10 Legendary Quotes by Christopher Plummer to Remember Him!

Christopher Plummer Quotes

1 . For God’s sake, have fun, Don’t suffer for your art, Just have fun. -Christopher Plummer

Best quotes by Christopher Plummer

The most important thing is to have fun, no matter what you are doing. You do not have to suffer for the art that you are creating. There is no point in doing something if you cannot enjoy it.

2 . Sometimes you have to look into a mirror and look at the worst you could have been if you’re ever going to know the best you were meant to be. -Christopher Plummer

Best quotes by Christopher Plummer

Sometimes, you need to introspect and think about the worst you could be. Until you understand and come to terms with the worst person within you, you will not be able to become the best version of yourself.

3 . Unless you can surround yourself with as many beautiful things as you can afford, I don’t think life has very much meaning. -Christopher Plummer

Best quotes by Christopher Plummer

Life is futile if you cannot enjoy it. Surround yourself with the things that add meaning and color to your life. The friends that you have around you decide how joyous and fulfilling your life will be.

4 . History remembers most of what you did last. -Christopher Plummer

Best quotes by Christopher Plummer

History always remembers the most recent things that you did. The things that you did in your final days are what matter the most to them. They will never remember your past, where you came from, or your struggle. It is always the end result that matters most.

5 . A truly great structure, one that is meant to stand the tests of time, never disregards its environment. -Christopher Plummer

Best quotes by Christopher Plummer

Anything that you create should be able to withstand the test of time and not wither. In order to make a lasting creation, you need to consider the surroundings and plan accordingly.

6 . I haven’t had to suffer for my art but I’ve suffered enough inside to hopefully be called an artist. -Christopher Plummer

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Great art always comes as a result of continuous struggle. All the great artists of history have had their fair share of struggle. They have learned to pour their struggle into their art and use that to flesh out art that stands the test of time.

7 . Never forget your sense of humor. -Christopher Plummer

Best quotes by Christopher Plummer

Life is a bore if there is no humor to help you make it endurable. People always love a person with a great sense of humor. So never forget to have a good laugh every now and then.

8 . But who the hell wants to be happy all the time? It’s a miserable state to be in permanently. -Christopher Plummer

Best quotes by Christopher Plummer

Happiness alone is not possible. One has to experience sorrow too, to truly cherish happiness. Life would seem monotonous and meaningless if all you know is only happiness and not pain and struggle.

9 . I’m insatiably ambitious. -Christopher Plummer

Best quotes by Christopher Plummer

One needs to be ambitious in life. Always have a goal to strive for and a strong sense of purpose. Fuel your passion continuously and keep pushing the bar higher.

10 . I just do what I want to do. -Christopher Plummer

Best quotes by Christopher Plummer

Always follow your own heart. You do not have to conform to what others say. Be your person and do what your heart tells you.

10 Legendary Quotes by Christopher Plummer to Remember Him!

1. For God’s sake, have fun, Don’t suffer for your art, Just have fun. -Christopher Plummer

2. Sometimes you have to look into a mirror and look at the worst you could have been if you’re ever going to know the best you were meant to be. -Christopher Plummer

3. Unless you can surround yourself with as many beautiful things as you can afford, I don’t think life has very much meaning. -Christopher Plummer

4. History remembers most of what you did last. -Christopher Plummer

5. A truly great structure, one that is meant to stand the tests of time, never disregards its environment. -Christopher Plummer

6. I haven’t had to suffer for my art but I’ve suffered enough inside to hopefully be called an artist. -Christopher Plummer

7. Never forget your sense of humor. -Christopher Plummer

8. But who the hell wants to be happy all the time? It’s a miserable state to be in permanently. -Christopher Plummer

9. I’m insatiably ambitious. -Christopher Plummer

10. I just do what I want to do. -Christopher Plummer

Aaryan Sharma

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