10 Inspiring Quotes by the Legendary Coach, John Madden

John Madden Quotes

1 . If you make a mistake, admit it quickly and emphatically and don’t dwell on it. -John Madden

Madden Quotes

If you’ve made a mistake it’s best you admit it and do something to right that wrong. We’ve all made mistakes and experience will tell you that accepting it and moving on is the only way forward.

2 . Self praise is for losers, be a winner. Stand for something. Always have class and be humble. -John Madden

Madden Quotes

Only losers are full of themselves. Be humble no matter how successful or great you become. Real winners always stand for something and act with humility.

3 . The only yardstick for success our society has is being a champion. No one remembers anything else. -John Madden

Madden Quotes

No one in the world remembers those who came second. Society celebrates only the champions. So be a winner or be nothing.

4 . I think I’m vulnerable. I admit it. -John Madden

Madden Quotes

We all have moments when we’re weak and vulnerable and there’s nothing wrong with admitting it. What matters is that you try your best to rise above it.

5 . I never professed to be perfect. I do something wrong or something stupid, I laugh at myself. -John Madden

Madden Quotes

You don’t have to be perfect. If you’ve done something wrong, accept it and laugh it off. There’s no point in dwelling on it for the rest of your life.

6 . The road to Easy Street goes through the sewer. -John Madden

Madden Quotes

If you want to have things easy in life, you will first have to suffer significantly. Nothing in life comes easy for free. Work hard and only then rest.

7 . Don’t worry about the horse being blind; just load the wagon. -John Madden

Madden Quotes

We all have our part to do. Don’t care about what others have to do. Just focus on your part and do it with care. You can’t handle everything on your own.

8 . If a guy doesn’t work hard and doesn’t play well, he can’t lead anything. All he is, is a talker. -John Madden

Madden Quotes

Those who’re lazy will never achieve anything worthwhile in life. All they can do is talk. If you want to be great, work hard and do your part.

9 . Winning is a great deodorant. -John Madden

Madden Quotes

The smell of victory is the best. It stays the longest and feels the best. So work hard to get on top and you’ll never regret all the pain and struggle.

10 . If you can’t run with the big dogs, stay on the porch. -John Madden

Madden Quotes

If you aren’t strong enough to work with the big guys, it’s best you stay in the bottom. You need to change your mindset if you want to taste success.

10 Best John Madden Quotes By The Legendary Coach

1. If you make a mistake, admit it quickly and emphatically and don’t dwell on it. -John Madden

2. Self praise is for losers, be a winner. Stand for something. Always have class and be humble. -John Madden

3. The only yardstick for success our society has is being a champion. No one remembers anything else. -John Madden

4. I think I’m vulnerable. I admit it. -John Madden

5. I never professed to be perfect. I do something wrong or something stupid, I laugh at myself. -John Madden

6. The road to Easy Street goes through the sewer. -John Madden

7. Don’t worry about the horse being blind; just load the wagon. -John Madden

8. If a guy doesn’t work hard and doesn’t play well, he can’t lead anything. All he is, is a talker. -John Madden

9. Winning is a great deodorant. -John Madden

10. If you can’t run with the big dogs, stay on the porch. -John Madden