105 Best Life Quotes by Lord Krishna from Bhagavad Gita

Lord Krishna Bhagavad Gita

1 . Whatever the state of being that a man may focus upon at the end, when he leaves his body, to that state of being he will go

Best Bhagavad Gita Quotes by Lord Krishna

We all stay focused on one thing more than the rest of the things in our whole life. And when we die, our soul gets carried forward to that very thing which we’ve been thinking about the most till the end.

2 . All works are being done by the energy and power of nature, but due to delusion of ego people assume themselves to be the doer

Best Bhagavad Gita Quotes by Lord Krishna

The work is being done all by the nature of mother god. It’s the reaction to action of us being born on this planet but people generally mix it up with them being the providers.

3 . The actions of a great man are an inspiration for others. Whatever he does becomes a standard for others to follow

Best Bhagavad Gita Quotes by Lord Krishna

If an action done by a great man becomes known worldwide, every man tries to follow that because it is being accepted by the majority, setting some ground rules for tbe acceptance in the society.

4 . If you perform the sacrifice of doing your duty, you do not have to do anything else. Devoted to duty, man attains perfection

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One should always be devoted to the work he is doing. Worship your work, be true to it and yourself and you will attain success and perfection.

5 . When a man dwells on the objects of sense, he creates an attraction for them; attraction develops into desire, and desire breeds anger

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Sometimes attraction leads to disasters. They create a desire within us that we sometimes choose the wrong approach to achieve it leading to anger and anguish.

6 . One should strive and employ oneself to uplift oneself. One should never dishonor oneself. The self is one’s friend as well as one’s enemy

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A person should always help the other in order to make a better world. Be each other’s shoulder and help each other grow. We are the only ones who become our friends and enemies with ourselves and not others. So treat well and get treated well.

7 . The self-controlled soul, who moves amongst sense objects, free from either attachment or repulsion, he wins eternal Peace

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Eternal peace is not something that a human being finds so easily. It takes a lot of learnings to get to that level and one who reaches that level, becomes immune eternally.

8 . Because the fool wants to become God, He never finds him. The master is already God, Without ever wishing to be

Best Bhagavad Gita Quotes by Lord Krishna

Never desire to be on the top greedily. You’ll end up stumbling midway and falling on your face. Desire to work for good and you will find yourself on the highest already.

9 . Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is

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You are a reflection of your beliefs because that is how you want the world to be and how you want to get treated. That is how you want to keep the world sane.

10 . Through selfless service, you will always be fruitful and find the fulfillment of your desires

Best Bhagavad Gita Quotes by Lord Krishna

Never be too selfish as it’s demeaning. Always work for the betterment of yourself and the surroundings and never worry about the outcomes. You’ll be paid for what you’ve been working so hard.

11 . You are only entitled to the action, never to its fruits

Best Bhagavad Gita Quotes by Lord Krishna

Our actions are always the ones which leave the most amount of impact on others and never it’s rewards. So always make sure you take the right step.

12 . Death is as sure for that which is born, as birth is for that which is dead. Therefore grieve not for what is inevitable

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Death is inevitable since the day we were born. Never fear death, but stare it in the eyes and challenge it that take me when I’m done doing my part for the world in this life.

13 . One who sees inaction in action, and action in inaction, is intelligent among men

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The people who easily notice the loss of action being carried on in an ongoing work and some work being done in a dried situation are the ones who have a good talent, of observation.

14 . Whatever action is performed by a great man, common men follow in his footsteps, and whatever standards he sets by exemplary acts, all the world pursues

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If an action done by a great man becomes known worldwide, every man tries to follow that because it is being accepted by the majority, setting some ground rules for tbe acceptance in the society.

15 . You are what you believe in. You become that which you believe you can become

Best Bhagavad Gita Quotes by Lord Krishna

You are a reflection of your beliefs because that is how you want the world to be and how you want to get treated. That is how you want to keep the world sane.

16 . Detachment from material things is the way to inner peace. -Lord Krishna

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Materialism is often the case of sorrows. If you get attached to things, greed will take you over. What you need to understand is that there are more important things than those which you own or desire. The human experience is more about emotional connection and feelings.

17 . Man is made by his belief, As he believes, so he is. -Lord Krishna

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A person’s beliefs make him what he is. His choices, decisions and ideals shape his perspective and consequently, his reality. What you believe, you become.

18 . You should never engage in action for the sake of Reward, nor should you long for Inaction. -Lord Krishna

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You should never do things for the sake of a reward. Selfless service has its own virtues. None of your actions should be done with the aim to get something in return.

19 . No one who does good work will ever come to a bad end, either here or in the world to come. -Lord Krishna

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Life will always reward you. If you do good, good things will come your way. Everything will always work out in the end after all. You just need to have faith.

