12 Heartbreaking Quotes from The Song of Achilles

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1 . And as we swam, or played, or talked, a feeling would come. It was almost like fear, in the way it filled me, rising in my chest. It was almost like tears, in how swiftly it came. But it was neither of those, buoyant where they were heavy, bright where they were dull. – Patroclus

Best The Song of Achilles Quotes

Patroclus was in love. He had fallen for Achilles at the first sight and felt his feelings grow deeper and stronger as they spent more time together.

2 . We reached for each other, and I thought of how many nights I had lain awake loving him in silence. – Patroclus

Best The Song of Achilles Quotes

Achilles had invited Patroclus to sleep in his room. When they finally got together, Patroclus recalled all the nights he had craved for him but could never act on his sentiments without Achilles feeling the same way.

3 . I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world. – Patroclus

Best The Song of Achilles Quotes

Patroclus traveled to Scyros to find Achilles and bring him back. Though disguised as a female with his face covered, Patroclus recognized his lover among the Deidamia’s women by his eyes alone.

4 . You can use a spear as a walking stick, but that will not change its nature. -Odysseus

Best The Song of Achilles Quotes

Odysseus was a cunning man. He wished to recruit Achilles in their army to attack Troy and rescue Helen. In order to convince the unwilling Achilles to join the war, he ridiculed Achilles for wasting his god-gifted strength and threatened to tell everyone of his position in the court of Lycomedes.

5 . And perhaps it is the greater grief, after all, to be left on earth when another is gone. – Chiron

Best The Song of Achilles Quotes

Dying is the easy way out. It is the living that truly haunts people. What do you do when the person you wish to spend your life with passes away? Bound by memories and grief, all you await is suffering and withering until you can’t anymore.

6 . This will be the greatest war of our people, remembered in legend and song for generations. You are a fool not to see it. – Diomedes

Best The Song of Achilles Quotes

Odysseus and Diomedes had traveled to the land of Scyros to find Achilles. They promised him fame and an eternal place in the books recounting one of the most majestic wars in history.

7 . You are a fool. Get down. Your half-wit death will not save him. – Thetis

Best The Song of Achilles Quotes

Standing on the edge of a cliff and clinging to dear life, Patroclus called out to Thetis to help him avoid Achilles’ death in any way possible. She didn’t approve of their relationship, however, she shared a prophecy with him for the sake of her child.

8 . The pain was welcome, ordinary and clean. So easy to bear it was laughable. – Patroclus

Best The Song of Achilles Quotes

The physical pain inflicted on his hands and feet while climbing the cliff was nothing compared to what Patroclus’ heart was experiencing on learning about the prophesied death of Achilles.

9 . Our world was one of blood, and the honor it won; only cowards did not fight. For a prince there was no choice. You warred and won, or warred and died. – Patroclus

Best The Song of Achilles Quotes

Achilles didn’t want to fight in the Trojan war, however, as a prince, he had little choice. In that world, fame and honor were priced above people’s lives.

10 . He is half of my soul, as the poets say. He will be dead soon, and his honor is all that will remain. – Patroclus

Best The Song of Achilles Quotes

Patroclus and Achilles were deeply in love with each other. Defying and delaying the inevitable as much as they could, both of them knew that Achilles would die and only the stories of his magnificent golden hair dancing in the battlefield would pass on.

11 . There are no bargains between lion and men. I will kill you and eat you raw. – Achilles

Best The Song of Achilles Quotes

Enraged at Patroclus’ death, Achilles rejoined the war and swore vengeance against Hector for killing his beloved. Driven by grief and anger, Achilles refuses Hector’s plea to return his body to his family.

12 . Name one hero who was happy. – Achilles

Best The Song of Achilles Quotes

To gain something, you have to lose something, and for heroes known throughout history, it was mostly their sanity that they lost and fame that they gained.

12 Heartbreaking Quotes from The Song of Achilles

1. And as we swam, or played, or talked, a feeling would come. It was almost like fear, in the way it filled me, rising in my chest. It was almost like tears, in how swiftly it came. But it was neither of those, buoyant where they were heavy, bright where they were dull. – Patroclus

2. We reached for each other, and I thought of how many nights I had lain awake loving him in silence. – Patroclus

3. I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world. – Patroclus

4. You can use a spear as a walking stick, but that will not change its nature.-Odysseus

5. And perhaps it is the greater grief, after all, to be left on earth when another is gone. – Chiron

6. This will be the greatest war of our people, remembered in legend and song for generations. You are a fool not to see it. – Diomedes

7. You are a fool. Get down. Your half-wit death will not save him. – Thetis

8. The pain was welcome, ordinary and clean. So easy to bear it was laughable. – Patroclus

9. Our world was one of blood, and the honor it won; only cowards did not fight. For a prince there was no choice. You warred and won, or warred and died. – Patroclus

10. He is half of my soul, as the poets say. He will be dead soon, and his honor is all that will remain. – Patroclus

11. There are no bargains between lion and men. I will kill you and eat you raw. – Achilles

12. Name one hero who was happy. – Achilles