10 Best Quotes by Beverly Cleary about Children!

Beverly Cleary quotes

1 . Children should learn that reading is a pleasure, not just something that teachers make you do in school. -Beverly Cleary

Best Beverly Cleary quotes

Reading is more than just an exercise that you are made to do in school. There is a particular pleasure in it. It teaches you so many things and opens your mind up to differing and varying perspectives. You can dwell into worlds unknown with the help of books.

2 . Children want to do what grownups do. -Beverly Cleary

Best Beverly Cleary quotes

Children often fantasize about growing up. They look up to the adults around them and dream about doing things the way they do. They try to emulate the grownups in everything they do.

3 . What interests me is what children go through while growing up. -Beverly Cleary

Best Beverly Cleary quotes

Children go through so many intriguing things as they grow up. They change and metamorphose into a whole new person when they reach their adult age. Self-doubt, insecurities, failures, and rising back up are all a part of growing up.

4 . She means well, but she always manages to do the wrong thing, She has a real talent for it. -Beverly Cleary

Best Beverly Cleary quotes

Sometimes, we may mean to do good things but we end up doing the wrong things. No matter how much we try, we end up screwing things up. But that’s how life is. Sometimes things just do not work out and that’s not our fault. What matters is our intention. So do not give up.

5 . Quite often somebody will say, “What year do your books take place?” and the only answer I can give is, in childhood. -Beverly Cleary

Best Beverly Cleary quotes

Childhood is when we let all our imaginations run wild and we dream without any limits. So she feels that all her books are rooted in childhood.

6 . I don’t think children’s inner feelings have changed, They still want a mother and father in the very same house; they want places to play. -Beverly Cleary

Best Beverly Cleary quotes

What a child needs the most in his early days is a good relationship with their parents. What they crave the most is attention and love from their parents. Somewhere they can belong and grow up with peace.

7 . I think adults sometimes don’t think about how children are feeling about the adult problems. -Beverly Cleary

Best Beverly Cleary quotes

Adults rarely ever give time to think about how the children think. The problems that they go through affect them deeply. Children feel things more deeply than adults think and their feelings are just as valid and important.

8 . In 50 years, the world has changed, especially for kids, but kids’ needs haven’t changed. -Beverly Cleary

Best Beverly Cleary quotes

The world is not the same as it was years ago. But the truth is that children may not really have changed in all these years. They still need the same things that they always did, love affection, attention, good parents, and friends.

9 . She was a girl who could not wait, Life was so interesting she had to find out what happened next. -Beverly Cleary

Best Beverly Cleary quotes

Life is so much more interesting if we think about it. Look around and you’ll find so many things that will get your attention. Be curious and be impatient to learn.

10 . If you don’t see the book you want on the shelves, write it. -Beverly Cleary

Best Beverly Cleary quotes

Do not wait for anyone else to do things for you. If you really wish to have it, get out there and work to get it done yourself instead of waiting for others to do it for you.

10 Best Quotes by Beverly Cleary about Children

1. Children should learn that reading is a pleasure, not just something that teachers make you do in school. -Beverly Cleary

2. Children want to do what grownups do. -Beverly Cleary

3. What interests me is what children go through while growing up. -Beverly Cleary

4. She means well, but she always manages to do the wrong thing, She has a real talent for it. -Beverly Cleary

5. Quite often somebody will say, “What year do your books take place?” and the only answer I can give is, in childhood. -Beverly Cleary

6. I don’t think children’s inner feelings have changed, They still want a mother and father in the very same house; they want places to play. -Beverly Cleary

7. I think adults sometimes don’t think about how children are feeling about the adult problems. -Beverly Cleary

8. In 50 years, the world has changed, especially for kids, but kids’ needs haven’t changed. -Beverly Cleary

9. She was a girl who could not wait, Life was so interesting she had to find out what happened next. -Beverly Cleary

10. If you don’t see the book you want on the shelves, write it. -Beverly Cleary

Aaryan Sharma

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