20 . It is better to live your own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else’s life with perfection. -Lord Krishna

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It’s always better to be yourself than to be a copy of anyone else. Embrace your own identity. Make your own path. You are imperfect but you are you and that’s what makes it so wonderful.

21 . O Parth, the qualities of those who possess a demoniac nature are hypocrisy, arrogance, conceit, anger, harshness, and ignorance. -Lord Krishna

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Those of demoniac nature, according to Krishna are those who indulge in hypocrisy, arrogance, conceit. They cannot control their emotions and end up indulging in wrongful actions. Such people cannot find peace in their life.

22 . Mind acts like an enemy for those who cannot control it. -Lord Krishna

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For those who cannot control their emotions and are led by the momentary whims of their hearts, their minds are their greatest enemies. If you learn to control your mind, it will always be your friend. But when you fail to do so, it will work against you.

23 . Every action, every activity is surrounded by defects as fire is surrounded by smoke. -Lord Krishna

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There will always be obstacles along any path. What matters is that you have the courage to walk through them. Instead of giving up, try to find your goal and chase it, no matter how tough the path may seem.

24 . I am the strength of the strong, devoid of passion and desire, I am sex life which is not contrary to religious principles. -Bhagavad Gita, 7.11

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Krishna is the symbolism of hope, strength and purity devoid of any passions and unholy desires. As if erroneously believed, sex is not thought of as a taboo in Vedic scriptures but rather an inherent part of human existence which is fulfilled by the divine bond of a marriage.

25 . Of weapons I am the thunderbolt; among cows I am the surabhi, Of causes for procreation I am Kandarpa, the god of love, and of serpents I am Vasuki. -Bhagavad Gita, 10.28

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Krishna is the embodiment of all goodness and also of destruction and creation. He is the destroyer of evil and also the pinnacle of love and marriage.

26 . Change is the law of the universe, You can be a millionaire, or a pauper in an instant. -Lord Krishna

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Change is the most important law of nature. You never know how life will end up for you. Things can turn around in an instant. Your fate is never in your hands. You may gain everything or lose everything in the blink of an eye because nothing in life is permanent.

27 . Lust, anger and greed are the three gates to self-destructive hell. -Lord Krishna

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If there is anything that can destroy you, it is lust, greed and anger. All of these work only against you. You need to be able to rise above all of these insignificant things in life. None of it will get you anywhere in life. They will only lead to your downfall.

28 . There is neither this world, nor the world beyond, nor happiness for the one who doubts. -Lord Krishna

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Have faith in yourself. How can you expect to get anywhere in life if you do not even have faith in yourself. No matter what it is you are doing, have faith in the power of your abilities.

29 . A person can rise through the efforts of his own mind; or draw himself down, in the same manner. -Lord Krishna

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Your mind can lift you up and throw you down just the same. What matters is how you use it. It has the power to get you anything in life or also be the cause of your ruin. You need to be able to harness your potential well.

30 . Even if one is the most sinful of all sinners, yet one shall cross over the ocean of sin by the raft of knowledge alone. -Lord Krishna

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Knowledge has great power. It can help you get anything you desire. With enough knowledge and strength. No matter how many mistakes you’ve made, no matter how many sins you have commited, knowledge can help you redeem yourself.

31 . A man’s own self is his friend, A man’s own self is his foe. -Lord Krishna

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You are your best friend. There’s no one else who can understand you as much as you can yourself. But at the same time, you are also your worst enemy because if you are not careful, you may end up leading to your own self-destruction.

32 . No purifier equals knowledge, and in time the man of perfect discipline discovers this in his own spirit. -Lord Krishna

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Knowledge is your most powerful weapon. It can lead you anywhere in life through any obstacle that you may face. And it takes a lot of discipline to attain knowledge.

33 . Work done with anxiety about results is far inferior to work done without such anxiety, in the calm of self-surrender. -Lord Krishna

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Anxiety and stress make it impossible to do good work. You need to surrender yourself and have faith if you want to attain good results.

34 . When meditation is mastered, The mind is unwavering like the flame of a lamp in a windless place. -Lord Krishna

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Meditation helps you find yourself. It helps you concentrate and get a grip on yourself. All distractions fade away and it helps you become more efficient and productive.

35 . Be fearless and pure, never waiver in your determination or your dedication to the spiritual life. -Lord Krishna

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Never waiver in life. No matter what it is you are doing, do not let yourself be taken over by your insecurities and fears. Only those who persevere ever get anything meaningful in life.

36 . Cultivate vigor, patience, will purity, avoid malice and pride, Then, Arjuna, you will achieve your divine destiny. -Lord Krishna

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You need vigor, passion, patience and above all, purity. These are virtues that are important in life. And avoid being too proud or indulging in cheating or any other kind of malice. Learn to love and discard hate. Only then can you fulfill your destiny.

