10 Most Terrifying Genghis Khan Quotes By The Gruesome Mongolian Emperor

Genghis Khan Quotes

1 . One arrow alone can be easily broken but many arrows are indestructible. -Genghis Khan

Best Genghis Khan Quotes

One person alone may not be able to do much. But if people stand united, there’s nothing that they can’t achieve. There is strength in unity.

2 . An action committed in anger is an action doomed to failure. -Genghis Khan

Best Genghis Khan Quotes

Anger will always blind you. Something that you do out of anger will never succeed. It’ll always end up with disastrous results.

3 . There is no good in anything until it is finished. -Genghis Khan

Best Genghis Khan Quotes

Something left unfinished has no use. If you’ve started off with something, you need to go through with it till the end.

4 . Conquering the world on horseback is easy; it is dismounting and governing that is hard. -Genghis Khan

Best Genghis Khan Quotes

Genghis Khan was a ferocious fighter who had no fear. He had conquered a huge chunk of the world over his lifetime and from experience, he realized that conquering lands is easy compared to governing those lands.

5 . A leader can never be happy until his people are happy. -Genghis Khan

Best Genghis Khan Quotes

A leader is someone who puts the well-being of his people before him. He finds joy in the happiness of his people and won’t rest until it is achieved.

6 . I am the punishment of God…If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you. -Genghis Khan

Best Genghis Khan Quotes

Genghis Khan believed that he was sent by God to conquer the world. Even when he was invading kingdoms and crushing his enemies, he believed that it was because God had sent him to punish his enemies for their sins.

7 . Come and sip from the cup of destruction. -Genghis Khan

Best Genghis Khan Quotes

Genghis Khan invaded a huge part of the world in his series of campaigns of plunder and conquest that eventually made the Mongolian Empire to be one of the strongest empires in the world. All he’d known in his life was destruction and death and he was unapologetic about it.

8 . If you’re afraid – don’t do it, – if you’re doing it – don’t be afraid. -Genghis Khan

Best Genghis Khan Quotes

Fear will never help you. It’ll always hold you back. If you’re afraid of something, there’s no point in doing it if you can’t overcome that fear.

9 . The strength of a wall is neither greater nor less than the courage of the men who defend it. -Genghis Khan

Best Genghis Khan Quotes

In the end, it’s the strength of the people that matters. If they don’t have the courage to defend a territory, no number of walls can defend the lands.

10 . Remember, you have no companions but your shadow. -Genghis Khan

Best Genghis Khan Quotes

In the end, the only person you can rely on is yourself. No matter how many people you have around you, the only person you can trust is yourself. Everyone else will only be there for their own ulterior motives.

10 Most Terrifying Genghis Khan Quotes By The Gruesome Mongolian Emperor

1. One arrow alone can be easily broken but many arrows are indestructible. -Genghis Khan

2. An action committed in anger is an action doomed to failure. -Genghis Khan

3. There is no good in anything until it is finished. -Genghis Khan

4. Conquering the world on horseback is easy; it is dismounting and governing that is hard. -Genghis Khan

5. A leader can never be happy until his people are happy. -Genghis Khan

6. I am the punishment of God…If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you. -Genghis Khan

7. Come and sip from the cup of destruction. -Genghis Khan

8. If you’re afraid – don’t do it, – if you’re doing it – don’t be afraid. -Genghis Khan

9. The strength of a wall is neither greater nor less than the courage of the men who defend it. -Genghis Khan

10. Remember, you have no companions but your shadow. -Genghis Khan