13 Quotes That Will Make You fall In Love With Being Alone

Being Alone Quotes

1 . I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone, it’s not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people that make you feel all alone.” – Robin Williams

Quotes on Solitude and being alone

We all have gone through this phase in our lives where we have feared ending up alone, with no one around us to love and care for. But what we tend to forget is that even in a crowded room, not having the right people can make you feel alone. Don’t try to fit in where you don’t belong because that may not have been the right place and people for you all along.

2 . We’re born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we’re not alone.” – Orson Welles

Quotes on Solitude and being alone

Love and friendship are open doors for us to socialise, build relationships that last lifetimes and are ways for us to be around people. It is through these two that we don’t feel alone in this huge world. The feeling of being loved and cared for makes us believe in an illusion that is not true but feels good and so we go on believing in it till the end of our time here.

3 . Some steps need to be taken alone. It’s the only way to really figure out where you need to go and who you need to be.” – Mandy Hale

Quotes on Solitude and being alone

You cannot expect to find people who will support you and walk within all walks of life. There are some roads and decisions that you have to take for yourself. That is the only way you will know if that is where you want to go and reach at the end of the journey. No one can decide how your life will play out, you alone have that power.

4 . Being alone has nothing to do with how many people are around.” – Richard Yates

Quotes on Solitude and being alone

There has always been a misconception on what it means to be alone. Being alone is more of a feeling than physical proximity of people. You can be alone when there is no one around and can also feel alone in a room full of people. It is about what and how you feel in that moment.

5 . Learn to be alone and to like it. There is nothing more empowering or freeing than learning to like your own company.” – Mandy Hale

Quotes on Solitude and being alone

Your own thoughts and company should be your refuge from this whole world. It should be a place within yourself wherein you feel safe and powerful all at once. Learn to be comfortable in your own company and like it because once you do, no matter who comes and leaves, you will always have yourself.

6 . Sometimes life is too hard to be alone and sometimes life is too good to be alone.” – Elizabeth Gilbert

Quotes on Solitude and being alone

There are times in life where you are faced with difficult circumstances and feel like you need someone to support you. And then there are times when life is nothing but sunshine and rainbows and you just wish you could share it with someone. No matter what the circumstance, you never want to be or feel alone.

7 . In order to be open to creativity, one must have the capacity for constructive use of solitude. One must overcome the fear of being alone.” – Rollo May

Quotes on Solitude and being alone

There is a certain kind of fear that creeps in when we think of being alone. But it is in this solitude that you learn a lot about yourself and put thoughts to good use. Creativity stems from your thoughts and ideas that come to you when you are in a place of peaceful solitude, making even that time enriching and productive. So, never fear being alone instead find ways of enjoying it.

8 . And in the end, all I learned was how to be strong—alone.” –Unknown

Quotes on Solitude and being alone

In the end, all that really matters is how you live your life and how strong you really are. Not everyone you meet along the way will stay till the very end and you need to learn how to enjoy your own company. You need to be strong for yourself no matter what.

9 . Sometimes I feel like I just want to be alone. But what I actually want is someone to just hold me and tell me everything will be okay.” – Unknown

Quotes on Solitude and being alone

Yes, sometimes when we are surrounded by gloom and sadness, all we think we need is some time alone to get better. But what we really need is someone to support us, hug you tightly and let us know that we are not alone. We all need love and someone to care for us.

10 . Sometimes, you just need a break. In a beautiful place. Alone. To figure everything out. -Unknown

Quotes on Solitude and being alone

We are all continuously running around, wanting to reach places before time runs out. But sometimes, you need a break from this routine to rejuvenate and refresh yourself, and to process all the things happening around you. Find a place that helps you relax and escape, even if for some time, into a world of your own where you feel safe and calm.

11 . Loneliness expresses the pain of being alone and solitude expresses the glory of being alone.” -Paul Tillich

Quotes on Solitude and being alone

Being alone has two perspectives depending on the situation one is in. Being alone can feel lonely when someone is in a dark place and feels pain. But on the other hand, when someone loves the peace and quiet and being with their own thoughts then they feel solitude and are no longer alone. They enjoy their own company.

12 . Better to be with no one than to be with the wrong one. -Unknown

Quotes on Solitude and being alone

Sometimes being/staying alone is the better choice to make than to compromise and live with someone who is wrong for you. Never let anyone dim your light or bring you down. Wait for the right person to walk into your life, someone who knows you and can treat you right. Until then, love yourself and learn to like being alone.

13 . Happiness is being alone with your own thoughts. -Unknown

Quotes on Solitude and being alone

Happiness can mean a lot of different things but the best kind is when you can be alone with your own thoughts and not be dependent on anyone to make you feel better. If you can make yourself smile and be happy then what the world says or does means nothing to you.

13 Quotes That Will Make You fall In Love With Being Alone

1. I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone, it’s not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people that make you feel all alone.” – Robin Williams

2. We’re born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we’re not alone.” – Orson Welles

3. Some steps need to be taken alone. It’s the only way to really figure out where you need to go and who you need to be.” – Mandy Hale

4. Being alone has nothing to do with how many people are around.” – Richard Yates

5. Learn to be alone and to like it. There is nothing more empowering or freeing than learning to like your own company.” – Mandy Hale

6. Sometimes life is too hard to be alone and sometimes life is too good to be alone.” – Elizabeth Gilbert

7. In order to be open to creativity, one must have the capacity for constructive use of solitude. One must overcome the fear of being alone.” – Rollo May

8. And in the end, all I learned was how to be strong—alone.” –Unknown

9. Sometimes I feel like I just want to be alone. But what I actually want is someone to just hold me and tell me everything will be okay.” – Unknown

10. Sometimes, you just need a break. In a beautiful place. Alone. To figure everything out. -Unknown

11. Loneliness expresses the pain of being alone and solitude expresses the glory of being alone.” -Paul Tillich

12. Better to be with no one than to be with the wrong one. -Unknown

13. Happiness is being alone with your own thoughts. -Unknown