37 . You have the right to work, but for the work’s sake only. -Lord Krishna

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Work for the sake of work. If you are doing something for the sake of the rewards, you will never get far. The result will always be unsatisfactory. Selfless service is what one needs.

38 . Sever the ignorant doubt in your heart with the sword of self-knowledge, Observe your discipline, Arise. -Lord Krishna

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You are more capable than what you think. Do not let doubt take root in your heart. Believe in yourself more than anything. You have everything it takes to make it through anything life throws at you.

39 . One who does not envy but is a compassionate friend to all, such a devotee is very dear to Me. -Lord Krishna

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Envy is a toxic emotion. It poisons you from inside and lays the foundation to your emotional destruction. Be compassionate to all. Love can conquer hearts, not hate. So practice love and not hate.

40 . The ignorant person who considers oneself as the sole agent due to imperfect understanding does not understand. -Lord Krishna

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Those who think that the world revolves around them will never understand anything. You need to get out of that bubble and realise that there’s more to the world than just you. Put yourself in others’ shoes first and try to understand them.

41 . The key to happiness is reduction of desires. -Lord Krishna

Best Bhagavad Gita Quotes by Lord Krishna

The more we desire the more we give in to greed. And too much greed never does anyone any good. It eventually ends up taking away joy and happiness from our lives.

42 . Happiness is a state of mind that has nothing to do with the external world. -Lord Krishna

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Happiness has rarely got anything to do with the external world. It’s a state of mind that depends entirely on our inner selves. You do not have to depend on any external factor to be truly happy. Just look within yourself.

43 . You came here empty handed and you will leave empty handed. -Lord Krishna

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All the material things that you are holding on to so dearly will vanish when you die. You came to this world empty handed and you will leave empty handed. What matters is the little things in life. The connections you make, the relationships you foster and the good that you do.

44 . It is lust alone, which is born of contact with the mode of passion, and later transformed into anger, Know this as the sinful, all-devouring enemy in the world. -Bhagavad Gita, 3.31

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Lust is one of the most dangerous of human emotions. It poisons your mind with unholy desires and leads you astray, compelling you to act with selfish, ulterior motives. Man’s lust is what destroys him and all those he comes in contact with.

45 . No human being does more loving service to me than they, nor shall there ever be anyone on this earth more dear to me. -Bhagavad Gita, 18.69

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To live and show kindness, love and compassion is the greatest act of spirituality one can do. Man is evidently God’s best creation and he shall always be there with you, to lead you through dark times and show you a better world.

46 . Pleasure from the senses seems like nectar at first, but it is as bitter as poison in the end. -Lord Krishna

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What pleasure you get from following material things and satisfying your senses may seem infinite and surreal for the time being. But they will soon lead to your downfall as they consume you without your own knowledge.

47 . To those who conquered themselves, the will is a friend, But it is the enemy of those who have not found the self with Them. -Lord Krishna

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Learn to control your desires and passions. If you let it free, it will soon overwhelm you and start controlling you. Your ‘Self’, has to be under your control. Your will should be your own. If not, it will become your truest enemy.

48 . The brightness of the world, which lights up the world, the brightness of the moon and of the fire, these are my glory. -Lord Krishna

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Lord Krishna is the master of the universe. Everything, from the sun to moon, the darkness to the light, all come under his domain and are a testament to his glory.

49 . The gift is pure when it is given from the heart to the right person at the right time and the right place and we expect nothing in return. -Lord Krishna

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Whatever that you give with honesty will always do you good. No matter what you give, do so with the utmost conviction and without expecting anything in return. The best gifts are those that you give to the right person at the right for the right reasons without expecting anything in return.

50 . Reshape yourself with the power of your will, never let yourself be degraded by self-will. -Lord Krishna

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Control your will instead of letting it control you. The reins of your heart should always lie in your hand. Reinvent yourself, and grow by learning from your mistakes. Do not let your self-will run wild.

51 . Calmness, gentleness, silence, self-restraint, purity: these are the disciplines of the mind. -Lord Krishna

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Do not let your mind wander out into the darkness. Be calm, gentle and pure. No matter how chaotic the situation may turn out to be, always control your instincts, practice restraint and stay disciplined.

52 . Fill your mind with me, Love me, Serve me, Worship me always, Seeking me in your heart, you will at last be united with me. -Lord Krishna

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Lord Krishna is epitome of goodness and righteousness. Follow his path, his ways and serve him in his faith. If you want to be united with his self, you have to walk in his path.

53 . The only way you can conquer me is through Love and there I am gladly conquered. -Lord Krishna

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The only way you can be one with God is through love. Hate should have no place in your heart. Love others, show kindness and do good. That is the only way to attain true happiness and find God.

54 . Do everything you have to do, but not with greed, not with ego, not with lust, not with envy but with Love, compassion, and devotion. -Lord Krishna

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All these negative emotions like greed, ego, lust and envy are like poison. They will gradually eat you up. No matter what it is, do it with love, compassion and devotion. The more negative emotions you harbor, the more resentment and sorrow there will be waiting for you.

55 . I am the beginning, the middle and end of creation. -Lord Krishna

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Lord Krishna is the embodiment of the universe. He is the beginning, the middle and the end of creation. The entire universe flows through him.

56 . Those who cannot renounce attachment to the results of their work are far from the path. -Lord Krishna

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Do your work not for the results but because it is your duty. You need to give up your attachment to the fruits of your work. The work you do should not be done to get anything in return. That is the path to true enlightenment and happiness.

57 . The offering of wisdom is better than any material offering, Arjuna; for the goal of all work is spiritual wisdom. -Lord Krishna

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Wisdom is much more beautiful and important than any material offering. Knowledge and wisdom are what you should strive for. These are the things that actually get you enlightenment in life.

58 . All the scriptures lead to me; I am their author and their wisdom. -Lord Krishna

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Lord Krishna is the ultimate master of the universe. All of knowledge, wisdom and goodness begins from him and ends with him. There’s nothing that he doesn’t know of the world.

59 . The immature think that knowledge and action are different, but the wise see them as the same. -Lord Krishna

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Knowledge without action is of no use. And so is action without any knowledge backing it. They are the same and should not and cannot be separated from each other.

60 . For the senses wander, and when one lets the mind follow them, it carries wisdom away like a windblown ship on the waters. -Lord Krishna

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Do not let your senses be what leads you. Knowledge and wisdom should be your path. If your mind follows your senses, it will be led into pitfalls. Hold on to wisdom and rationale and not your emotional instincts.

61 . On this path, effort never goes to waste, and there is no failure. -Lord Krishna

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The path of righteousness never goes to waste. Whatever effort you put in will reap you results. And failure is never the end. They are just lessons for you to learn from.

62 . Even a little effort toward spiritual awareness will protect you from the greatest fear. –Lord Krishna

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Awakening your spiritual self is the path to enlightenment. No matter what fears you have, you can overcome them if you have faith. Spirituality protects you from your greatest fears.

63 . You should perform your duty with a view to guide people and for universal welfare. –Lord Krishna

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Live your life selflessly. Perform all of your duties for the welfare of others. Do your best to do good to others. Guide them to goodness and help them in whatever way you can.

64 . Whatever action is performed by a great man, common men follow in his footsteps. -Lord Krishna

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Great men set precedents for others to follow. They inspire others who come after them and set standards for them to follow in. And they lead by example.

65 . From attraction arises desire, the lust of possession, and this leads to passion, to anger. -Lord Krishna

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Attraction towards something gives rise to desire. And desire leads to yearning for possession. And when you desire material things, you naturally become prone to rage and anger.

66 . Work for work’s sake, not for yourself, Act but do not be attached to your actions, Be in the world, but not of it. -Lord Krishna

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Attachments never lead to anything good. Do not let yourself be attached to your actions, possessions or anything else. You are part of the world and true spirituality is when you learn to transcend it.

67 . As the heat of a fire reduces wood to ashes, the fire of knowledge burns to ashes all karma. -Lord Krishna

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Knowledge is the only way forward. It is what will guide you through the tough times of your life. No matter what life throws at you, you can make it through with the help of the knowledge that you have amassed.

68 . The ruin of reason leads man to destruction. -Lord Krishna

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The moment man gives up reason and logic, he is led to death and destruction. Almost every man-made problem that has plagued this world is almost always due lack of reason.

69 . I am born in every age to protect the good, to destroy evil, and to reestablish dharma. -Lord Krishna

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Lord Krishna is the ultimate master of the universe. He is reborn whenever there is evil plaguing the world, and destroys the root cause of evil whenever necessary to reestablish goodness back into the world.

70 . The spirit is beyond destruction, No one can bring an end to spirit which is everlasting. -Lord Krishna

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Only the mortal body would die and dust. But the actual soul never dies as it is everlasting. The spirit survives while the body is destroyed.

71 . There are two ways of passing from this world, one in light and one in darkness. -Lord Krishna

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There are two ways to live through this life. To fall into the darkness or to walk into the light. It’s your choice where you want to go. Although, the former will destroy you while the latter will protect you.

72 . Let a man lift himself by his own self alone, let him not lower himself, for this self alone is the friend of oneself and this self alone is the enemy of oneself. -Lord Krishna

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A person improves only when he allows himself to improve. One can either uplift himself or lower himself further down. The power to decide which you will do is entirely upon you. You can be your truest friend or your biggest enemy.

73 . The peace of God is with them whose mind and soul are in harmony, who are free from desire and wrath, who know their own soul. -Lord Krishna

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The people who detach themselves of all their worldly desires and faith shall receive the peace of God. Their mind and soul have to be in harmony. Only those who are free from wrath and lust and greed and know themselves inside out are the ones who shall find enlightenment, happiness and peace.

74 . When you fall in love then your heart should fill with happiness , That does not come unless you surrender yourself completely. -Lord Krishna

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Love won’t come until and unless you let go of all the constraints and vulnerability. Give it your all and expect the least. You need to surrender yourself completely to the feeling and free yourself from all forms of wrath, lust and greed.

75 . Every creature in the universe is subject to rebirth, Arjuna, except the one who is united with me. -Lord Krishna

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Those who enter this world are bound to die and again take birth. It’s an inevitable cycle, the cycle of life. Those united with the almighty never truly die. They rid themselves of this treacherous cycle.

76 . You have the right to work, but never to the fruit of work. -Lord Krishna

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Always aspire to work hard and learn from every aspect of life. Never think of the reward as your right because you only get what you deserve.

77 . The soul is neither born, and nor does it die. -Lord Krishna

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Souls are immortal and they travel from body to body. They never really perish but change life forms, change their habitats and remain the same at their roots.

78 . A gift is pure when it is given from the heart to the right person at the right time and at the right place, and when we expect nothing in return. -Lord Krishna

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Gifts are most precious when they come unexpectedly as they show how considerate the other person is towards us and how much we matter to them.

79 . No one should abandon duties because he sees defects in them, Every action, every activity is surrounded by defects as fire is surrounded by smoke. -Lord Krishna

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Duties are meant to be fulfilled. One shouldn’t step back from them just because they’re tough or challenging. We all must do our part, no matter how insignificant or great that part is.

80 . The wise work for the welfare of the world, without thought for themselves. -Lord Krishna

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Wise people always think about the greater good rather than selfish deeds. They always look out for what’s best for everyone as a whole.

81 . Pleasures conceived in the world of the senses have a beginning and an end and give birth to misery. -Lord Krishna

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Everything in this world has a start and an end, it is inevitable. Even pleasures are short lived, as it eventually creates misery.

82 . Better indeed is knowledge than mechanical practice, Better than knowledge is meditation. -Lord Krishna

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Knowledge is more valuable than practical work as it is precious and can’t be wielded by everyone. But what’s more precious is mediation and maintaining your sanity.

83 . Those who are motivated only by desire for the fruits of action are miserable, for they are constantly anxious about the results of what they do. -Lord Krishna

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If you always worry about the outcomes of your actions, you will always stay miserable, anxious, and unable to cope up with it.

84 . The mind acts like an enemy for those who do not control it. -Lord Krishna

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Our minds are our greatest allies but also our greatest enemies. If one learns to control it, he/she can achieve wonders.

85 . There is nothing lost or wasted in the life. -Lord Krishna

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Everything in life moves in a cycle. Things happen when they need to happen in one form or another.

86 . Perform your obligatory duty, because action is indeed better than inaction. -Lord Krishna

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Taking part in life is always better than not doing anything and sitting idle. One should always keep themselves engaged in work.

87 . He who is deluded by the ego thinks am the doer. -Lord Krishna

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Ego is one of the greatest enemies of mankind. One should learn to control it before it takes you down the drain.

88 . Arise, slay thy enemies, enjoy a prosperous kingdom. -Lord Krishna

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Know your enemies, what and who they are and work hard and smart towards defeating them to become a better person.

89 . When a man dwells on the pleasure of sense, the attraction for them arises in him, From attraction arises desire, the lust of possession, and this leads to passion, to anger. -Lord Krishna

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Pleasure is not always healthy and it can lead to misguided incidents. Attraction and desire can lead to lust of possession, to anger.

90 . From passion comes the confusion of mind, then the loss of remembrance, the forgetting of duty. -Lord Krishna

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Controlling and molding passion is an important aspect of life. If not done the right way, it might lead to confusion followed by destruction.

91 . Through selfless service, you will always be fruitful and find the fulfillment of your desires. -Lord Krishna

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Be selfless for the world needs more people like that. There’s nothing more fulfilling than helping another and the almighty will automatically reward you for your behaviour.

92 . Pleasures conceived in the world of the senses have a beginning and an end and give birth to misery. -Lord Krishna

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Misery is time consuming and unhealthy for our progress. Always keep your needs and demands in control so that you don’t get distracted from your path.

93 . Seek refuge in the attitude of detachment and you will amass the wealth of spiritual awareness. -Lord Krishna

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Attachment in excess can lead to misery so always expect less as it may instead lead to wealth of spiritual awareness and self growth.

94 . As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones, similarly, the soul accepts new material bodies, giving up the old and useless ones. -Lord Krishna

Best Bhagavad Gita Quotes by Lord Krishna

A soul never really dies but changes its forms and goes on forever. However, in essence, it remains the same.

95 . Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds. -Lord Krishna

Best Bhagavad Gita Quotes by Lord Krishna

Whatever is created, will be destroyed, for that is the rule of the universe. One can never escape its end.

96 . In the dark night of all beings awakes to Light the tranquil man. But what is day to other beings is night for the sage who sees. -Lord Krishna

Best Bhagavad Gita Quotes by Lord Krishna

One who attains spiritual awareness will be able to see the light clearly even during the night. That’s what sets him apart from others who only see the night as darkness.

97 . Neither in this world nor elsewhere is there any happiness in store for him who always doubts. -Lord Krishna

Best Bhagavad Gita Quotes by Lord Krishna

Doubting yourself is never considered to be a good trait. Always believe in yourself and see how things turn out to be for you.

98 . The wise man lets go of all results, whether good or bad, and is focused on the action alone. -Lord Krishna

Best Bhagavad Gita Quotes by Lord Krishna

The wiser the man, the more he is focused on his actions and betterment of the world as a whole. He doesn’t care about the fruits of his actions; just the actions alone.

99 . Curving back within myself I create again and again. -Lord Krishna

Best Bhagavad Gita Quotes by Lord Krishna

By introspecting yourself you realise and discover parts of you which you didn’t know existed. With every new discovery, you grow more.

100 . We behold what we are, and we are what we behold. -Lord Krishna

Best Bhagavad Gita Quotes by Lord Krishna

We are what we perceive the world to be. Our beliefs and principles make us what we are in life.

101 . Blessed is a human birth, even the dwellers in heaven desire this birth, for true knowledge and pure love may be attained only by a human being. -Bhagavad Gita, 9:21

Best Bhagavad Gita Quotes by Lord Krishna

To be human is a rare and divine opportunity. Humans, with their higher intellect and spiritual enlightenment have tamed and led this world for ages. To be a human is to live a rare life since love and knowledge are reserved for only Man.

102 . I, the atman, dear to the devotees, am attainable by Love and devotion. -Bhagavad Gita

Best Bhagavad Gita Quotes by Lord Krishna

The only path to attain true spirituality is through love and devotion. It is what brings you closer to God and his divine world of peace and beauty.

103 . What ineffable joy does one find through Love of me, the blissful Atman, Once that joy is realized, all earthly pleasures fade into nothingness. -Bhagavad Gita

Best Bhagavad Gita Quotes by Lord Krishna

Love is nothing but all sorts of compassion towards something or someone. Its care and concern, affection and attraction. Once you realise that these are just some mere emotions, things start to fade away.

104 . If one offers to Me with devotion a leaf, a flower, a fruit, or even water, I delightfully partake of that article offered with love by My devotee in pure consciousness. -Bhagavad Gita, 9:26

Best Bhagavad Gita Quotes by Lord Krishna

To God, what matters is true devotion. Someone who offers even a leaf to God with true devotion outperforms someone who gives all his wealth for his own selfish motives. What God cares for is love and devotion.

105 . Only by love can men see me, and know me, and come unto me. -Bhagavad Gita, 11:54

Best Bhagavad Gita Quotes by Lord Krishna

Love has great powers, powers of realisation and being reasonable with things. Only through love,can you see things to their depth and understand them. Love is the only path that leads to God.

105 Best Life Quotes by Lord Krishna from Bhagavad Gita

1. Whatever the state of being that a man may focus upon at the end, when he leaves his body, to that state of being he will go

2. All works are being done by the energy and power of nature, but due to delusion of ego people assume themselves to be the doer

3. The actions of a great man are an inspiration for others. Whatever he does becomes a standard for others to follow

4. If you perform the sacrifice of doing your duty, you do not have to do anything else. Devoted to duty, man attains perfection

5. When a man dwells on the objects of sense, he creates an attraction for them; attraction develops into desire, and desire breeds anger

6. One should strive and employ oneself to uplift oneself. One should never dishonor oneself. The self is one’s friend as well as one’s enemy

7. The self-controlled soul, who moves amongst sense objects, free from either attachment or repulsion, he wins eternal Peace

8. Because the fool wants to become God, He never finds him. The master is already God, Without ever wishing to be

9. Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is

10. Through selfless service, you will always be fruitful and find the fulfillment of your desires

11. You are only entitled to the action, never to its fruits

12. Death is as sure for that which is born, as birth is for that which is dead. Therefore grieve not for what is inevitable

13. One who sees inaction in action, and action in inaction, is intelligent among men

14. Whatever action is performed by a great man, common men follow in his footsteps, and whatever standards he sets by exemplary acts, all the world pursues

15. You are what you believe in. You become that which you believe you can become

16. Detachment from material things is the way to inner peace. -Lord Krishna

17. Man is made by his belief, As he believes, so he is. -Lord Krishna

18. You should never engage in action for the sake of Reward, nor should you long for Inaction. -Lord Krishna

19. No one who does good work will ever come to a bad end, either here or in the world to come. -Lord Krishna

20. It is better to live your own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else’s life with perfection. -Lord Krishna

21. O Parth, the qualities of those who possess a demoniac nature are hypocrisy, arrogance, conceit, anger, harshness, and ignorance. -Lord Krishna

22. Mind acts like an enemy for those who cannot control it. -Lord Krishna

23. Every action, every activity is surrounded by defects as fire is surrounded by smoke. -Lord Krishna

24. I am the strength of the strong, devoid of passion and desire, I am sex life which is not contrary to religious principles. -Bhagavad Gita, 7.11

25. Of weapons I am the thunderbolt; among cows I am the surabhi, Of causes for procreation I am Kandarpa, the god of love, and of serpents I am Vasuki. -Bhagavad Gita, 10.28

26. Change is the law of the universe, You can be a millionaire, or a pauper in an instant. -Lord Krishna

27. Lust, anger and greed are the three gates to self-destructive hell. -Lord Krishna

28. There is neither this world, nor the world beyond, nor happiness for the one who doubts. -Lord Krishna

29. A person can rise through the efforts of his own mind; or draw himself down, in the same manner. -Lord Krishna

30. Even if one is the most sinful of all sinners, yet one shall cross over the ocean of sin by the raft of knowledge alone. -Lord Krishna

31. A man’s own self is his friend, A man’s own self is his foe. -Lord Krishna

32. No purifier equals knowledge, and in time the man of perfect discipline discovers this in his own spirit. -Lord Krishna

33. Work done with anxiety about results is far inferior to work done without such anxiety, in the calm of self-surrender. -Lord Krishna

34. When meditation is mastered, The mind is unwavering like the flame of a lamp in a windless place. -Lord Krishna

35. Be fearless and pure, never waiver in your determination or your dedication to the spiritual life. -Lord Krishna

36. Cultivate vigor, patience, will purity, avoid malice and pride, Then, Arjuna, you will achieve your divine destiny. -Lord Krishna

37. You have the right to work, but for the work’s sake only. -Lord Krishna

38. Sever the ignorant doubt in your heart with the sword of self-knowledge, Observe your discipline, Arise. -Lord Krishna

39. One who does not envy but is a compassionate friend to all, such a devotee is very dear to Me. -Lord Krishna

40. The ignorant person who considers oneself as the sole agent due to imperfect understanding does not understand. -Lord Krishna

41. The key to happiness is reduction of desires. -Lord Krishna

42. Happiness is a state of mind that has nothing to do with the external world. -Lord Krishna

43. You came here empty handed and you will leave empty handed. -Lord Krishna

44. It is lust alone, which is born of contact with the mode of passion, and later transformed into anger, Know this as the sinful, all-devouring enemy in the world. -Bhagavad Gita, 3.31

45. No human being does more loving service to me than they, nor shall there ever be anyone on this earth more dear to me. -Bhagavad Gita, 18.69

46. Pleasure from the senses seems like nectar at first, but it is as bitter as poison in the end. -Lord Krishna

47. To those who conquered themselves, the will is a friend, But it is the enemy of those who have not found the self with Them. -Lord Krishna

48. The brightness of the world, which lights up the world, the brightness of the moon and of the fire, these are my glory. -Lord Krishna

49. The gift is pure when it is given from the heart to the right person at the right time and the right place and we expect nothing in return. -Lord Krishna

50. Reshape yourself with the power of your will, never let yourself be degraded by self-will. -Lord Krishna

51. Calmness, gentleness, silence, self-restraint, purity: these are the disciplines of the mind. -Lord Krishna

52. Fill your mind with me, Love me, Serve me, Worship me always, Seeking me in your heart, you will at last be united with me. -Lord Krishna

53. The only way you can conquer me is through Love and there I am gladly conquered. -Lord Krishna

54. Do everything you have to do, but not with greed, not with ego, not with lust, not with envy but with Love, compassion, and devotion. -Lord Krishna

55. I am the beginning, the middle and end of creation. -Lord Krishna

56. Those who cannot renounce attachment to the results of their work are far from the path. -Lord Krishna

57. The offering of wisdom is better than any material offering, Arjuna; for the goal of all work is spiritual wisdom. -Lord Krishna

58. All the scriptures lead to me; I am their author and their wisdom. -Lord Krishna

59. The immature think that knowledge and action are different, but the wise see them as the same. -Lord Krishna

60. For the senses wander, and when one lets the mind follow them, it carries wisdom away like a windblown ship on the waters. -Lord Krishna

61. On this path, effort never goes to waste, and there is no failure. -Lord Krishna

62. Even a little effort toward spiritual awareness will protect you from the greatest fear. –Lord Krishna

63. You should perform your duty with a view to guide people and for universal welfare. –Lord Krishna

64. Whatever action is performed by a great man, common men follow in his footsteps. -Lord Krishna

65. From attraction arises desire, the lust of possession, and this leads to passion, to anger. -Lord Krishna

66. Work for work’s sake, not for yourself, Act but do not be attached to your actions, Be in the world, but not of it. -Lord Krishna

67. As the heat of a fire reduces wood to ashes, the fire of knowledge burns to ashes all karma. -Lord Krishna

68. The ruin of reason leads man to destruction. -Lord Krishna

69. I am born in every age to protect the good, to destroy evil, and to reestablish dharma. -Lord Krishna

70. The spirit is beyond destruction, No one can bring an end to spirit which is everlasting. -Lord Krishna

71. There are two ways of passing from this world, one in light and one in darkness. -Lord Krishna

72. Let a man lift himself by his own self alone, let him not lower himself, for this self alone is the friend of oneself and this self alone is the enemy of oneself. -Lord Krishna

73. The peace of God is with them whose mind and soul are in harmony, who are free from desire and wrath, who know their own soul. -Lord Krishna

74. When you fall in love then your heart should fill with happiness , That does not come unless you surrender yourself completely. -Lord Krishna

75. Every creature in the universe is subject to rebirth, Arjuna, except the one who is united with me. -Lord Krishna

76. You have the right to work, but never to the fruit of work. -Lord Krishna

77. The soul is neither born, and nor does it die. -Lord Krishna

78. A gift is pure when it is given from the heart to the right person at the right time and at the right place, and when we expect nothing in return. -Lord Krishna

79. No one should abandon duties because he sees defects in them, Every action, every activity is surrounded by defects as fire is surrounded by smoke. -Lord Krishna

80. The wise work for the welfare of the world, without thought for themselves. -Lord Krishna

81. Pleasures conceived in the world of the senses have a beginning and an end and give birth to misery. -Lord Krishna

82. Better indeed is knowledge than mechanical practice, Better than knowledge is meditation. -Lord Krishna

83. Those who are motivated only by desire for the fruits of action are miserable, for they are constantly anxious about the results of what they do. -Lord Krishna

84. The mind acts like an enemy for those who do not control it. -Lord Krishna

85. There is nothing lost or wasted in the life. -Lord Krishna

86. Perform your obligatory duty, because action is indeed better than inaction. -Lord Krishna

87. He who is deluded by the ego thinks am the doer. -Lord Krishna

88. Arise, slay thy enemies, enjoy a prosperous kingdom. -Lord Krishna

89. When a man dwells on the pleasure of sense, the attraction for them arises in him, From attraction arises desire, the lust of possession, and this leads to passion, to anger. -Lord Krishna

90. From passion comes the confusion of mind, then the loss of remembrance, the forgetting of duty. -Lord Krishna

91. Through selfless service, you will always be fruitful and find the fulfillment of your desires. -Lord Krishna

92. Pleasures conceived in the world of the senses have a beginning and an end and give birth to misery. -Lord Krishna

93. Seek refuge in the attitude of detachment and you will amass the wealth of spiritual awareness. -Lord Krishna

94. As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones, similarly, the soul accepts new material bodies, giving up the old and useless ones. -Lord Krishna

95. Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds. -Lord Krishna

96. In the dark night of all beings awakes to Light the tranquil man. But what is day to other beings is night for the sage who sees. -Lord Krishna

97. Neither in this world nor elsewhere is there any happiness in store for him who always doubts. -Lord Krishna

98. The wise man lets go of all results, whether good or bad, and is focused on the action alone. -Lord Krishna

99. Curving back within myself I create again and again. -Lord Krishna

100. We behold what we are, and we are what we behold. -Lord Krishna

101. Blessed is a human birth, even the dwellers in heaven desire this birth, for true knowledge and pure love may be attained only by a human being. -Bhagavad Gita, 9:21

102. I, the atman, dear to the devotees, am attainable by Love and devotion. -Bhagavad Gita

103. What ineffable joy does one find through Love of me, the blissful Atman, Once that joy is realized, all earthly pleasures fade into nothingness. -Bhagavad Gita

104. If one offers to Me with devotion a leaf, a flower, a fruit, or even water, I delightfully partake of that article offered with love by My devotee in pure consciousness. -Bhagavad Gita, 9:26

105. Only by love can men see me, and know me, and come unto me. -Bhagavad Gita, 11:54